ID LastUpdatedbyID Focus Domain Stage LastUpdateDate LastEndorsedDate
1 1 AT APT 2 3/24/15 10:46 AM 3/24/15 10:46 AM
1 1 ES ASS 2 3/27/15 10:23 AM 3/27/15 10:23 AM
1 1 ITC A 2 3/24/15 6:57 AM 3/24/15 6:57 AM
2 2 BP Fin 2 4/10/15 8:48 AM 4/10/15 8:48 AM
2 2 BP Fin 3 4/10/15 10:46 AM 4/10/15 12:00 AM
3 3 ES CS 3 3/16/15 1:56 PM 3/16/15 12:00 AM
3 3 ES PM 3 3/16/15 1:56 PM 3/16/15 12:00 AM
3 3 ES PM 1 3/15/15 1:56 PM 3/15/15 2:00 PM
ID LastUpdatedbyID Focus Domain Stage LastUpdateDate LastEndorsedDate
1 1 ES ASS 2 3/27/15 10:23 AM 3/27/15 10:23 AM
2 2 BP Fin 3 4/10/15 10:46 AM 4/10/15 12:00 AM
3 3 ES CS 3 3/16/15 1:56 PM 3/16/15 12:00 AM
3 3 ES PM 3 3/16/15 1:56 PM 3/16/15 12:00 AM
答案 0 :(得分:0)
此查询应该为您提供所需的结果。它基本上是使用union运算符组合的三个不同的查询(每个条件一个)。我不认为它表现那么好并且它可能会得到改进,但是当我使用Access 2010测试它时,它确实返回了正确的结果:
select t.* from t inner join (
select id, max(LastUpdateDate) as aLastUpdateDate
from t
where id not in (select id from t group by id,focus, Domain having count(*) > 1)
and id not in (select id from t where stage >= 3 group by id,focus having count(domain) > 1)
group by id having count(focus) > 1
) a on a.ID = t.id and a.aLastUpdateDate = t.LastUpdateDate
union all
select t.* from t inner join (
select id, focus, Domain, max(LastUpdateDate) as bLastUpdateDate
from t
group by id,focus, Domain
having count(*) > 1
) b on b.ID=t.ID and b.Focus = t.Focus and b.Domain=t.Domain and b.bLastUpdateDate = t.LastUpdateDate
union all
select t.* from t inner join (
select id, focus, stage
from t
where stage >= 3
group by id,focus, stage
having count(domain) > 1
) c on c.ID=t.ID and c.Focus = t.Focus and c.stage = t.stage