发送STMT_PREPARE数据包时出错。 PID = 20615

时间:2015-04-29 10:45:30

标签: php mysql laravel laravel-4 mailchimp

编辑:添加DB :: connection() - > reconnect();从会话中检索电子邮件后的发送方法,缓解了问题。因此,似乎数据库正在断开连接,或者存在太多连接或其他内容。

我相信我有一个问题,MySQL在生产服务器上断开连接。服务器匹配我的本地开发设置(使用Homestead 2),并且是Ubuntu,MySQL,Nginx和PHP-FPM。

我使用的是Laravel 4.2,我创建了与Mailchimp广告系列接口的功能,创建了静态细分,并根据过滤后的条件向该细分添加电子邮件以发送电子邮件。



Error while sending STMT_PREPARE packet. PID=20615



select * from `contacts` where `contacts`.`deleted_at` is null and `email` = joebloggs@example.com limit 1





// send() method to filter results based on a set of search fields, probably should rename this to filter

public function send($id)
    $campaign = $this->getSavedCampaign($id);
    $haveAttended = explode(',', Input::get('have_attended'));
    $haveNotAttended = explode(',', Input::get('have_not_attended'));
    $account = explode(',', Input::get('account'));
    $companyName = explode(',', Input::get('company_name'));
    $industryType = explode(',', Input::get('industry_type'));
    $accountManager = explode(',', Input::get('account_manager'));
    $jobTitle = explode(',', Input::get('job_title'));
    $contactEmail = explode(',', Input::get('contact_email'));

    // Check if there has been a POST request and if so get the filtered contact emails and add them to the session
    if (Request::method() == 'POST')
        // Retrieve an array of contact emails based on the filters supplied
        $contactEmails = $this->contact->getContactEmails($haveAttended, $haveNotAttended, $account, $companyName, $industryType, $accountManager, $jobTitle, $contactEmail)->lists('email');

        // Create a new Mailchimp static segment and return its ID
        $segmentId = $this->createNewSegment(MailchimpWrapper::lists()->staticSegments('123456789'), $id);

        // Add the emails array generated above to the static segment in Mailchimp
        $this->addContactEmailsToSegment($contactEmails, $segmentId);

        // Retrieve all the emails that matched a subscriber in Mailchimp that were added to the static segment
        $emails = $this->getSegmentEmails(Config::get('mailchimp::apikey'), '123456789', 'subscribed', $segmentId);

        // Put the emails array and the segment id in to the session
        Session::put('emails', $emails);
        Session::put('segmentId', $segmentId);

    // Check if the session contains an array of emails and if so retrieve them and pull back an eloquent collection of contacts that match the emails stored in the session
    if (Session::get('emails'))
        $emails = Session::get('emails');

        // EDIT: If I add DB::connection()->reconnect(); here this allieviates the issue

        $contacts = $this->contact->getContactEmails($haveAttended, $haveNotAttended, $account, $companyName, $industryType, $accountManager, $jobTitle, $contactEmail, $emails)->paginate(10)->appends([
            'have_attended'     => Input::get('have_attended'),
            'have_not_attended' => Input::get('have_not_attended'),
            'account'           => Input::get('account'),
            'industry_type'     => Input::get('industry_type'),
            'account_manager'   => Input::get('account_manager'),
            'job_title'         => Input::get('job_title'),
            'contact_email'     => Input::get('contact_email')

    $this->layout->content = View::make('admin.newsletters.send', compact('campaign', 'contacts'))->withErrors($this->errors);


// getSavedCampaign() method which retrieves the Mailchimp campaign we will be attaching the filtered segment to

public function getSavedCampaign($id)
    $campaign = (object) MailchimpWrapper::campaigns()->getList(['campaign_id' => $id], 0, 1)['data'][0];
    $campaign->create_time = new Carbon($campaign->create_time);
    $campaign->send_time = new Carbon($campaign->send_time);
    $campaign->content_updated_time = new Carbon($campaign->content_updated_time);

    return $campaign;


public function scopeGetContactEmails($query, $haveAttended, $haveNotAttended, $account, $companyName, $industryType, $accountManager, $jobTitle, $contactEmail, $emails = null)
    // If the emails session variable exists (is not null) simply run a whereIn query on the contacts table to retrieve all contacts that match an email in the array, otherwise run the filters
    if ( ! is_null($emails))
        $query->whereIn('email', $emails);
        $query->orderBy('email', 'asc')
            ->where('contactable', 0)
            ->where('opt_out', 0)
            ->where('email', '!=', DB::raw("concat('', email * 1)"));

        if ( ! empty($companyName[0]))
            $query->whereHas('account', function($query) use ($companyName)
                $query->where('company_name', 'like', "%$companyName[0]%");

        if ( ! empty($account[0]))
            $query->whereHas('account', function($query) use ($account)
                $query->whereIn('id', $account);

        if ( ! empty($accountManager[0]))
            $query->whereHas('account', function($query) use ($accountManager)
                $query->whereHas('user', function($query) use ($accountManager)
                    $query->whereIn('id', $accountManager);

        if ( ! empty($industryType[0]))
            $query->whereHas('account', function($query) use ($industryType)
                $query->whereHas('industryType', function($query) use ($industryType)
                    $query->whereIn('id', $industryType);

        if ( ! empty($haveAttended[0]) or ! empty($haveNotAttended[0]))
            $query->join('delegates', 'contacts.id', '=', 'delegates.contact_id')
                ->join('delegate_event', 'delegates.id', '=', 'delegate_event.delegate_id')
                ->join('events', 'delegate_event.event_id', '=', 'events.id')
                ->join('courses', 'events.course_id', '=', 'courses.id');

        if ( ! empty($haveAttended[0]))
            $query->whereIn('courses.id', $haveAttended);

        if ( ! empty($haveNotAttended[0]))
            $query->whereNotIn('courses.id', $haveNotAttended);

        if ( ! empty($jobTitle[0]))
            $query->whereIn('contacts.job_title_id', $jobTitle);

        if ( ! empty($contactEmail[0]))
            $query->whereIn('contacts.id', $contactEmail);


public function createNewSegment($segments, $campaignId)
    foreach ($segments as $key => $segment)
        if ($segment['name'] == 'CREAM-' . $campaignId)
            MailchimpWrapper::lists()->staticSegmentDel('123456789', $segment['id']);

    $segment = MailchimpWrapper::lists()->staticSegmentAdd('123456789', 'CREAM-' . $campaignId);

    return $segment['id'];


public function addContactEmailsToSegment($contactEmails, $segmentId)
    $listEmails = $this->generateListEmails(Config::get('mailchimp::apikey'), '123456789', 'subscribed');

    $emails = $this->buildSegmentEmails($contactEmails, $listEmails);

    if ($emails)
        $emailsChunk = array_chunk($emails, 1000);

        foreach ($emailsChunk as $emails)
            MailchimpWrapper::lists()->staticSegmentMembersAdd('123456789', $segmentId, $emails);


public function getSegmentEmails($apiKey, $listId, $status, $segmentId)
    $conditions = '&segment[saved_segment_id]=' . $segmentId;

    return $this->generateListEmails($apiKey, $listId, $status, $conditions);


public function generateListEmails($apiKey, $listId, $status, $conditions = null)
    $url = 'http://us5.api.mailchimp.com/export/1.0/list?apikey=' . $apiKey . '&id=' . $listId . '&status=' . $status;

    if ( ! is_null($conditions))
        $url .= '&segement[match]=all' . $conditions;

    $handle = @fopen($url, 'r');
    $chunk_size = 4096;
    $i = 0;
    $header = [];

    while ( ! feof($handle))
        $buffer = fgets($handle, $chunk_size);

        if (trim($buffer) != '')
            $obj = json_decode($buffer);
            $listEmails[$obj[0]] = $obj[0];


    unset($listEmails['Email Address']);

    return $listEmails;

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