
时间:2015-04-26 20:54:49

标签: php mysql concatenation concat

标题对我想要做的事情有点模糊,所以我在这里做解释。我有两个表,我从Book表和Inventory表中获取信息。我从Book表中获取了Book Title,Author Name和ISBN,并将Inventory中的Quantity和Library Location连接成一个。我想要的是信息看起来像

Title of Book
By Author1 Name and Author2 Name
ISBN: 740-fojsd99
(0) Copies available at Location2 
(3) Copies available at Location5


22 11 63
By Stephen King
ISBN: 9788401344106
(0) Copies at the location of Sylvania Public Library


22 11 63
By Stephen King
ISBN: 9788401344106
(0) Copies at the location of Sylvania Public Library
(2) Copies at the location of Toledo Public Library
(1) Copies at the location of Carson Library

我尝试使用爆炸,foreach和使用两个单独的查询来获得我想要显示的内容但是我有点像PHP的菜鸟并且仍然在学习它是如何工作的。 我的php代码如下

$sql = "SELECT Book.Book_Title, 
GROUP BY Book_Title";

$result = mysqli_query($conn,$sql);

while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))
    //had var_dump($result->num_rows); here
    echo "<b><u>". $row["Book_Title"] ."</u></b><br>";
    echo "By ". $row["Author_Name"]. "<br>";
    echo "ISBN: ". $row["Book_ISBN"] . "<br><br>";

    $ISBN = $row['Book_ISBN'];

    $sql2 = "SELECT CONCAT('<DD>(',Inventory.Quantity, ') Copies at the location of ', Inventory.Library_Location,'</DD>') as nCopies
    FROM Inventory
    JOIN Book
    ON Inventory.Book_Id=Book.Book_Id
    WHERE $ISBN = Book.Book_ISBN";

       $result2 = mysqli_query($conn,$sql2);

    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result2)) 
                echo "" . $row["numOfCopies"] . "<br>";




SELECT Book.Book_Title, 
GROUP BY Book_Title


| Book_Title                              | Author_Name                               | Book_ISBN     |
| 22 11 63                                | Stephen King                              | 9788401344106 |
| A Good Marriage                         | Stephen King                              | 9781401104428 |
| Bag of Bones                            | Stephen King                              | 9780671024239 |
| Carrie                                  | Stephen King                              | 9780307743664 |
| Cell                                    | Stephen King                              | 9781416424419 |
| Christine                               | Stephen King                              | 9780441160447 |
| Cujo                                    | Stephen King                              | 9780441161342 |
| Dark Souls: Design Works                | From Software                             | 9781926778891 |
| Desperation                             | Stephen King                              | 9781101137994 |
| Doctor Sleep                            | Stephen King                              | 9781441698844 |
| Dragon Age Inquisition: Official Guide  | David Knight                              | 9780804162944 |
| Duma Key                                | Stephen King                              | 9788401338090 |
| Everythings Eventual                    | Stephen King                              | 9780743447344 |
| Hearts in Atlantis                      | Stephen King                              | 9780671024246 |
| Heir to the Jedi: Star Wars             | Kevin Hearne                              | 9780344444848 |
| Insomnia                                | Stephen King                              | 9781101138007 |
| IT                                      | Stephen King                              | 9780441169418 |
| Joyland                                 | Stephen King, Hannes Riffel               | 9783641147074 |
| Mile 81                                 | Stephen King                              | 9781441664604 |
| Mr. Mercedes                            | Stephen King                              | 9781476744474 |
| Pet Sematary                            | Stephen King                              | 9780743412278 |
| Prince Caspian                          | C.S. Lewis, Pauline Baynes                | 9780064404003 |
| process control 221 Success Secrets     | David Knight                              | 9781488844672 |
| Secret Window                           | Stephen King                              | 9780441213469 |
| Skeleton Crew                           | Stephen King                              | 9780441168610 |
| Star Wars DarkSaber                     | Kevin J. Anderson                         | 9780307796417 |
| Star Wars I, Jedi                       | Michael A. Stackpole                      | 9780443478737 |
| Star Wars Mad Libs                      | Roger Price, Leonard Stern                | 9780843132717 |
| Star Wars Red Harvest                   | Joe Schreiber                             | 9780344418490 |
| Star Wars The Essential Atlas           | Jason Fry, Daniel Wallace                 | 9780344477644 |
| Star Wars: Choices of One               | Timothy Zahn                              | 9780344411263 |
| Star Wars: Dark Empire Trilogy          | Tom Veitch, Jim Baikie, Cam Kennedy       | 9781302466434 |
| Star Wars: Jedi Academy                 | Jeffery Brown                             | 9780444404178 |
| Star Wars: Rebel Force: Hostage         | Alex Wheeler                              | 9781484720226 |
| Star Wars: Riptide                      | Paul S. Kemp                              | 9780344422467 |
| Star Wars: Rise and Fall of Darth Vader | Ryder Windham                             | 9781484717874 |
| Tarkin: Star Wars                       | James Luceno                              | 9780344411422 |
| The Dead Zone                           | Stephen King                              | 9780441144747 |
| The Horse and His Boy                   | C.S. Lewis, Pauline Baynes                | 9780064471060 |
| The Last Battle                         | C.S. Lewis, Pauline Baynes, David Wiesner | 9780064404034 |
| The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia    | Patrick Thorpe                            | 9781616440417 |
| The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe    | C.S. Lewis, Pauline Baynes                | 9780064471046 |
| The Magicians Nephew                    | C.S. Lewis, Pauline Baynes                | 9780064471107 |
| The Mist                                | Stephen King                              | 9780441223296 |
| The Running Man                         | Stephen King, Richard Bachman             | 9780441197962 |
| The Shining                             | Stephen King                              | 9780344806789 |
| The Stand                               | Stephen King                              | 9780307743688 |
| The Tommyknockers                       | Stephen King                              | 9780441146600 |
| Thinner                                 | Stephen King, Richard Bachman             | 9780441161344 |
| Under the Dome                          | Stephen King                              | 9781476734474 |


SELECT CONCAT('<DD>(',Inventory.Quantity, ') Copies at the location of ', Inventory.Library_Location,'</DD>') as nCopies
            FROM Inventory
        JOIN Book
        ON Inventory.Book_Id=Book.Book_Id

(必须删除GROUP BY Book_Title,因为它说Group&#39; Book_Id&#39;在群组声明中含糊不清)给了我结果

| nCopies                                                        |
| <DD>(0) Copies at the location of Sylvania Public Library</DD> |
| <DD>(1) Copies at the location of Carson Library</DD>          |
| <DD>(2) Copies at the location of Commuter Public Library</DD> |
| <DD>(0) Copies at the location of Sylvania Public Library</DD> |
| <DD>(2) Copies at the location of Toledo Public Library</DD>   |
| <DD>(1) Copies at the location of Carson Library</DD>          |
| <DD>(1) Copies at the location of Carson Library</DD>          |
| <DD>(2) Copies at the location of Commuter Public Library</DD> |
| <DD>(2) Copies at the location of Toledo Public Library</DD>   |
| <DD>(2) Copies at the location of Sylvania Public Library</DD> |


22 11 63
By Stephen King
ISBN: 9788401344106
(0) Copies at the location of Sylvania Public Library
(2) Copies at the location of Toledo Public Library
(1) Copies at the location of Carson Library
A Good Marriage
By Stephen King
ISBN: 9781401104428
(1) Copies at the location of Carson Library
(2) Copies at the location of Commuter Public Library
Bag of Bones
By Stephen King
ISBN: 9780671024239
(2) Copies at the location of Toledo Public Library
(2) Copies at the location of Sylvania Public Library
By Stephen King
ISBN: 9781416424419
(0) Copies at the location of Sylvania Public Library
(1) Copies at the location of Carson Library
(2) Copies at the location of Commuter Public Library


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

你可以尝试这样的事情。基本上从特定书籍的结果中获取a然后循环遍历位置应该有效。 (我知道它有点笨重,但它应该做的工作)。你上面遇到的问题是因为你只是踢出第一排;除非你告诉它,否则PHP并不知道如何遍历初始查询的子部分。

while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))
        //had var_dump($row); here
        //had var_dump($result->num_rows); here
        echo "<b><u>". $row["Book_Title"] ."</u></b><br>";
        echo "By ". $row["Author_Name"]. "<br>";
        echo "ISBN: ". $row["Book_ISBN"] . "<br>";

        $ISBN = $row['Book_ISBN'];

        $sql2 = "SELECT CONCAT('<DD>(',Inventory.Quantity, ') Copies at the location of ', Inventory.Library_Location,'</DD>') as numOfCopies
        FROM Book
        JOIN Inventory
        ON Book.Book_Id=Inventory.Book_Id 
        WHERE Book.Book_ISBN = '$ISBN'
        GROUP BY Book_Title";
        $result2 = mysqli_query($conn,$sql2);

        while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result2)) {
            echo "" . $row["numOfCopies"] . "<br>";




编辑:用单引号括起$ISBN,因为我看到你把它当作字符串处理。 (虽然我必须说你的例子中有一个非常奇怪的ISBN;通常这些是数字的,通常用连字符存储,但不是字母数字)