我如何知道我的Universal Analytics语法是否正确?

时间:2015-05-04 22:22:19

标签: google-analytics analytics

由于我们在网络应用中添加了GA事件,因此我们在注册页面中失去了跳出率。我found添加" nonInteraction"密钥应该成功,但自从我添加它后,跳出率仍为0.


Download the React DevTools for a better development experience: http://fb.me/react-devtools
Download the React DevTools for a better development experience: http://fb.me/react-devtools
Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check http://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/.
Initializing Google Analytics.
Running command: ga("create", "UA-45345323-1", "app.wizeline.com", {siteSpeedSampleRate: 100})
Creating new tracker: t0
Running command: ga("set", "forceSSL", true)
Running command: ga("send", "pageview", {page: "#/signup", title: "signup", nonInteraction: 1})
Setting throttling cookie: "_gat"

Sent beacon:

_j1              (&jid) 552286626
adSenseId        (&a)   1180036341
apiVersion       (&v)   1
clientId         (&cid) 1169363107.1416505139
encoding         (&de)  UTF-8
flashVersion     (&fl)  17.0 r0
hitType          (&t)   pageview
javaEnabled      (&je)  1
language         (&ul)  en-us
location         (&dl)  https://app.wizeline.com/
nonInteraction   (&ni)  1
page             (&dp)  #/signup
screenColors     (&sd)  24-bit
screenResolution (&sr)  1920x1080
title            (&dt)  signup
trackingId       (&tid) UA-45345323-1
viewportSize     (&vp)  1920x502
Running command: ga("send", "event", "signup", "view", "form_viewed", {nonInteraction: 1}, undefined)

Sent beacon:

_j1              (&jid) 
adSenseId        (&a)   1180036341
apiVersion       (&v)   1
clientId         (&cid) 1169363107.1416505139
encoding         (&de)  UTF-8
eventAction      (&ea)  view
eventCategory    (&ec)  signup
eventLabel       (&el)  form_viewed
flashVersion     (&fl)  17.0 r0
hitType          (&t)   event
javaEnabled      (&je)  1
language         (&ul)  en-us
location         (&dl)  https://app.wizeline.com/
nonInteraction   (&ni)  1
screenColors     (&sd)  24-bit
screenResolution (&sr)  1920x1080
title            (&dt)  Wizeline
trackingId       (&tid) UA-45345323-1
viewportSize     (&vp)  1920x502

Sent beacon:

_j1              (&jid) 
adSenseId        (&a)   1180036341
apiVersion       (&v)   1
clientId         (&cid) 1169363107.1416505139
encoding         (&de)  UTF-8
flashVersion     (&fl)  17.0 r0
hitType          (&t)   timing
javaEnabled      (&je)  1
l1               (&plt) 6854
l2               (&pdt) 2
l3               (&dns) 0
l4               (&rrt) 508
l5               (&srt) 217
l6               (&tcp) 40
l7               (&dit) 5126
l8               (&clt) 5126
language         (&ul)  en-us
location         (&dl)  https://app.wizeline.com/
screenColors     (&sd)  24-bit
screenResolution (&sr)  1920x1080
title            (&dt)  Wizeline
trackingId       (&tid) UA-45345323-1
viewportSize     (&vp)  1920x502
Inspectlet: fatal error: wid has not been set.

它显示了" nonInteraction"键,但它不会让我们的跳出率从0增加。



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