Why does Windows Media Player Library give different file duration on different computers?

时间:2015-05-04 19:23:57

标签: vb.net wmplib

I have an app in vb.net that plays mp3 files using the WMPlib. On my system the file duration reads correctly. 10 minutes and some odd seconds. On a clients system it reads as 5 minutes and some odd seconds.

When I remote into the clients system I can open the file in Windows Media player, play it and it keeps playing past the 5:xx marker. The marker stops moving, seconds stop changing, it keeps playing. If I open the same exact file on my system it reads the correct 10:xx. Really odd!

What's going on here? What do I need to do to the clients system in order to get the WMPlib reading the correct audio file duration?

I know this has something to do with \system32\WMP.dll just not sure what. The dll file size matches on the two systems. We are both running windows 8.1.

What are my options?

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