karl@karl-laptop:~/www/busarama/src$ npm install -g bower
npm ERR! tar.unpack untar error /home/karl/.npm/bower/1.4.1/package.tgz
npm ERR! Linux 3.16.0-36-generic
npm ERR! argv "/home/karl/.nvm/versions/node/v0.12.2/bin/node" "/home/karl/.nvm/versions/node/v0.12.2/bin/npm" "install" "-g" "bower"
npm ERR! node v0.12.2
npm ERR! npm v2.7.4
npm ERR! path /usr/local/lib/node_modules
npm ERR! code EACCES
npm ERR! errno -13
npm ERR! Error: EACCES, mkdir '/usr/local/lib/node_modules'
npm ERR! at Error (native)
npm ERR! { [Error: EACCES, mkdir '/usr/local/lib/node_modules']
npm ERR! errno: -13,
npm ERR! code: 'EACCES',
npm ERR! path: '/usr/local/lib/node_modules',
npm ERR! fstream_type: 'Directory',
npm ERR! fstream_path: '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/bower',
npm ERR! fstream_class: 'DirWriter',
npm ERR! fstream_stack:
npm ERR! [ '/home/karl/.nvm/versions/node/v0.12.2/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/writer.js:171:23',
npm ERR! '/home/karl/.nvm/versions/node/v0.12.2/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/mkdirp/index.js:46:53',
npm ERR! 'FSReqWrap.oncomplete (fs.js:95:15)' ] }
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Please try running this command again as root/Administrator.
npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR! /home/karl/www/busarama/src/npm-debug.log
npm config set prefix /usr/local
Local install (default): puts stuff in ./node_modules of the current package root.
Global install (with -g): puts stuff in /usr/local or wherever node is installed.
Install it locally if you're going to require() it.
Install it globally if you're going to run it on the command line.
If you need both, then install it in both places, or use npm link.
我需要将npm config前缀设置为正在运行的节点。
答案 0 :(得分:0)