let bezierPath = NSBezierPath(roundedRect:self.bounds, xRadius:currentRadius, yRadius:currentRadius)
.parallax7 {
background-color: #FF783E;
background-image: url('../images/parallax-bg-7.jpg');
background-size: 100% auto;
currentRadius - 是一个可设置的var,所以我的背景是从一个完美的圆(当圆角半径=高度/ 2)到一个正方形(当圆角半径= 0时)。
答案 0 :(得分:2)
func radiusAtAngle(angleOfSpoke: Double, radius: Double, cornerRadius: Double) -> Double {
// radius is the half-width of the square, = the full radius of the circle
// cornerRadius is, of course, the corner radius.
// angleOfSpoke is the (maths convention) angle of the spoke
// the function returns the radius of the spoke.
let theta = atan((radius - cornerRadius) / radius) // This determines which case
let modAngle = angleOfSpoke % M_PI_2 // By symmetry we need only consider the first quadrant
if modAngle <= theta { // it's on the vertical flat
return radius / cos(modAngle)
} else if modAngle > M_PI_2 - theta { // it's on the horizontal flat
return radius / cos(M_PI_2 - modAngle)
} else { // it's on the corner arc
// We are using the cosine rule to solve the triangle formed by
// the clock centre, the curved corner's centre,
// and the point of intersection of the spoke.
// Then use quadratic solution to solve for the radius.
let diagonal = hypot(radius - cornerRadius, radius - cornerRadius)
let rcosa = diagonal * cos(M_PI_4 - modAngle)
let sqrTerm = rcosa * rcosa - diagonal * diagonal + cornerRadius * cornerRadius
if sqrTerm < 0.0 {
println("Aaargh - Negative term") // Doesn't happen - use assert in production
return 0.0
} else {
return rcosa + sqrt(sqrTerm) // larger of the two solutions
图中OP =对角线,OA =半径,PS = PB = cornerRadius,OS =函数返回,BÔX= theta,SÔX= angleOfSpoke