我需要在电子邮件正文中找到一个字符串。 我正在寻找的这个词通常会显示在正文的邮件项目中:
Country: USA
Sub GetFirstString()
lBody = ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1).Body
lWords = "Country"
If InStr(1, lBody, lWords) > 0 Then
Do While Mid(lBody, (InStr(1, lBody, lWords) + Len(lWords) + j), 1) = " " Or _
Mid(lBody, (InStr(1, lBody, lWords) + Len(lWords) + j), 1) = ":"
j = j + 1
lBeginning = J
MsgBox "No results"
End If
End Sub
我必须在这里遗漏一些东西,因为即使达到条件,代码也会一直退出循环。示例:当前字符串为" ",但由于第一个条件,它总是会在循环中退出:
Mid(lBody, (InStr(1, lBody, lWords) + Len(lWords) + j), 1) = " "
答案 0 :(得分:1)
你可能有一个看起来像空格的特殊角色,但却没有。我的猜测是Chr $(160)。这是一个重写,将隔离美国部分的消息。
Public Sub GetFirstString()
Dim sBody As String
Dim sMsg As String
Dim vaSplit As Variant
Dim vaLines As Variant
Dim i As Long
Const sWORDS As String = "Country:"
sBody = ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1).Body
'Split the body into lines
vaLines = Split(sBody, vbNewLine)
'Loop through the lines
For i = LBound(vaLines) To UBound(vaLines)
'If the line has the words
If InStr(1, vaLines(i), sWORDS) > 0 Then
'split the line on the words
vaSplit = Split(vaLines(i), sWORDS)
'Get rid of any spaces
sMsg = Replace(vaSplit(UBound(vaSplit)), Space(1), vbNullString)
'Get rid of any special characters
sMsg = Replace(sMsg, Chr$(160), vbNullString)
'Once found, exit the loop because we only want the first one
Exit For
sMsg = "No results"
End If
Next i
MsgBox sMsg
End Sub
答案 1 :(得分:0)
您可以考虑使用Word对象模型来完成工作。 Inspector类的WordEditor属性返回表示消息正文的Document类的实例。有关详细信息,请参阅Chapter 17: Working with Item Bodies。例如,原始草图: