
时间:2015-05-04 18:18:21

标签: batch-file scripting restart

我正在为我的酒店完成构建Google地球,其中包含不同的活动,购物和餐饮创意。所有者以某种方式想要它,但是,我不是程序员而且他不想支付一个。所以我正在学习。我之前发过关于我想知道的事情。 (Closing and Opening a .exe with a batch file. Upon closing the program asks to save or not


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@echo off
rem -- checking if the machine is x32 or x64
rem -- google earth clinet is x32
if defined ProgramFiles(x86) (
  set "ge=C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google Earth\client\googleearth.exe"
) else (
   set "ge=C:\Program Files\Google\Google Earth\client\googleearth.exe"

rem -- better approach is to check the registry bu here I'll use default folders

tasklist | find /i "googleearth" && (
   rem -- program is running
   rem -- we need to wait and repeat
   rem -- waiting 15 minutes
   ping -n 1 -w 90000 >nul 2>nul
   goto :repeat
) || (
  rem -- program is not running 
  rem -- we need to start it again

  start "" "%ge%" 
