Oracle fetch返回的请求超过了请求数

时间:2015-05-02 23:02:45

标签: oracle plsql

所以我有另一个错误的简单程序。这次,fetch返回的记录多于请求的记录。我最初检查了我的查询,发现了一个错误。我的查询返回正确的结果,但获取仍然不起作用。 程序:

--View Customer Service History
create or replace procedure SERVICEHISTORY(name in is

carModel char(11);
serviceCharge decimal(7,2);
serviceName char(20);
serviceDate date;
cusName char(15);
cusID number;

--Query tested, it works
cursor nextService is
select name, workOrder.serviceDate, workOrderServices.actualCharge
from workOrder join workOrderServices on workOrder.workOrderID=workOrderServices.workOrderID join services on workOrderServices.serviceID=services.serviceID
where workOrderServices.customerID=cusID;

--Get customer ID from name, another janky work around
select customerID
into cusID
from customer

--Gets the car model
select model
into carModel
from vehicle
where vehicle.customerID=cusID;

open nextService;
fetch nextService into serviceName, serviceDate, serviceCharge;
if nextService%notfound then
    dbms_output.put_line('No service history found.');
        dbms_output.put_line(serviceName||'  '||serviceDate||'  '||serviceCharge);
        fetch nextService into serviceName, serviceDate, serviceCharge;
        if nextService%notfound then
            dbms_output.put_line('Report finished.');
        end if;
    exit when nextService%notfound;
    end loop;
end if;
close nextService;
end serviceHistory;


ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows
ORA-06512: at line 20
ORA-06512: at line 1


create table customer
        customerID number(8) not null primary key constraint lengthCHK13 check(LENGTH(customerID)=8),
        name varchar2(20) not null,
        address varchar2(20) not null,
        insurance varchar2(20) not null,
        contactInfo number(10) not null,
        customerType varchar2(15) not null,
        licenseNumber varchar2(13) not null,
        amountOwed decimal(7,2) not null constraint notNeg6 check(amountOwed >=0)

create table vehicle
        --some error about no matching unique or primary key for this column on cusomterID
        VIN varchar2(17) not null primary key constraint lengthCHK113 check(length(VIN)=17),
        customerID number(8) not null references customer(customerID) constraint lengthCHK12 check(length(customerID)=8),
        make varchar2(10) not null,
        model varchar2(10) not null,
        carYear number(4) not null,
        color varchar2(10) not null,
        notes varchar2(20),
        currentMileage number(6) not null,
        engineType varchar2(10) not null,
        licenseNumber varchar(12) not null,
        amountOwed decimal(7,2) constraint notNeg7 check(amountOwed >=0)
        --primary key(VIN, customerID) DOESNT WORK BUT NEEDS TO

create table workOrder
        workOrderID number(8) not null constraint lengthCHK10 check(length(workOrderID)=8),
        VIN varchar2(17) not null references vehicle(VIN) constraint lengthCHK14 check(length(VIN)=17),
        serviceDate date not null,
        --Removing b/c it's a pain serviceTime TIME not null,
        serviceBay number(2),
        description varchar2(20) not null,
        results varchar2(20) not null,
        primary key(workOrderID)

create table services
        serviceID number(8) not null primary key constraint lengthCHK17 check(length(serviceID)=8),
        name varchar2(20) not null,
        price decimal(7,2) not null constraint notNeg8 check(price >=0),
        estimatedHours number(2) not null

create table workOrderServices
        serviceID number(8) not null references services(serviceID) constraint lengthCHK20 check(length(serviceID)=8),
        workOrderID number(8) not null references workOrder(workOrderID) constraint lengthCHK22 check(length(workOrderID)=8),
        customerID number(8) not null references customer(customerID) constraint lengthCHK87 check(length(customerID)=8),
        actualHours number(2) not null constraint notNeg11 check(actualHours >=0),
        actualCharge decimal(7,2) not null constraint notNeg10 check(actualCharge >=0),
        primary key(serviceID, workOrderID)


INSERT INTO services(serviceID, name, price, estimatedHours)
VALUES(48937322, 'Tire Rotate', 19.99, 1);
INSERT INTO services(serviceID, name, price, estimatedHours)
VALUES(47873231, 'Xmission Flush', 63.99, 1);
INSERT INTO customer (customerID, name, address, insurance, contactInfo, customerType, licenseNumber, amountOwed)
VALUES (45124512, 'Bob Jones',  '232 Sycamore Ln.', 'Pekin', 3095555145, 'New', 'SSSSFFFYYDDD', 220.00);
INSERT INTO customer (customerID, name, address, insurance, contactinfo, customertype, licensenumber, amountOwed)
VALUES (12892222, 'Mike Tyson','100 Haters Rd.', 'Progressive', 2175555555, 'Regular', 'FGHJHHHHTYYY', 42.00);

INSERT INTO vehicle(VIN, customerID, make, model, carYear, color, notes, currentMileage, engineType, licenseNumber, amountOwed)
VALUES('KNDKG3A31A7568300', 45124512, 'Ford', 'Focus', 2009, 'Red',  'side door damage', 10346, 'V4', 'h5303h87dk23', 0);
INSERT INTO vehicle(VIN, customerID, make, model, carYear, color, notes, currentMileage, engineType, licenseNumber, amountOwed)
VALUES('SALTW16413A376838', 12892222, 'Chrysler', 'Sebring', 2004, 'Green', 'Basically a Go-Kart', 105098, 'V4', 'r2345h23tx31', 0);

INSERT INTO workOrder( workOrderID, VIN, serviceDate, serviceBay, description, results)
VALUES(12312312, 'KNDKG3A31A7568300', '07-FEB-12', 2, 'Oil Change', 'Changed oil'); 
INSERT INTO workOrder( workOrderID, VIN, serviceDate, serviceBay, description, results)
VALUES(32132132, 'SALTW16413A376838', '07-FEB-12', 3,'Tire Rotation', 'Rotated the tires');

INSERT INTO workOrderServices(serviceID, workOrderID, customerID, actualHours, actualCharge)    
VALUES(17278722, 12312312, 45124512, 5,  45.00);
INSERT INTO workOrderServices(serviceID, workOrderID, customerID,actualHours, actualCharge)
VALUES(48937322, 32132132, 12892222,10, 90.00);

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