
时间:2015-04-30 19:28:03

标签: excel excel-vba vba



Col1 ....... Col2 ..... Col3 ..... Col4
ItemA ..... $ 2 .........................
ItemB ..... $ 2 ........ $ 4 .............
ItemC ..... $ 6 .........................
ItemD ..... $ 2 ........ $ 3 ......... $ 5
ItemE ..... $ 9 .........................


Col1 ....... Col2
ItemA ..... $ 2
ItemB ..... $ 2
ItemB ..... $ 4
ItemC ..... $ 6
ItemD ..... $ 2
ItemD ..... $ 3
ItemD ..... $ 5
ItemE ..... $ 9


Dim Col1, Col2, Col3, Col4, RowData, CondenseData, FinalData

FinalData = ""

While ((RS.Items__numRows <> 0) AND (NOT RS.Items.EOF))  'recordset loop how in Excel?

CondenseData = ""
Col1 = RS.Col1Data 'how to go from column to column in row in excel?
Col2 = RS.Col2Data
Col3 = RS.Col3Data
Col4 = RS.Col4Data

If Not IsNull(Col2) Then
CondenseData = Col1 & ", " & Col2
RowData = CondenseData & "<br />" ' create a new row with the revised data if not empty?
End If
If Not IsNull(Col3) Then
CondenseData = Col1 & ", " & Col3
RowData = CondenseData & "<br />"
End If
If Not IsNull(Col4) Then
CondenseData = Col1 & ", " & Col4
RowData = CondenseData & "<br />"
End If

FinalData = FinalData & RowData



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



Sub example()
    Dim rngToConvert as Range
    Dim rngRow as Range
    Dim rngCell as Range

    'write this out to a new tab so we need incrementer to keep track of rows
    Dim writeRow as integer
    writeRow = 1

    'The entire range we are converting
    Set rngToConvert = Sheets("yoursheetname").Range("A1:Z1000")

    'Loop through each row
    For each rngRow in rngToConvert.Rows

        'Loop through each cell (field)
        For each rngCell in rngRow.Cells

            'ignore that first row since that has your "ItemA", "ItemB", etc..
            'Also ignore if it doesn't have a value
            If rngCell.Column > 1 And rngCell.Value <> "" Then

                'Write that row header
                Sheets("SheetYouAreWritingOutTo").Cells(writeRow, 1).value = rngRow.Cells(1,1)

                'Write this non-null value
                Sheets("SheetYouAreWritingOutTo").Cells(writeRow, 2).value = rngCell.Value

                'Increment Counter
                writeRow = writeRow + 1 
            End if
        Next rngCell
    Next rngRow
End sub


答案 1 :(得分:0)


  Sub FormatSheet(aRowCount As Integer)
      Dim iSheet2Row As Integer
    iSheet2Row = 1

    For i = 1 To aRowCount
        Dim bHasData As Boolean
        bHasData = True

        Dim iCol As Integer
        iCol = 1

        Do While bHasData
           Dim varColHeader As String

           If Len(Trim(Cells(i, iCol).Value)) > 0 Then

             If iCol = 1 Then
                  'get col header value
                  varColHeader = Cells(i, 1)
                 'write col header
                  Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(iSheet2Row, 1).Value = varColHeader
                          'write col data
                  Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(iSheet2Row, 2).Value = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(i, iCol).Value
                iSheet2Row = iSheet2Row + 1
              End If
                  bHasData = False
          End If

          iCol = iCol + 1

    Next i

End Sub