Action Listener:
new ActionListener(){
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){
final String url= historyList.getSelectedItem().toString();
addressbar.setText(url); //set the address bar to the url
historyArray[historynum] = url; //add the url to the array which contains the history
historynum = historynum + 1; //move one up the history array
Display(url); //display the url
backplace = 1; //reset the amount of backs a user can take
forwardBtn = false; //not allow the user to go forward again
for (String linehistory : Files.readAllLines(Paths.get("config.history"),Charset.defaultCharset())) {
if (!(linehistory ==null)){
for (String partHistory : linehistory.split("\\s+")) {
String historylines = partHistory;
if( i >6){
if (!(partHistory ==null)){
i = i +1;
我注意到了这一点,我认为可能是由于组合框的状态发生了变化,有没有办法将其更改为onClick? http://imgur.com/aTg9n2E