问题描述: 我希望能够将方法列表传递给其他类,其中只在一个类中定义了方法。如果方法(其中一些具有输入参数和非void返回类型)在一个类中定义,我希望能够将其中一些的列表(可能有重复项)作为参数传递给其他类&#39 ; s构造函数。
代码说明: 下面的代码是一个粗略的例子,如果它有损于主要目标,可以忽略。另一个例子,除了下面的一个例子,将是一个方法,其中方法是int Add(int n1,int n2),int Subtract(int n1,int n2),Multiply等..并且接口有一个方法叫做int MathOperation(int n1,int n2)。
尝试解决问题: 适配器模式似乎具有我正在寻找的功能,但我只看到了接口中的方法没有输入或输出参数的示例。我为此问题编写的示例实现发布在下面。
问题类比: 你有一个随机的图片生成器Web服务。有30种突变可以应用于图像。客户端连接并单击"生成"按钮和其中一些函数的随机列表被传递给Web服务中的其他一些类,然后继续使用它自己的数据运行这些函数,同时收集并可能重新使用返回值来生成一些变异猫的形象。它不能只显式调用另一个类中的方法,因为该过程需要在运行时随机完成。这就是为什么我倾向于生成一个随机的方法列表的想法,这些方法是在生成'生成时按顺序执行的。单击按钮。
public class SomeClass {
public double UseWrench(double torque, boolean clockwise) { ... }
public double UsePliers(double torque, boolean clockwise) { ... }
public double UseScrewDriver(double torque, boolean clockwise) { ... }
public boolean UseWireCutters(double torque) { ... }
interface IToolActions {
double TurnFastener(double torque, boolean clockwise);
boolean CutWire(double torque);
private IToolActions[] toolActions = new IToolActions[] {
new IToolActions() { public double TurnFastener(double torque, boolean clockwise) { double UseWrench(double torque, boolean clockwise); } },
new IToolActions() { public double TurnFastener(double torque, boolean clockwise) { double UsePliers(double torque, boolean clockwise); } },
new IToolActions() { public double TurnFastener(double torque, boolean clockwise) { double UseScrewDriver(double torque, boolean clockwise); } },
new IToolActions() { public boolean CutWire(double torque) { boolean UseWireCutters(double torque); } },
public class Worker<T> {
public List<? extends IToolActions> toolActions;
public Worker(List<? extends IToolActions> initialToolSet){
toolActions = initialToolActions;
答案 0 :(得分:8)
虽然@alainlompo有一般的想法,但Java 8通过使用BiConsumer
等类对象来大大简化了这一点。事实上,你可以真的疯狂,并有一个方法接受varargs lambdas:
public class SomeClass
public double useWrench(double torque, boolean clockwise) { ... }
public double usePliers(double torque, boolean clockwise) { ... }
public double useScrewDriver(double torque, boolean clockwise) { ... }
public boolean useWireCutters(double torque) { ... }
public class Worker {
public Worker(SomeClass example, Consumer<? extends SomeClass>... operations) {
for (Consumer bc : operations) {
SomeClass c = new SomeClass();
new Worker(c, SomeClass::useWrench, SomeClass:usePliers, SomeClass::useScrewDriver, SomeClass::useWireCutters);
public class SomeClass
public double useWrench(double torque, boolean clockwise) { ... }
public double usePliers(double torque, boolean clockwise) { ... }
public double useScrewDriver(double torque, boolean clockwise) { ... }
public boolean useWireCutters(double torque) { ... }
public void operate(Consumer<? extends SomeClass>... operations) {
for (Consumer<? extends SomeClass> bc : operations) {
SomeClass c = new SomeClass();
c.operate(SomeClass::useWrench, SomeClass:usePliers, SomeClass::useScrewDriver, SomeClass::useWireCutters);
public class SomeClass {
public double chanceOfSuccess(Function<? super SomeClass, ? extends Double> modifier) {
double back = /* some pre-determined result */;
return modifier.apply(back); //apply our external modifier
//With our old 'c'
double odds = c.chanceOfSuccess(d -> d * 2); //twice as likely!
Java 8中的Function API提供了更多的灵活性,使得编写这样的复杂问题非常简单。
答案 1 :(得分:4)
public interface MathOperable {
public int mathOperation(int n1, int n2);
我创建了两个实现此接口的类的示例和一个SomeClass中的匿名实现(我做了一个Add,Multiply和一个匿名&#34; Substract&#34;)
public class Add implements MathOperable {
public int mathOperation(int n1, int n2) {
return n1 + n2;
public String toString() {
return "<addition>";
public class Multiply implements MathOperable {
public int mathOperation(int n1, int n2) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return n1 * n2;
public String toString() {
return "<multiplication>";
public class SomeClass {
private static MathOperable addition = new Add();
private static MathOperable multiplication = new Multiply();
// Anonymous substraction
private static MathOperable substraction = new MathOperable() {
public int mathOperation(int n1, int n2) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return n1-n2;
public String toString() {
return "<substraction>";
public List<MathOperable> getRandomListOfOperations() {
// We put the methods in an array so that we can pick them up later randomly
MathOperable[] methods = new MathOperable[] {addition, multiplication, substraction};
Random r = new Random();
// Since duplication is possible whe randomly generate the number of methods to send
// among three so if numberOfMethods > 3 we are sure there will be duplicates
int numberOfMethods = r.nextInt(10);
List<MathOperable> methodsList = new ArrayList<MathOperable>();
// We pick randomly the methods with duplicates
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfMethods; i++) {
return methodsList;
public void contactSomeOtherClass() {
new SomeOtherClass(getRandomListOfOperations());
public class SomeOtherClass<T extends MathOperable> {
Random r = new Random();
List<T> operations;
public SomeOtherClass(List<T> operations) {
this.operations = operations;
public void runIt() {
if (null == operations) {
// Let's imagine for example that the new result is taken as operand1 for the next operation
int result = 0;
// Here are examples of the web service own datas
int n10 = r.nextInt(100);
int n20 = r.nextInt(100);
for (int i = 0; i < operations.size(); i++) {
if (i == 0) {
result = operations.get(i).mathOperation(n10, n20);
System.out.println("Result for operation N " + i + " = " + result);
} else {
// Now let's imagine another data from the web service operated with the previous result
int n2 = r.nextInt(100);
result = operations.get(i).mathOperation(result, n2);
System.out.println("Current result for operation N " + i + " which is " + operations.get(i) +" = " + result);
public class SomeTestClass {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SomeClass classe = new SomeClass();
答案 2 :(得分:2)
好吧,我将成为那个&#34; ...那个理解这个问题的人,但无论如何要求重述这个问题因为我认为你走错了路。所以,忍受我:如果你喜欢你所看到的,那就太好了;如果没有,我理解。
但首先,更一般地说,设计可重用软件的元素的目标之一&#34; (来自原始GOF设计模式书的标题)是,当您添加功能时,您不想修改代码;相反,您希望添加代码而不触及现有功能。所以,当你有:
public class Toolbox {
public void hammer() { ... }
public class Toolbox {
public void hammer() { ... }
public void screwdriver() { ... }
public class Toolbox {
public void useTool(Tool t) { t.execute(); ...etc... }
public interface Tool { // this is the Command interface
public void execute() // no args (see ctors)
public Hammer implements Tool {
public Hammer(Nail nail, Thing t) // args!
public void execute() { nail.into(t); ... }
public Screwdriver implements Tool {
public Screwdriver(Screw s, Thing t)
public void execute() { screw.into(t); ... }
public class Worker {
public List<Command> actionList;
public void work() {
for(...) {