使用excel vba无法在foreach循环中获取单元格值

时间:2015-05-06 12:07:18

标签: excel vba excel-vba excel-2010

enter image description here

您好, 我附上了图纸。 我的要求是:  我想得到所有的" G"与特定组织名称匹配的组织的列值(例如:360评估)。

我在G Column的第一次循环后得到空值

Sub UsageWeekTrend()

    Dim customerName As String
    Dim sheetName As String
    Dim dataFound As Boolean

    Dim selectedCell As Range
    Dim rowNumber As Integer
    Dim weekMinutes As Double

    Dim trendsFile As Workbook
    Dim trendsSheet As Worksheet

    On Error GoTo errorHandling

    sheetName = ActiveSheet.Name
    customerName = ActiveSheet.Range("A" & (ActiveCell.row)).Value
    dataFound = False

    For Each selectedCell In ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A1000")
     If UCase(selectedCell.Value) = UCase(customerName) Then
        weekMinutes = ActiveSheet.Range("G" & selectedCell.row).Value
        Debug.Print weekMinutes
        Debug.Print "G" & selectedCell.row

           If dataFound = False Then

                  If trendsFile Is Nothing Then
                     Set trendsFile = Workbooks.Add()
                     Set trendsSheet = trendsFile.ActiveSheet

                       ' add a new sheet to the trends workbook
                        Set trendsSheet = Sheets.Add

                    End If

                dataFound = True
                rowNumber = 1
                trendsSheet.Name = Left(customerName, 10) + " " + Format(Date, "MMDD")
                trendsSheet.Cells(rowNumber, 1) = "Users"
                trendsSheet.Cells(rowNumber, 2) = "Minutes"
                rowNumber = rowNumber + 1

            End If

             ' if a sheet has been created, then we have at least one non-zero value so add data

             If dataFound = True Then
                trendsSheet.Cells(rowNumber, 1) = customerName
                trendsSheet.Cells(rowNumber, 2) = weekMinutes
                rowNumber = rowNumber + 1
             End If
       End If

  Next selectedCell

    ' if we have data, create the chart

    If dataFound = True Then

        ' make sure the trends sheet is active for chart insertion


        Dim chtChart As ChartObject
        Dim chartName As String
        Dim endRange As String

        ' define the end of the range for the chart

        endRange = "C" & CStr(rowNumber - 1)

        ' add chart to current sheet

        Set chtChart = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(Left:=200, Top:=200, Width:=900, Height:=400)
        ActiveChart.ChartType = xlLineStacked
        ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=trendsSheet.Range("A2", endRange)
        ActiveChart.HasTitle = True
        ActiveChart.ChartTitle.Text = customerName
        ActiveChart.ApplyLayout (5)

        MsgBox ("No usage data found for customer " + customerName)
    End If

    Exit Sub

    MsgBox (Err.Description)

End Sub

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)




weekMinutes = ActiveSheet.Range("G" & selectedCell.row).Value


对于刚接触VBA编程的人来说,这总是很好的阅读:How to avoid using Select in Excel VBA macros

答案 1 :(得分:1)


执行trendsFile.Activate后,这两个引用会有新的含义ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A1000")ActiveSheet.Range("G" & selectedCell.row).Value



If trendsFile Is Nothing Then
  Set trendsFile = Workbooks.Add()
  Set trendsSheet = trendsFile.ActiveSheet
  ' add a new sheet to the trends workbook
  Set trendsSheet = Sheets.Add
End If



Sub UsageWeekTrend()

    Dim customerName As String
    Dim sheetName As String
    Dim dataFound As Boolean

    Dim selectedCell As Range
    Dim rowNumber As Integer
    Dim weekMinutes As Double

    Dim trendsFile As Workbook
    Dim trendsSheet As Worksheet
    Dim SourceSheet as worksheet 'this is the place where  you start, call it what you will 

    On Error GoTo errorHandling

    set SourceSheet = activesheet 'this will now always be THIS sheet, and won't change
    sheetName = SourceSheet.Name
    customerName = SourceSheet.Range("A" & (ActiveCell.row)).Value
    dataFound = False

    For Each selectedCell In SourceSheet.Range("A1:A1000")
     If UCase(selectedCell.Value) = UCase(customerName) Then
        weekMinutes = SourceSheet.Range("G" & selectedCell.row).Value
        Debug.Print weekMinutes
        Debug.Print "G" & selectedCell.row
        If dataFound = False Then
           If trendsFile Is Nothing Then
              Set trendsFile = Workbooks.Add()
              'trendsFile.Activate   - never needed
              Set trendsSheet = trendsFile.Sheets("Sheet1") 'use the first sheet, since you just created a brand new workbook
              ' add a new sheet to the trends workbook
              'trendsFile.Activate   -- you never need this when you're working with an object instead of "Active"
      'you'll find that this line will add a new sheet every time you execute the loop
      'once you've created your "trendsFile" workbook. you'll need to do some tweaking here
      'to prevent you getting one loop worth of data on each sheet
              Set trendsSheet = Sheets.Add
           End If
           dataFound = True
           rowNumber = 1
           trendsSheet.Name = Left(customerName, 10) + " " + Format(Date, "MMDD")
           trendsSheet.Cells(rowNumber, 1) = "Users"
           trendsSheet.Cells(rowNumber, 2) = "Minutes"
           rowNumber = rowNumber + 1
        End If

        ' if a sheet has been created, then we have at least one non-zero value so add data
        If dataFound = True Then
                trendsSheet.Cells(rowNumber, 1) = customerName
                trendsSheet.Cells(rowNumber, 2) = weekMinutes
                rowNumber = rowNumber + 1
        End If
     End If
  Next selectedCell

'The rest of your routine here...    

End Sub