
时间:2015-05-08 12:54:25

标签: angularjs


其次,我刚刚问过this question并在2天前得到答案,但它不适用于ng-show指令。

有一个列表和一组具有ng-show指令的div,如果某些值不等于list的值,则每个div都隐藏em。这一切都是硬编码的 - 再次我知道我不应该为此使用angularjs

public void setPerformancePreferences(int connectionTime,
                                      int latency,
                                      int bandwidth)
    /* Not implemented yet */

有一个上传图像的js函数,然后在其自己的div中添加DOM,并使用特定的<select ng-model="selected_album"> <option value="1">Album 1</option> <option value="2">Album 2</option> .... <div ng-show="selected_album == 1">..... <div ng-show="selected_album == 1">..... <div ng-show="selected_album == 1">..... <div ng-show="selected_album == 2">..... ..... 指令,如

ng-show="selected_album == CURRENT_SELECTED_INDEX"

即使新的div中的元素的$scope.upload = function(files){ ..... // after upload progress below is the part that creates and adds the div var div_new = document.createElement("div"); div_new.className = "overlay_thumb"; div_new.setAttribute("ng-show", ("selected_album == " + selected_index)); div_new.innerHTML = 'stuff'; div_some.parentNode.insertBefore(div_new, div_some.nextSibling); $compile(div_new)($scope); // there is no fail until here. div is being added to DOM just fine // but angularjs is adding ng-shide to it directly i dont know why so // i wrote this to remove ng-hide from it $timeout(function(){ div_new.classList.remove("ng-hide"); },200); .... } 指令正在工作,但对于div而言不是ng-click。如何使它工作?

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