
时间:2015-05-04 17:41:31

标签: ios objective-c uitableview swift afnetworking


当我从另一个ViewController切换到初始ViewController *(包含图像)时,也会出现同样的问题*


使用的库是:AFNetworking for the image

override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
    let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("FeedCell", forIndexPath: indexPath) as! MyCell
    cell.itemImageView.image = nil
    self.configureCell(cell, atIndexPath: indexPath)
    return cell

// AFNetworking download and display image
func uploadIMG(cell:MyCell,imgURL:NSURL,placeholderIMG:String,atIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) {

    var imageRequest: NSURLRequest = NSURLRequest(URL: imgURL)
    cell.itemImageView!.setImageWithURLRequest(imageRequest, placeholderImage: UIImage(contentsOfFile: "logo.png"), success: { [weak cell] request,response,image in

        if (cell != nil) {
            cell!.itemImageView.image = image
        , failure: nil)

// called from cellForRowAtIndexPath, retrieve img url to update image
func configureCell(cell: MyCell, atIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) {
    let item = self.items[indexPath.row] as MWFeedItem
    var URLofImage: NSURL = NSURL(string: item.link)!
    var session = NSURLSession.sharedSession()
    let task = session.dataTaskWithURL(URLofImage, completionHandler: {(data,response, error) in
        let text = NSString(data: data, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
        var home = HTMLDocument(data: data, contentTypeHeader: text as! String)
        var div = home.nodesMatchingSelector("img")
        var urlString = div[1].firstNodeMatchingSelector("img")
        let urlData = (urlString as HTMLElement).firstNodeMatchingSelector("img")
        var urlFinal = urlData.attributes["src"]! as! String

        if urlFinal != "/images/system/bookmark-shorturl.png" {
            // call updateIMG function
            self.uploadIMG(cell, imgURL: NSURL(string: "http:www.animenewsnetwork.com" + urlFinal)!, placeholderIMG: "logo.png",atIndexPath: indexPath)


Initial Image (Working fine)


enter image description here


enter image description here

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


答案 1 :(得分:2)


dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {
 // do image functions here


答案 2 :(得分:0)




import UIKit
import AFNetworking

class TestCell : UITableViewCell {
    static let cellIdentifier = "TestCell"

    @IBOutlet var downloadedImageView: UIImageView!
    @IBOutlet var rowLabel: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet var statusLabel: UILabel!


class TestTableViewController: UITableViewController {

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
        tableView.rowHeight = 100

    override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
        // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.

    override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
        return 30;

    override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {

        let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier(TestCell.cellIdentifier, forIndexPath: indexPath) as! TestCell

        let randomName = "\(Random.firstName().lowercaseString).\(Random.lastName().lowercaseString)"
        let randomImageURL = NSURL(string: Random.avatarImageURL(name: randomName))!

        cell.rowLabel.text = String(indexPath.row)
        cell.statusLabel.text = "Not Downloaded"

        var imageRequest: NSURLRequest = NSURLRequest(URL: randomImageURL)
        cell.downloadedImageView.setImageWithURLRequest(imageRequest, placeholderImage: UIImage(named: "placeholder.png"),
            success: { [weak cell]
                (request, response, image) in
                if let cell = cell {
                    cell.downloadedImageView.image = image
                    cell.rowLabel.text = String(indexPath.row)
                    cell.statusLabel.text = "Downloaded"
            failure: { [weak cell]
                (request, response, error) in
                if let cell = cell {
                    cell.downloadedImageView.image = nil
                    cell.rowLabel.text = String(indexPath.row)
                    cell.statusLabel.text = "Failed: \(error.localizedDescription)"

        return cell



//  Random.swift

import Foundation

class Random {

    static let firstNames = ["Tora", "Shasta", "Camelia", "Gertrudis", "Charita", "Donita", "Debbra", "Shaquana", "Tommy", "Shara", "Ignacia", "Cassondra", "Melynda", "Lisette", "Herman", "Rhoda", "Farah", "Tim", "Tonette", "Johnathon", "Debroah", "Britni", "Charolette", "Kyoko", "Eura", "Nevada", "Lasandra", "Alpha", "Mirella", "Kristel", "Yolande", "Nelle", "Kiley", "Liberty", "Jettie", "Zoe", "Isobel", "Sheryl", "Emerita", "Hildegarde", "Launa", "Tanesha", "Pearlie", "Julianna", "Toi", "Terina", "Collin", "Shamika", "Suzette", "Tad"]

    static let lastNames = ["Austen", "Kenton", "Blomker", "Demars", "Bibbs", "Eoff", "Alcantara", "Swade", "Klinefelter", "Riese", "Smades", "Fryson", "Altobelli", "Deleeuw", "Beckner", "Valone", "Tarbox", "Shumate", "Tabone", "Kellam", "Dibiase", "Fasick", "Curington", "Holbrook", "Sulzer", "Bearden", "Siren", "Kennedy", "Dulak", "Segers", "Roark", "Mauck", "Horsman", "Montreuil", "Leyva", "Veltz", "Roldan", "Denlinger", "James", "Oriley", "Cistrunk", "Rhodes", "Mcginness", "Gallop", "Constantine", "Niece", "Sabine", "Vegter", "Sarnicola", "Towler"]

    class func int(#min: Int, max: Int) -> Int {
        return Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(max-min))) + min //???: RTFM on arc4random, might be need (max+1)-min.

    class func int(#range: Range<Int>) -> Int {
        return int(min: range.startIndex, max: range.endIndex)

    class func selectElement<T>(#array: [T]) -> T {
        return array[int(range: 0..<array.count)]

    class func firstName() -> String {
        return Random.selectElement(array: Random.firstNames)

    class func lastName() -> String {
        return Random.selectElement(array: Random.lastNames)

    class func avatarImageURL(var name: String? = nil) -> String {

        if name == nil {
            name = "(Random.firstName().lowercaseString).Random.lastName().lowercaseString"

        let avatarImageSize = Random.int(min: 40, max: 285)
        return "http://api.adorable.io/avatars/\(avatarImageSize)/\(name!)@gmail.png"

    class func imageURL() -> String {

        let imageWidth = Random.int(min:120, max:1080)
        let imageHeight = Random.int(min:120, max:1080)

        return "http://lorempixel.com/g/\(imageWidth)/\(imageHeight)/"


答案 3 :(得分:0)

滚动时,单元格将重新加载。 (您重新加载以重新下载图像) - &gt;它的问题。

解决: 您可以在下载后为保存图像数据创建阵列。

