运行.exe文件时出现std :: logic错误

时间:2015-04-27 00:12:07

标签: c++ string

运行.exe文件时出现这个std :: logic错误

basic string::_S_construct null not valid


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;

class Attendance        //parent class called Attendance
     Attendance() : name("Not Assigned"), id(0), num_modules(0),num_contact_hours(0), num_attended(0) { }       //default constructor
     //below is a constructor 
     Attendance(string n, string id, int num_mod, int num_hours, int num_att) : name(n), id(id), num_modules(num_mod), num_contact_hours(num_hours), num_attended(num_att) { }
      ~Attendance() { } //destructor

  // you place your other functions here...

     string name;       //name of person
     string id;         //staff or studentid
     int num_modules, num_contact_hours, num_attended;  //the array contains the number of hours in the first sem and second sem

class Staff : public Attendance     //subclass for Staff attendace
   void initialize_staff(string, string, int, int, int, int, int);
   Staff() : lecture_hours(16), type("Full time") { }       //default constructor, default lecturing hours should be 16
   Staff(string n, string id, int mod, int contact, int attend, int hours, string t) : Attendance(n, id, num_modules, num_contact_hours, num_attended), lecture_hours(hours), type(t) { }
   ~Staff() { }     //destructor
   void setLecturingHours(int hours) { lecture_hours = hours; } //member function (mutator) of subclass that sets lecture hours
   int LecturingHours() { return lecture_hours; }       //accessor function that returns the lecturer hours
   void setType(string t) { type = t; }     //mutator function for 
   string Lecturer_Type() { return type; }  
   void initialize_staff(string,string,int,int,int,string);
   void add();
   void display();
   bool find_free_pos();
    friend istream& operator >> (istream& in, Staff& staff_);
    friend ostream& operator << (ostream& out, Staff& staff);
    int lecture_hours;
   string type;  // full time or part-time

class Student : public Attendance
    Student() : type("Undefined") {}
    Student(string n, string id, int mod, int attend, int hours, string t) : Attendance(n, id, mod, num_contact_hours, attend), type(t) {}
    ~Student() {};
    void initialize_student(string,string,int,int,int,string);
    void add();
    void display();
    friend istream& operator >> (istream& in, Student& student_);
    friend ostream& operator << (ostream& out, Student& student);
    bool find_free_pos();

    void setContactHours(int hours) {};
    int getContactHours() {return num_contact_hours;};

    string type;
    // you populate your variables here

int main(int argc, char** argv) 
    int i=0, choice_task_menu=0, position=0, num_attend=0, num_modules=0, choice_search, num_contact_hours, lecture_hours;      //variables
    string name, id, type;

    Student *student; //declaring pointer called student that will point to object of class Student
    student = new Student[50];  //object created in dynamic memory

    Staff *staff;       //declaring pointer called staff that will point to object of class Staff
    staff = new Staff[50];  //object created in dynamic memory

    Staff staf_count;   //variables just to count the number of rows in file and do nothing else
    Student stud_count; //variables just to count number of rows in file

    ifstream fin1, fin2, fin3, fin4;                // input file stream, fin1 declared
    fin1.open("attendance_student.txt", ios::in);       //open a text file named "student_attendance.txt"
    if(fin1.fail())             //if it fails, output the following and exit the programs
    cout << "Error opening file for reading\n";

    int count_student = 0, count_staff = 0;             //initialize count to zero
    while(fin1 >> stud_count) // while true (there are values to read in), exucute the loop again           |{line includes call to overloading operators}|
        count_student++;                //post-increment the count each time the 6 variables (a row) are filled
    fin1.close();           //close file
    cout << "the number of rows in the students file: " << count_student << endl;

    fin2.open("attendance_staff.txt", ios::in);     //open a text file named "staff_attendance.txt"
    if(fin2.fail())             //if it fails, output the following and exit the programs
    cout << "Error opening file for reading\n";

    count_staff = 0;                //initialize count to zero
    while(fin2 >> staf_count) // while true (there are values to read in), exucute the loop again           |{line includes call to overloading operators}|
        count_staff++;              //post-increment the count each time the 6 variables (a row) are filled
    fin2.close();           //close file
    cout << "the number of rows in the staff file: " << count_staff << endl;

    fin3.open("attendance_student.txt", ios::in);       //opens file named "phonebook.txt"
    if(fin1.fail())         //if it fails to open file, display the following and exits program
    cout << "Error opening file for reading\n";

    i = 0;              //read the contents in to myphbk now
    while(fin3 >> student[i] && i < count_student)

    for(i=0;i<50;i++)       //displays every student

    //now it will operate the staff

    fin4.open("attendance_staff.txt", ios::in);     //opens file named "phonebook.txt"
    if(fin4.fail())         //if it fails to open file, display the following and exits program
    cout << "Error opening file for reading\n";

    i = 0;              //read the contents in to myphbk now
    while(fin4 >> staff[i] && i < count_staff)

    for(i=0;i<50;i++)       //displays every contact

    //overloading operators later 

    int pos = 0;
    for(pos = 0; pos < 50; pos++)           // initializing everything to undefined, and position to free (position is the second parameter sended in)  
        //the sequence goes like this (name,id,num_modules,num_contact_hours,num_attend,type)
        student[pos].initialize_student( "Undefined", "0", 0, 0, 0,"Undefined");    //initialize everything to zero and strings are undefined
        staff[pos].initialize_staff("Undefined", "0",0 ,0,0, "Undefined");
        //void Student::initialise(string name_,string id_, int num_modules_, int num_contact_hours_, int num_attended_, int type_)
        //void Staff::initialise(string name_, string id_, int num_modules_, int lecture_hours_, int num_attended_, string type_)
        //take previous two comments away


    cout << "Please select option (1. Add a person/2. Search for a person)" << endl;
    cin >> choice_task_menu;    //menu only gives 2 choices (add or search for an individual)

        case(1):    // add a person, now its classified staff or student
            cout << "Please enter the position of the person (1. Staff/ 2. Student)" << endl;
            cin >> position;

            //if 1, call staff initialize function, if 2, call student initialize function
            if(position == 1)
                for(int i=0;i<100;i++)

            if(position == 2)
                for(int i=0; i<100; i++)
            cout << "How do you want to search (1. Name/2. ID)" << endl;
            cin >> choice_search;

    return 0;

void Student::initialize_student(string name_,string id_, int num_modules_, int num_contact_hours_, int num_attended_, string type_)
    //now assign them to private member variables
    name = name_;
    id = id_;
    num_modules = num_modules_;
    num_contact_hours = num_contact_hours_;
    type = type_;
    num_attended = num_attended_;

    //end of assigning

void Staff::initialize_staff(string name_, string id_, int num_modules_, int lecture_hours_, int num_attended_, string type_)
    //assigning to private member variables
    name = name_;
    id = id_;
    num_modules = num_modules_;
    type = type_;
    num_attended = num_attended_;
    lecture_hours = lecture_hours_;


bool Student::find_free_pos()
    if (name == "Undefined")
        return true;

bool Staff::find_free_pos()
    if (name == "Undefined")
        return true;

void Student::add()
            cout << "Please enter the type of the person (Full time/Part Time)" << endl;
            cin >> type;
            cout << "Please enter name of person you wish to add" << endl;
            cin >> name;
            cout << "Please enter the ID of the person" << endl;
            cin >> id;      //remember that id is type string
            cout << "Please enter number of contact hours" << endl;
            cin >> num_contact_hours;
            cout << "Please enter number of hours that the person attended" << endl;
            cin >> num_attended;
            cout << "Please enter the number of modules that the person has" << endl;
            cin >> num_modules;

void Staff::add()
            cout << "Please enter the type of the person (Full time/Part Time)" << endl;
            cin >> type;
            cout << "Please enter name of person you wish to add" << endl;
            cin >> name;
            cout << "Please enter the ID of the person" << endl;
            cin >> id;      //remember that id is type string
            cout << "Please enter number of hours that the person attended" << endl;
            cin >> num_attended;
            cout << "Please enter the number of modules that the person has" << endl;
            cin >> num_modules;
            cout << "Please enter lecture hours (if any)" << endl;
            cin >> lecture_hours;

void Student::display()
    cout << name << " " << type << " " << id << " " << num_contact_hours << " " <<  num_modules << " " << num_attended;

void Staff::display()
    cout << name << " " << type << " " << id << " " << lecture_hours << " " <<  num_modules << " " << num_attended;

istream& operator >> (istream& in , Staff& staff)       //overloading operator on insertion operator
    in >> staff.name >> staff.type >> staff.id >> staff.lecture_hours >> staff.num_modules >> staff.num_attended;
    return in;

ostream& operator << (ostream& out , Staff& staff)      //overloading operator on extraction operator
    out << staff.name << staff.type << staff.id << staff.lecture_hours << staff.num_modules << staff.num_attended;
    return out;

istream& operator >> (istream& in , Student& student)       //overloading operator on insertion operator
    in >> student.name >> student.type >> student.id >> student.num_contact_hours >> student.num_modules >> student.num_attended;
    return in;

ostream& operator << (ostream& out , Student& student)      //overloading operator on extraction operator
    out << student.name << student.type << student.id << student.num_contact_hours << student.num_modules << student.num_attended;
    return out;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


在这里,我在代码中可以找到的第一个项目位于(char const *) NULL,您可以将Attendance::Attendance初始化为id(相当于初始化为0


最有可能的解决方法是将NULL替换为id(0),并尝试将id("")初始化为std::string(或NULL })。