Time in seconds = 260.37
Compiled procs = 1
Time in seconds = 260.04
Compiled procs = 1
以及以秒为单位的40条时间记录和编译过程(点代表无用的行)。 如何将具有Compiled procs值(即1)的单个列添加到以下两个命令的结果中:
awk -F ='/以秒为单位的时间/ {s + = $ 2; c ++} END {print s / c}'bt.B.1.log> t1avg.dat
260.20 1
awk'BEGIN {FS =“以秒为单位的时间=”}; {printf $ 2} {printf“”}'bt.B.1.log> t1.dat
260.37 1
在这两种情况下,我都需要Compiled procs的值只出现一次,最好是在第一行,而不使用中间文件。 到目前为止我设法做的事情是以秒为单位打印所有时间值,其中Compiled procs列出现在每一行并带有一个奇怪的标识:
awk '/seconds/ {printf $5} {printf " "} /procs/ {print $4}' bt.B.1.log > t1.dat
Start in 16:40:51--25/12/2014
NAS Parallel Benchmarks 3.3 -- BT Benchmark
No input file inputbt.data. Using compiled defaults
Size: 102x 102x 102
Iterations: 200 dt: 0.0003000
Number of active processes: 1
Time step 1
Time step 20
Time step 40
Time step 60
Time step 80
Time step 100
Time step 120
Time step 140
Time step 160
Time step 180
Time step 200
Verification being performed for class B
accuracy setting for epsilon = 0.1000000000000E-07
Comparison of RMS-norms of residual
1 0.1423359722929E+04 0.1423359722929E+04 0.7507984505732E-14
2 0.9933052259015E+02 0.9933052259015E+02 0.3147459568137E-14
3 0.3564602564454E+03 0.3564602564454E+03 0.4783990739472E-14
4 0.3248544795908E+03 0.3248544795908E+03 0.2309751522921E-13
5 0.3270754125466E+04 0.3270754125466E+04 0.8481098651866E-14
Comparison of RMS-norms of solution error
1 0.5296984714094E+02 0.5296984714094E+02 0.2682819657265E-15
2 0.4463289611567E+01 0.4463289611567E+01 0.1989963674771E-15
3 0.1312257334221E+02 0.1312257334221E+02 0.4060995034457E-15
4 0.1200692532356E+02 0.1200692532356E+02 0.2958887128106E-15
5 0.1245957615104E+03 0.1245957615104E+03 0.2281113665977E-15
Verification Successful
BT Benchmark Completed.
Class = B
Size = 102x 102x 102
Iterations = 200
Time in seconds = 260.37
Total processes = 1
Compiled procs = 1
Mop/s total = 2696.83
Mop/s/process = 2696.83
Operation type = floating point
Verification = SUCCESSFUL
Version = 3.3
Compile date = 25 Dec 2014
Compile options:
MPIF77 = mpif77
FMPI_LIB = -L/usr/lib/openmpi/lib -lmpi -lopen-rte -lo...
FMPI_INC = -I/usr/lib/openmpi/include -I/usr/lib/openm...
RAND = (none)
Please send the results of this run to:
NPB Development Team
Internet: npb@nas.nasa.gov
If email is not available, send this to:
MS T27A-1
NASA Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000
Fax: 650-604-3957
Finish in 16:45:14--25/12/2014
Start in 16:58:50--25/12/2014
NAS Parallel Benchmarks 3.3 -- BT Benchmark
No input file inputbt.data. Using compiled defaults
Size: 102x 102x 102
Iterations: 200 dt: 0.0003000
Number of active processes: 1
Time step 1
Time step 20
Time step 40
Time step 60
Time step 80
Time step 100
Time step 120
Time step 140
Time step 160
Time step 180
Time step 200
Verification being performed for class B
accuracy setting for epsilon = 0.1000000000000E-07
Comparison of RMS-norms of residual
1 0.1423359722929E+04 0.1423359722929E+04 0.7507984505732E-14
2 0.9933052259015E+02 0.9933052259015E+02 0.3147459568137E-14
3 0.3564602564454E+03 0.3564602564454E+03 0.4783990739472E-14
4 0.3248544795908E+03 0.3248544795908E+03 0.2309751522921E-13
5 0.3270754125466E+04 0.3270754125466E+04 0.8481098651866E-14
Comparison of RMS-norms of solution error
1 0.5296984714094E+02 0.5296984714094E+02 0.2682819657265E-15
2 0.4463289611567E+01 0.4463289611567E+01 0.1989963674771E-15
3 0.1312257334221E+02 0.1312257334221E+02 0.4060995034457E-15
4 0.1200692532356E+02 0.1200692532356E+02 0.2958887128106E-15
5 0.1245957615104E+03 0.1245957615104E+03 0.2281113665977E-15
Verification Successful
BT Benchmark Completed.
Class = B
Size = 102x 102x 102
Iterations = 200
Time in seconds = 260.04
Total processes = 1
Compiled procs = 1
Mop/s total = 2700.25
Mop/s/process = 2700.25
Operation type = floating point
Verification = SUCCESSFUL
Version = 3.3
Compile date = 25 Dec 2014
Compile options:
MPIF77 = mpif77
FMPI_LIB = -L/usr/lib/openmpi/lib -lmpi -lopen-rte -lo...
FMPI_INC = -I/usr/lib/openmpi/include -I/usr/lib/openm...
RAND = (none)
Please send the results of this run to:
NPB Development Team
Internet: npb@nas.nasa.gov
If email is not available, send this to:
MS T27A-1
NASA Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000
Fax: 650-604-3957
Finish in 17:03:12--25/12/2014
答案 0 :(得分:0)
awk -F= '/Time in seconds/ {s+=$2; c++} END {print s/c}' bt.B.1.log > t1avg.dat
awk 'BEGIN { FS = "[ \t]*=[ \t]*" } /Time in seconds/ { s += $2; c++ } /Compiled procs/ { if (! CP) CP = $2 } END { print s/c, CP }' bt.B.1.log >t1avg.dat
一个潜在的小问题是可能会输出260.205 1
,但问题并未将此作为给定脚本的弱点。使用printf "%.2f %s\n", s/c, CP
之类的舍入可以提供260.21 1
。要截断额外数字,请使用printf "%.2f %s\n", int (s/c * 100) / 100, CP
awk 'BEGIN { FS = "Time in seconds =" } ; { printf $2 } {printf " "}' bt.B.1.log > t1.dat
awk 'BEGIN { FS = "[ \t]*[=][ \t]" } /Time in seconds/ { printf "%s", $2 } /Compiled procs/ { if (CP) { printf "\n" } else { CP = $2; printf " %s\n", $2 } }' bt.B.1.log > t1.dat