
时间:2015-05-04 18:14:57

标签: python arrays string integer tcl


    1    4    5   19
    1    5
    2    3    6   59
    2    6
    3    2    4   60
    3    4
    4    1    3   61
    4    3
   25   13   23   64   65
   13   18
   14   13   15   75
   14   15
   15   14   16   76
   15   14
   45   44  102  103  104


130  133  134 148
130  134
131  132  135 188  ...


259  262  263 277
259  263
260  261  264 317 ...

此类字符串分析的最佳选择是什么? 首先计算数字,然后使矩阵填充“0”:[0,0,0,0,0] 比填充它 - 它将是: 第1行[1,4,5,19, 0 ] 第2行[1,5, 0 0 0 ]

并增加所有不为零的数字。 我正在考虑正确方向的这项任务的解决方案还是有更简单的方法? 或者有任何现成的解决方案,我只是不明白如何准确搜索它?

结果必须采用特定格式 - it is PDB file CONECT records

6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



答案 1 :(得分:2)


set text {    1    4    5   19
    1    5
    2    3    6   59
    2    6
    3    2    4   60
    3    4
    4    1    3   61
    4    3
   25   13   23   64   65
   13   18
   14   13   15   75
   14   15
   15   14   16   76
   15   14
   45   44  102  103  104}

proc addevery {txt amount} {
    # Creating an alias so we can modify the variable from outside the proc
    upvar text gtext
    set result [list]
    # Split to get lines
    foreach line [split $txt \n] {
        set lineresult [list]
        # Get each number added
        foreach item [regexp -all -inline {\S+} $line] {
            lappend lineresult [expr {$item+$amount}]
        lappend result $lineresult
    set gtext [join $result \n]
    puts $gtext

puts "Adding 129:"
addevery $text 129

puts "\nAdding again 129:"
addevery $text 129

ideone demo


set fin [open "Input.txt" r]
set fout [open "Output.txt" w]

set lines [split [read $fin] "\n"]

# Amount to be added each time
set amount 129
# Number of times to be added
set times 100

proc addevery {amount} {
  global lines
  # Result list
  set lresult [list]
  foreach line $lines {
    # Result line
    set result {}
    # Get every 5 chars of the line
    foreach item [regexp -all -inline {.{5}} $line] {
      # Add, format then append to result line
      append result [format %5s [expr {[string trim $item]+$amount}]]
    # Add line to the result list
    lappend lresult $result
  # Set the lines to the new lines
  set lines $lresult
  return $lresult

for {set i 0} {$i < $times} {incr i} {
  # If 0, put the original with CONECT
  if {$i == 0} {
    puts $fout [join [lmap x $lines {set x "CONECT$x"}] "\n"]
  } else {
    puts $fout [join [lmap x [addevery $amount] {set x "CONECT$x"}] "\n"]

close $fin
close $fout


amount = 129
times = 100

import re

def addevery(amount):
  global lines
  lresult = []
  for line in lines:
    result = ''

    for item in re.findall(r'.{5}', line):
      result += "%5s" % (int(item.strip()) + amount)


  lines = list(lresult)
  return lresult

with open('Input.txt', 'r') as fin:
  with open('Output.txt', 'w') as fout:
    lines = fin.read().split('\n')
    for i in range(0,times):
      if i == 0:
        fout.write('\n'.join(['CONECT'+i for i in lines]) + '\n')
        fout.write('\n'.join(['CONECT'+i for i in addevery(amount)]) + '\n')

答案 2 :(得分:1)



Matrix = [[0 for x in range(20)] for x in range(5)]

您必须更改所需尺寸的数量。 20是行数,5是列数。


Matrix[r][c] = 1



Matrix = [ [1, 4, 5, 19, 0], [1, 5, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ]


for i in range(20):
   for j in range(5):
      Matrix[i][j] = Matrix[i][j] + 129

答案 3 :(得分:1)



set res [subst [regsub -all {\d+} $str {[expr {&+129}]}]]


set res {}
foreach line [split $str \n] {
    foreach n $line {
        append res [format %5s [incr n 129]]
    append res \n

使用Tcl 8.6 lmap映射命令的相同方法:

set res [join [lmap line [split $str \n] {
    join [lmap n $line {
        format %5s [incr n 129]
    }] {}
}] \n]



set res [join [lmap line [split $str \n] {
    format %25s [join [lmap n $line {
        format %5s [incr n 129]
    }] {}]
}] \n]


set str [string trim {
    1    4    5   19
    1    5
    2    3    6   59
    2    6
    3    2    4   60
    3    4
    4    1    3   61
    4    3
   25   13   23   64   65
   13   18
   14   13   15   75
   14   15
   15   14   16   76
   15   14
   45   44  102  103  104
} \n]

文档:appendexprforeachformatincrlmapregsub,{{3 }},setsplitstring

答案 4 :(得分:1)

Tcl: requires Tcl 8.6 for lmap

package require Tcl 8.6

# list of strings
set strings {
    {    1    4    5   19}
    {    1    5}
    {    2    3    6   59}
    {    2    6}
    {    3    2    4   60}
    {    3    4}
    {    4    1    3   61}
    {    4    3}
    {   25   13   23   64   65}
    {   13   18}
    {   14   13   15   75}
    {   14   15}
    {   15   14   16   76}
    {   15   14}
    {   45   44  102  103  104}

proc incr_all {listvar {n 1}} {
    upvar 1 $listvar lst
    set lst [lmap sublist $lst {lmap elem $sublist {expr {$elem + $n}}}]

proc format_strings {lst} {
    join [lmap sublist $lst {format [string repeat {%5s} [llength $sublist]] {*}$sublist}] \n

incr_all strings 119
puts [format_strings $strings]


  120  123  124  138
  120  124
  121  122  125  178
  121  125
  122  121  123  179
  122  123
  123  120  122  180
  123  122
  144  132  142  183  184
  132  137
  133  132  134  194
  133  134
  134  133  135  195
  134  133
  164  163  221  222  223

答案 5 :(得分:1)

set incriment 127
set molecules 450
set fout [open "Results.txt" w]
close $fout

proc addevery {filein fileout amount times} {
  set fh [open $filein r]
  set fout [open $fileout a+]
  while {[gets $fh line] != -1} {
    set result {}
    foreach item [regexp -all -inline {.{5}} $line] {
      append result [format %5s [expr {[string trim $item]+($amount*$times)}]]
    puts $fout "CONECT$result"
  close $fh
  close $fout

for {set i 0} {$i < $molecules} {incr i} {
    addevery "Connections_.txt" "Results.txt" $incriment $i

感谢https://stackoverflow.com/users/1578604/jerry 它工作正常,但尚未优化。