"method reverseArray in class Palindrome cannot be applied to given types"
required: char[]
found: no arguments
reason: actual and formal arguments differ in length
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner promptUser = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter an Integer greater than 100: ");
Integer userInt = new Integer(promptUser.nextInt());
String userString = userInt.toString();
char[] charUser = userString.toCharArray();
if (userInt <= 100)
System.out.print("That integer is not greater than 100,"
+ " restart program and try again!");
/**Takes the integer provided by the user and turns it into a string
* then takes that string and puts it into a char[], then there is a for loop
* to reverse that array.
* @param userArray array used to store the reversed string.
* @revArray char array used to store data from charChange array.
* @return returns charChange now with the reversed string.
public static char[] reverseArray(char[] userArray)
char[] revArray = new char[userArray.length];
for(int i = 0; i < revArray.length; i++)
userArray[i] = revArray[revArray.length - 1 - i];
return userArray;
public static boolean arraysAreEqual(char[] arrayPal1, char[] arrayPal2)
public static boolean isPrime(int Primes)
public void printArray(char[] charChange)