在this的帮助下从this继续,我有以下代码,它是自定义容器窗口类的一部分,应该将其父级作为其背景,以伪造透明度:< / p>
static HBRUSH getControlBackgroundBrush(HWND hwnd, HDC dc, RECT *hwndScreenRect)
HWND parent;
RECT parentRect;
int class;
HDC cdc;
HBITMAP bitmap, prevbitmap;
HBRUSH brush;
parent = hwnd;
for (;;) {
parent = GetAncestor(parent, GA_PARENT);
// skip groupboxes; they're (supposed to be) transparent
// skip nested containers; they don't draw anything
// note: returns 0 if parent's class is L"button", 1 if containerClass, -1 if neither
class = windowClassOf(parent, L"button", containerClass, NULL);
if (class != 0 && class != 1)
if (GetClientRect(parent, &parentRect) == 0)
logLastError("error getting parent's client rect in getControlBackgroundBrush()");
cdc = CreateCompatibleDC(dc);
if (cdc == NULL)
logLastError("error creating compatible DC in getControlBackgroundBrush()");
bitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(dc, parentRect.right - parentRect.left, parentRect.bottom - parentRect.top);
if (bitmap == NULL)
logLastError("error creating compatible bitmap in getControlBackgroundBrush()");
prevbitmap = SelectObject(cdc, bitmap);
if (prevbitmap == NULL)
logLastError("error selecting bitmap into compatible DC in getControlBackgroundBrush()");
SendMessageW(parent, WM_PRINTCLIENT, (WPARAM) cdc, PRF_CLIENT);
// create it now, just to be safe
brush = CreatePatternBrush(bitmap);
if (brush == NULL)
logLastError("error creating pattern brush in getControlBackgroundBrush()");
if (SelectObject(cdc, prevbitmap) != bitmap)
logLastError("error selecting previous bitmap back into compatible DC in getControlBackgroundBrush()");
if (DeleteObject(bitmap) == 0)
logLastError("error deleting compatible bitmap in getControlBackgroundBrush()");
if (DeleteDC(cdc) == 0)
logLastError("error deleting compatible DC in getControlBackgroundBrush()");
// the given control rect is in screen coordinates; convert to parent coordinates
MapWindowRect(NULL, parent, hwndScreenRect);
if (SetBrushOrgEx(dc, -hwndScreenRect->left, -hwndScreenRect->top, NULL) == 0)
logLastError("error setting brush origin in getControlBackgroundBrush()");
return brush;
// TODO this doesn't work right for partial redraws
static void paintContainerBackground(HWND hwnd, HDC dc, RECT *paintRect)
RECT screenRect;
HBRUSH brush, prevbrush;
// getControlBackgroundBrush() needs a screen rectangle
screenRect = *paintRect;
MapWindowRect(hwnd, NULL, &screenRect);
brush = getControlBackgroundBrush(hwnd, dc, &screenRect);
prevbrush = SelectObject(dc, brush);
if (prevbrush == NULL)
logLastError("error selecting background brush into DC in paintContainerBackground()");
if (PatBlt(dc, paintRect->left, paintRect->top, paintRect->right - paintRect->left, paintRect->bottom - paintRect->top, PATCOPY) == 0)
logLastError("error drawing container background in paintContainerBackground()");
if (SelectObject(dc, prevbrush) != brush)
logLastError("error selecting previous brush back into DC in paintContainerBackground()");
if (DeleteObject(brush) == 0)
logLastError("error deleting background brush in paintContainerBackground()");
// window procedure
case WM_PAINT:
if (cc == NULL)
c = (struct container *) (uiControl(cc)->Internal);
dc = BeginPaint(c->hwnd, &ps);
if (dc == NULL)
logLastError("error beginning container paint in containerWndProc()");
r = ps.rcPaint;
paintContainerBackground(c->hwnd, dc, &r);
EndPaint(c->hwnd, &ps);
return 0;
抢先注意:下面的屏幕截图使用Windows XP作为渐变,其选项卡控件用作背景,非常适合测试上面的代码并演示像我一直在询问的错误。
现在,如果我完全忽略更新rect和客户端 - &gt;屏幕转换,直接使用窗口rect:
GetWindowRect(hwnd, hwndScreenRect);
// the given control rect is in screen coordinates; convert to parent coordinates
MapWindowRect(NULL, parent, hwndScreenRect);
if (SetBrushOrgEx(dc, -hwndScreenRect->left, -hwndScreenRect->top, NULL) == 0)
logLastError("error setting brush origin in getControlBackgroundBrush()");
感谢。 (希望这一切都在不清楚的情况下完成。)