
时间:2015-04-30 08:55:43

标签: perl parsing boolean equation truthtable



equ = ((((SIPROT:1 INTERACT (((((((ACTIVE_drawing OR ACTIVE_hd) OR ACTIVE_dm) OR PDIFF_drawing) OR NDIFF_drawing) NOT polyact_sign_mkr) NOT ((COPY (NWELL_drawing OR NWELL_hd)) AND (((((ACTIVE_drawing OR ACTIVE_hd) OR ACTIVE_dm) OR PDIFF_drawing) OR NDIFF_drawing) NOT polyact_sign_mkr))) NOT ((COPY (PPLUS_drawing OR PPLUS_hd)) OR (COPY ((NPLUS_drawing OR NPLUS_dm) OR NPLUS_hd))))) INSIDE RHDMY_drawing) INTERACT ((((COPY ((NPLUS_drawing OR NPLUS_dm) OR NPLUS_hd)) AND (((((ACTIVE_drawing OR ACTIVE_hd) OR ACTIVE_dm) OR PDIFF_drawing) OR NDIFF_drawing) NOT polyact_sign_mkr)) INTERACT (N(((((ACTIVE_drawing OR ACTIVE_hd) OR ACTIVE_dm) OR PDIFF_drawing) OR NDIFF_drawing) NOT polyact_sign_mkr) INTERACT ((COPY (PPLUS_drawing OR PPLUS_hd)) AND (((((ACTIVE_drawing OR ACTIVE_hd) OR ACTIVE_dm) OR PDIFF_drawing) OR NDIFF_drawing) NOT polyact_sign_mkr)))) NOT NLDEMOS_FINAL)) OUTSIDE (COPY GO2_25_drawing))



该等式不是真正的布尔值,但可以被处理为。 INTERACT可以替换为AND,可以删除COPY,也可能需要其他操作。



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

TXR Lisp版本128中的解决方案。


$txr -i truth.tl 
1> (parse-infix '(a and b or c and d))
(or (and a b)
  (and c d))
2> (pretty-truth-table '(a))
    a   | a
    F   | F
    T   | T
    a   | not a
    F   |   T  
    T   |   F  
4> (pretty-truth-table '(a and t))
    a   | a and t
    F   |    F   
    T   |    T   
5> (pretty-truth-table '(a and nil))
    a   | a and nil
    F   |     F    
    T   |     F    
6> (pretty-truth-table '(a and b))
    a     b   | a and b
    F     F   |    F   
    F     T   |    F   
    T     F   |    F   
    T     T   |    T   
7> (pretty-truth-table '(a -> b))
    a     b   | a -> b
    F     F   |   T   
    F     T   |   T   
    T     F   |   F   
    T     T   |   T   
8> (pretty-truth-table '(a or b))
    a     b   | a or b
    F     F   |   F   
    F     T   |   T   
    T     F   |   T   
    T     T   |   T   
9> (pretty-truth-table '(a and b or c and d))
    a     b     c     d   | a and b or c and d
    F     F     F     F   |         F         
    F     F     F     T   |         F         
    F     F     T     F   |         F         
    F     F     T     T   |         T         
    F     T     F     F   |         F         
    F     T     F     T   |         F         
    F     T     T     F   |         F         
    F     T     T     T   |         T         
    T     F     F     F   |         F         
    T     F     F     T   |         F         
    T     F     T     F   |         F         
    T     F     T     T   |         T         
    T     T     F     F   |         T         
    T     T     F     T   |         T         
    T     T     T     F   |         T         
    T     T     T     T   |         T         


;; auto-incrementing precedence level
(defvarl prec-level 0)

;; symbol to operator definition hash
(defvarl ops (hash))

;; operator definition structure
(defstruct operator nil
  sym                           ;; operator symbol
  (assoc :left)                 ;; associativity: default left
  (arity 2)                     ;; # of arguments: 1 or 2; default 2.
  (prec 0)                      ;; precedence: if zero, automatically assign.

  (:postinit (self)             ;; post-construction hook
    (set [ops self.sym] self)   ;; register operator in hash
    (if (zerop self.prec)       ;; assign precedence if necessary
      (set self.prec (inc prec-level)))))

;; define operators
(new operator sym '->)
(new operator sym 'or)
(new operator sym 'and)
(new operator sym 'not assoc :right arity 1)

;; conditional function
(defun -> (a b)
  (or (not a) b))

;; parse infix to prefix
;; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shunting-yard_algorithm
(defun parse-infix (expr)
  (let (nodestack opstack)
    (flet ((add-node (oper)
              (caseql oper.arity
                (1 (push (list oper.sym
                               (pop nodestack)) nodestack))
                (2 (let ((y (pop nodestack))
                         (x (pop nodestack)))
                     (push (list oper.sym x y) nodestack))))))
      (each ((tok expr))
          (((o1 [ops tok]))
           (whilet ((o2 (first opstack))
                    (yes (when o2 (caseq o2.assoc
                                    (:left  (>= o2.prec o1.prec))
                                    (:right (>  o2.prec o1.prec))))))
             (pop opstack)
             (add-node o2))
           (push o1 opstack))
          (((c (consp tok)))
           (push (parse-infix tok) nodestack))
          (t (push tok nodestack))))
      (whilet ((o2 (first opstack)))
        (pop opstack)
        (add-node o2)))
    (first nodestack)))

;; extract leaf terms from expression
(defun terms-of (prefix)
  (if (atom prefix)
    (list prefix)
    [mappend terms-of (rest prefix)]))

;; generate truth table materials
(defun truth-table (prefix)
  (let* ((vars (uniq [keep-if 'bindable (terms-of prefix)]))
         (truths (rperm '(nil t) (length vars)))
         (fun (eval ^(lambda (,*vars) ,prefix)))
         (expr-truths [mapcar (apf fun) truths]))
    (list vars truths expr-truths)))

;; overridable column width
(defvar *col-width* 5)

;; parse infix, generate truth table and format nicely
(defun pretty-truth-table (infix-expr : (stream *stdout*))
  (tree-bind (vars truths expr-truths) (truth-table (parse-infix infix-expr))
    (let ((cols (length vars))
          (cw *col-width*)
          (infix-expr-str `@{infix-expr}`))
      ;; header
      (each ((v vars))
        (put-string `@{v (- cw)} ` stream))
      (put-string "  | " stream)
      (put-line infix-expr-str stream)
      (each ((v vars))
        (put-string `------` stream))
      (put-line `--+-@{(repeat "-" (length infix-expr-str)) ""}` stream)
      (each ((vr truths)
             (et expr-truths))
        (each ((vt vr))
          (put-string `@{(if vt "T" "F") (- cw)} ` stream))
        (put-string "  | " stream)
        (format stream "~^*a\n" (length infix-expr-str) (if et "T" "F"))))))

答案 1 :(得分:0)

我知道这个问题很旧,但是您可以尝试https://logic.lerax.me。该资源可以作为开放源代码使用,如果您使用quicklisp + ultralisp,则可以通过以下方式实现:

(ql-dist:install-dist "http://dist.ultralisp.org" :replace t :prompt nil)
(ql:quickload :lisp-inference)
(inference:truth-infix ((p ^ q) => r))

; +------------------------------------------------+
; |  P  |  Q  |  R  |  (P ^ Q)  |  ((P ^ Q) => R)  |
; +------------------------------------------------+
; |  T  |  T  |  T  |     T     |        T         |
; |  T  |  T  |  F  |     T     |        F         |
; |  T  |  F  |  T  |     F     |        T         |
; |  T  |  F  |  F  |     F     |        T         |
; |  F  |  T  |  T  |     F     |        T         |
; |  F  |  T  |  F  |     F     |        T         |
; |  F  |  F  |  T  |     F     |        T         |
; |  F  |  F  |  F  |     F     |        T         |
; +------------------------------------------------+
