C ++中的快速(est)可变堆实现

时间:2015-04-28 23:17:46

标签: c++ performance boost stl heap

我目前正在寻找符合我要求的C ++中最快的数据结构:

  1. 我从几百万个需要插入的条目开始。
  2. 在每次迭代中,我想要查看最大元素并进行更新 大约10个其他元素。我甚至可以只减少键,但我更喜欢更新(增加和减少功能)。
  3. 我不需要删除/插入(除了最初的删除/插入)或其他任何内容。我认为堆是最好的选择。在查看STL之后,我发现大多数数据结构都不支持更新(这是关键部分)。解决方案是删除并重新插入看起来很慢的元素(我的程序的瓶颈)。然后我查看了boost提供的堆,发现pairing_heap给了我最好的结果。但是,所有堆仍然比MultiMap上的删除/插入过程慢。有没有人有建议,我可以尝试哪种方法/实施?



    1. MultiMap STL(删除/插入):~70秒
    2. 斐波那契提升:~110秒
    3. D-Ary Heap Boost~(最佳选择:D = 150):〜120秒
    4. 配对堆增强:~90秒
    5. 歪斜堆积:105秒
    6. 编辑我的帖子以澄清一些事情:

      1. 我的参赛作品是双打(双关键,我仍然附加一些任意值),这就是为什么我不认为哈希是一个好主意。
      2. 我在谈论一个不正确的PriorityQueue。相反,第一个实现使用MultiMap,其中值将被擦除然后重新插入(使用新值)。我更新了我的帖子。对不起,感到困惑。
      3. 我不知道std :: make_heap如何解决这个问题。
      4. 要更新元素,我有一个单独的查找表,我在其中维护元素的句柄。有了它,我可以直接更新元素而无需搜索它。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)










注意:它是仓促的代码并且使用大量快速和脏的分析器辅助微优化编写,甚至提供池分配器并使用对齐假设操作位和字节级别的事物(使用最大对齐假设那个"足够便携")。它也不会像异常安全那样烦恼。但是,对于C ++对象应该是安全的。



#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include <utility>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <malloc.h>

// Max Alignment
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
    #define MAX_ALIGN __declspec(align(16))
    #define MAX_ALIGN __attribute__((aligned(16)))

using namespace std;

static void* max_malloc(size_t amount)
    #ifdef _MSC_VER
        return _aligned_malloc(amount, 16);
        void* mem = 0;
        posix_memalign(&mem, 16, amount);
        return mem;

static void max_free(void* mem)
    #ifdef _MSC_VER
        return _aligned_free(mem);

// Balanced priority queue for very quick insertions and 
// removals when the keys are balanced across a distributed range.
template <class Key, class Value, class KeyToIndex>
class BalancedQueue
    enum {zone_len = 256};

    /// Creates a queue with 'n' buckets.
    explicit BalancedQueue(int n): 
        num_nodes(0), num_buckets(n+1), min_bucket(n+1), buckets(static_cast<Bucket*>(max_malloc((n+1) * sizeof(Bucket)))), free_nodes(0), pools(0)
        const int num_zones = num_buckets / zone_len + 1;
        zone_counts = new int[num_zones];
        for (int j=0; j < num_zones; ++j)
            zone_counts[j] = 0;

        for (int j=0; j < num_buckets; ++j)
            buckets[j].num = 0;
            buckets[j].head = 0;

    /// Destroys the queue.
        while (pools)
            Pool* to_free = pools;
            pools = pools->next;
        delete[] zone_counts;

    /// Makes the queue empty.
    void clear()
        const int num_zones = num_buckets / zone_len + 1;
        for (int j=0; j < num_zones; ++j)
            zone_counts[j] = 0;
        for (int j=0; j < num_buckets; ++j)
            while (buckets[j].head)
                Node* to_free = buckets[j].head;
                buckets[j].head = buckets[j].head->next;
            buckets[j].num = 0;
        num_nodes = 0;
        min_bucket = num_buckets+1;

    /// Pushes an element to the queue.
    void push(const Key& key, const Value& value)
        const int index = KeyToIndex()(key);
        assert(index >= 0 && index < num_buckets && "Key is out of range!");

        Node* new_node = node_alloc();
        new (&new_node->key) Key(key);
        new (&new_node->value) Value(value);
        new_node->next = buckets[index].head;
        buckets[index].head = new_node;
        assert(new_node->key == key && new_node->value == value);
        min_bucket = std::min(min_bucket, index);

    /// @return size() == 0.
    bool empty() const
        return num_nodes == 0;

    /// @return The number of elements in the queue.
    int size() const
        return num_nodes;

    /// Pops the element with the minimum key from the queue.
    std::pair<Key, Value> pop()
        assert(!empty() && "Queue is empty!");
        for (int j=min_bucket; j < num_buckets; ++j)
            if (buckets[j].head)
                Node* node = buckets[j].head;
                Node* prev_node = node;
                Node* min_node = node;
                Node* prev_min_node = 0;
                const Key* min_key = &min_node->key;
                const Value* min_val = &min_node->value;
                for (node = node->next; node; prev_node = node, node = node->next)
                    if (node->key < *min_key)
                        prev_min_node = prev_node;
                        min_node = node;
                        min_key = &min_node->key;
                        min_val = &min_node->value;
                std::pair<Key, Value> kv(*min_key, *min_val);
                if (min_node == buckets[j].head)
                    buckets[j].head = buckets[j].head->next;
                    prev_min_node->next = min_node->next;
                return kv;
        throw std::runtime_error("Trying to pop from an empty queue.");

    /// Erases an element from the middle of the queue.
    /// @return True if the element was found and removed.
    bool erase(const Key& key, const Value& value)
        assert(!empty() && "Queue is empty!");
        const int index = KeyToIndex()(key);
        if (buckets[index].head)
            Node* node = buckets[index].head;
            if (node_key(node) == key && node_val(node) == value)
                buckets[index].head = buckets[index].head->next;
                return true;

            Node* prev_node = node;
            for (node = node->next; node; prev_node = node, node = node->next)
                if (node_key(node) == key && node_val(node) == value)
                    prev_node->next = node->next;
                    return true;
        return false;

    // Didn't bother to make it copyable -- left as an exercise.
    BalancedQueue(const BalancedQueue&);
    BalancedQueue& operator=(const BalancedQueue&);

    struct Node
        Key key;
        Value value;
        Node* next;
    struct Bucket
        int num;
        Node* head;
    struct Pool
        Pool* next;
        MAX_ALIGN char buf[1];
    Node* node_alloc()
        if (free_nodes)
            Node* node = free_nodes;
            free_nodes = free_nodes->next;
            return node;

        const int pool_size = std::max(4096, static_cast<int>(sizeof(Node)));
        Pool* new_pool = static_cast<Pool*>(max_malloc(sizeof(Pool) + pool_size - 1));
        new_pool->next = pools;
        pools = new_pool;

        // Push the new pool's nodes to the free stack.
        for (int j=0; j < pool_size; j += sizeof(Node))
            Node* node = reinterpret_cast<Node*>(new_pool->buf + j);
            node->next = free_nodes;
            free_nodes = node;
        return node_alloc();
    void node_free(Node* node)
        // Destroy the key and value and push the node back to the free stack.
        node->next = free_nodes;
        free_nodes = node;
    void removed_node(int bucket_index)
        if (--buckets[bucket_index].num == 0 && bucket_index == min_bucket)
            // If the bucket became empty, search for next occupied minimum zone.
            const int num_zones = num_buckets / zone_len + 1;
            for (int j=bucket_index/zone_len; j < num_zones; ++j)
                if (zone_counts[j] > 0)
                    for (min_bucket=j*zone_len; min_bucket < num_buckets && buckets[min_bucket].num == 0; ++min_bucket) {}
                    assert(min_bucket/zone_len == j);
            min_bucket = num_buckets+1;
    int* zone_counts;
    int num_nodes;
    int num_buckets;
    int min_bucket;
    Bucket* buckets;
    Node* free_nodes;
    Pool* pools;

/// Test Parameters
enum {num_keys = 1000000};
enum {buckets = 100000};

static double sys_time()
    return static_cast<double>(clock()) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

struct KeyToIndex
    int operator()(double val) const
        return static_cast<int>(val * buckets);

int main()
    vector<double> keys(num_keys);
    for (int j=0; j < num_keys; ++j)
        keys[j] = static_cast<double>(rand()) / RAND_MAX;

    for (int k=0; k < 5; ++k)
        // Multimap
            const double start_time = sys_time();
            multimap<double, int> q;
            for (int j=0; j < num_keys; ++j)
                q.insert(make_pair(keys[j], j));

            // Pop each key, modify it, and reinsert.
            for (int j=0; j < num_keys; ++j)
                pair<double, int> top = *q.begin();
                top.first = static_cast<double>(rand()) / RAND_MAX;
            cout << (sys_time() - start_time) << " secs for multimap" << endl;

        // Balanced Queue
            const double start_time = sys_time();
            BalancedQueue<double, int, KeyToIndex> q(buckets);
            for (int j=0; j < num_keys; ++j)
                q.push(keys[j], j);

            // Pop each key, modify it, and reinsert.
            for (int j=0; j < num_keys; ++j)
                pair<double, int> top = q.pop();
                top.first = static_cast<double>(rand()) / RAND_MAX;
                q.push(top.first, top.second);
            cout << (sys_time() - start_time) << " secs for BalancedQueue" << endl;
        cout << endl;


3.023 secs for multimap
0.34 secs for BalancedQueue

2.807 secs for multimap
0.351 secs for BalancedQueue

2.771 secs for multimap
0.337 secs for BalancedQueue

2.752 secs for multimap
0.338 secs for BalancedQueue

2.742 secs for multimap
0.334 secs for BalancedQueue