public int evaluate() throws IllegalStateException {
if (postfix==null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("IllegalStateException in evaluate(). Postfix expression not available yet.");
//valueStack is a stack of Integer objects:
StackInterface valueStack=new StackReferenceBased();
//variables for the operands:
int operand1, operand2;
//for each character ch in the string postfix
for (int i=0; i<postfix.length(); i++) {
char ch=postfix.charAt(i);
switch (ch) {
//if ch is an operator
case '+':
operand2 = (Integer) valueStack.pop();
operand1 = (Integer) valueStack.pop();
result = operand1+operand2;
valueStack.push((int) result);
case '-':
operand2 = (Integer) valueStack.pop();
operand1 = (Integer) valueStack.pop();
result = operand1-operand2;
valueStack.push((int) result);
case '*':
operand2 = (Integer) valueStack.pop();
operand1 = (Integer) valueStack.pop();
result = operand1*operand2;
valueStack.push((int) result);
case '/':
operand2 = Integer.parseInt((String) valueStack.pop());
operand1 = Integer.parseInt((String) valueStack.pop());
result = operand1/operand2;
valueStack.push((int) result);
case '%':
operand2 = Integer.parseInt((String) valueStack.pop());
operand1 = Integer.parseInt((String) valueStack.pop());
result = operand1%operand2;
valueStack.push((int) result);
default: //ch is an operand
valueStack.push((int) ch);
}//end of switch
}//end of for
//at the end, the value of the expression will be on the top of the stack
result=(Integer) valueStack.pop();
return result;
}//end of evaluatePostfix()
答案 0 :(得分:0)
零的ASCII(非ANCII)值为48 您似乎正在将数字的ASCII码推送到堆栈中。 因此,要么减去48,要么使用Integer.parseInt(ch)。