_adapt_type = {
0x0 : 'Reserved',
0x1 : 'Payload only',
0x2 : 'Adaptation only',
0x3 : 'Adaptation and payload',
class MPEG2_TS(Packet):
name = "MPEG2-TS"
ByteEnumField('sync_byte', 0x47, _sync_type),
BitField('trans_err',0x0, 1),
# Transport Error Indicator (TEI) if set to 1 decoder ignore packet
BitField('start_ind',0x0, 1),
BitField('trans_pri',0x0, 1),
XBitField('pid', 0xA, 13),
BitEnumField('trans_scramb', 0x0, 2, _scramble_type),
BitEnumField('adapt_ctrl', 0x0, 2, _adapt_type),
BitField('cont_count', 0x0, 4),
,我需要解析其他数据0x1 : 'Payload only',
0x2 : 'Adaptation only',
0x3 : 'Adaptation and payload'
如何根据此字段的结果创建一个能够解析它的条件? 如果"有效负载"如果设置了比特,则标题后面没有适配字段,因此我们不需要解析它。 如果"适应和有效载荷"设置好后,我需要使用以下结构解析自适应字段:
_adapt_fields = [
# Number of bytes in the adaptation field immediately following this byte
ByteField('ada_len', 0x0),
# Set to 1 if current TS packet is in a discontinuity state with respect to either the continuity counter or the program clock reference
BitField('dis', 0x0, 1),
# Set to 1 if the PES packet in this TS packet starts a video/audio sequence
BitField('ran_acc', 0x0, 1),
# 1 = higher priority
BitField('ES_str_pri', 0x0, 1),
# Set to 1 if adaptation field contains a PCR field
BitField('PCR_fla', 0x0, 1),
# Set to 1 if adaptation field contains an OPCR field
BitField('OPCR_fla', 0x0, 1),
# Set to 1 if adaptation field contains a splice countdown field
BitField('spl_fla', 0x0, 1),
# Set to 1 if adaptation field contains private data bytes
BitField('trs_pri_dat_fla', 0x0, 1),
# Set to 1 if adaptation field contains an extension
BitField('ada_ext_fla', 0x0, 1),
# variable Depends on flags
# BitField('ada_ext_fla', 0x0, 1),
# PCR 33+6+9 Program clock reference, stored in 6 octets in big-endian as 33 bits base, 6 bits padding, 9 bits extension.
# OPCR 33+6+9 Original Program clock reference. Helps when one TS is copied into another
# Splice countdown 8 Indicates how many TS packets from this one a splicing point occurs (may be negative)
# Stuffing bytes variable
我尝试了一些ConditionalField,但直到现在还没有运气。 谢谢你的帮助。