
时间:2015-05-08 12:40:58

标签: vb.net machine-learning adaboost accord.net


'' Creates a matrix from the entire source data table
Dim data As DataTable = CType(DataView.DataSource, DataTable)

'' Create a new codification codebook to 
'' convert strings into integer symbols
Dim codebook As New Codification(data)

'' Translate our training data into integer symbols using our codebook:
Dim symbols As DataTable = codebook.Apply(data)
Dim inputs As Double()() = symbols.ToArray(Of Double)("Outlook", "Temperature", "Humidity", "Wind")
Dim outputs As Integer() = symbols.ToArray(Of Integer)("PlayTennis")

'' Gather information about decision variables
Dim attributes() As DecisionVariable = {New DecisionVariable("Outlook", 3), New DecisionVariable("Temperature", 3), _
    New DecisionVariable("Humidity", 2), New DecisionVariable("Wind", 2)}

Dim classCount As Integer = 2 '' 2 possible output values for playing tennis: yes or no

''Create the decision tree using the attributes and classes
tree = New DecisionTree(attributes, classCount)

'' Create a new instance of the ID3 algorithm
Dim Learning As New C45Learning(tree)

'' Learn the training instances!
Learning.Run(inputs, outputs)

Dim aa As Integer() = codebook.Translate("D1", "Rain", "Mild", "High", "Weak")

Dim ans As Integer = tree.Compute(aa)

Dim answer As String = codebook.Translate("PlayTennis", ans)


Dim Booster As New Boost(Of DecisionStump)()

Dim Learn As New AdaBoost(Of DecisionStump)(Booster)
Dim weights(inputs.Length - 1) As Double
For i As Integer = 0 To weights.Length - 1
    weights(i) = 1.0 / weights.Length

Learn.Creation = New ModelConstructor(Of DecisionStump)(x=>tree.Compute(x))
Dim Err As Double = Learn.Run(inputs, outputs, weights)


Learn.Creation = New ModelConstructor(Of DecisionStump)(x=>tree.Compute(x))


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

这是一个迟到的回复,但是对于那些可能会在将来发现它有用的人,从版本3.8.0开始,可以使用Accord.NET Framework学习一个Boosted决策树,如下所示:

// This example shows how to use AdaBoost to train more complex
// models than a simple DecisionStump. For example, we will use
// it to train a boosted Decision Trees.

// Let's use some synthetic data for that: The Yin-Yang dataset is 
// a simple 2D binary non-linear decision problem where the points 
// belong to each of the classes interwine in a Yin-Yang shape:
var dataset = new YinYang();
double[][] inputs = dataset.Instances;
int[] outputs = Classes.ToZeroOne(dataset.ClassLabels);

// Create an AdaBoost for Logistic Regression as:
var teacher = new AdaBoost<DecisionTree>()
    // Here we can specify how each regression should be learned:
    Learner = (param) => new C45Learning()
        // i.e.
        // MaxHeight = 
        // MaxVariables = 

    // Train until:
    MaxIterations = 50,
    Tolerance = 1e-5,

// Now, we can use the Learn method to learn a boosted classifier
Boost<DecisionTree> classifier = teacher.Learn(inputs, outputs);

// And we can test its performance using (error should be 0.11):
double error = ConfusionMatrix.Estimate(classifier, inputs, outputs).Error;

// And compute a decision for a single data point using:
bool y = classifier.Decide(inputs[0]); // result should false