If any element is hidden then still the css3 animation's calculations happen in background?

时间:2015-05-08 10:00:18

标签: html5 css3

Is the css3 animation calculation keep going on in background if any element is hidden (display:none).

For example: I have the following css to rotate the globe on the page before loading the data and UI.

     for (var i = 0, ii = layers.length; i < ii; ++i) {
         layer = layers[i];
         ol.extent.boundingExtend(extent, layer.getBounds());

I observe when globe is set clear,clc,close all abc='abc'; cal=18/230; Results=[]; data=[]; for i=1:3 im=imread(['vz_' num2str(j) abc(i) '.jpg']); im=imresize(im,0.5); %figure,imshow(im) I=rgb2gray(im); %figure,imshow(I); J=imadjust(I); %figure,imshow(J); T=graythresh (J); BW=im2bw(J,T); %figure,imshow(BW); BWI=1-BW; %figure,imshow(BWI); B=imclearborder(BWI); O=bwareaopen(B,40000); H=imfill(O,'holes'); L=bwlabel(H); S=regionprops(L,'Area','Perimeter'); SE=[0 1 0;1 1 1;0 1 0]; %figure,imshow(H); D=imdilate(H,SE); E=edge(D,'canny'); %imshow(E); bound=bwboundaries(E); %figure,imshow(E);hold on; for k=1 b=bound{k}; %plot(b(:,2),b(:,1),'r','LineWidth',1.5); end for x=1:numel(S) %plot(S(x).Centroid(1),S(x).Centroid(2),'ro'); end xx=b(:,2); yy=b(:,1); %figure,plot(xx,yy);axis equal; XX=xx-mean(xx); YY=yy-mean(yy); THETA=XX; RHO=YY; %figure,plot(XX,YY);axis equal; [THETA,RHO]=cart2pol(XX,YY); %figure,polar(THETA,RHO); %figure,plot(THETA); %figure,plot(RHO); RHO_smooth=smooth(RHO,30); [Mc,Xc]=min(RHO_smooth); *RHO_start* =[RHO_smooth(Xc:size(RHO_smooth));RHO_smooth(1:Xc)]; tc=1:length(RHO_start); [~,locsc]=findpeaks(RHO_start,'MinPeakHeight',160,'MinPeakDistance',50); figure;hold on; plot(tc,RHO_start); plot(locsc,RHO_start(locsc),'rv','MarkerFaceColor','r'); grid on; title('Number of peaks'); xlabel('angle'); ylabel('radius'); data=[data; i (S.Area)*cal^2 (S.Perimeter)*cal]; end data As=mean(data(:,2)); Results=[Results; j As]; end then the globe angle keep changing if I again show it.

If it is keep rotating the globe even it is hidden then it is eating CPU cycles which is not desired.

I want to know, Does the css animation calculation still goes on or not?

Thank you.

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