
时间:2015-04-25 14:00:47

标签: c select epoll

使用Linux(Ubuntu)应用程序。我需要以非阻塞的方式阅读许多文件。不幸的是,epoll不支持真正的文件描述符(来自文件的文件描述符),它确实支持网络套接字的文件描述符。 select确实适用于真实的文件描述符,但它有两个缺点:1)它很慢,线性地遍历所有设置的文件描述符,2)它是有限的,它通常不允许超过1024个文件描述符




更新1 这里的用例是创建某种文件服务器,许多客户端请求文件,以非阻塞方式提供服务。由于网络端实现(不是标准的TCP / IP堆栈),不能使用sendfile()。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



答案 1 :(得分:0)

您可以在Linux上使用异步IO。 relevant AIO manpages(第3节中的所有内容)似乎都有相当多的信息。我认为aio_read()可能对你最有用。



#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <aio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

typedef struct {
    struct aiocb *aio;
    connection_data *conn;
} cb_data;

void callback (union sigval u) {
    // recover file related data prior to freeing
    cb_data data = u.sival_ptr;
    int fd = data->aio->aio_fildes;
    uint8_t *buffer = data->aio->aio_buf;
    size_t len = data->aio->aio_nbytes;
    free (data->aio);

    // recover connection data pointer then free
    connection_data *conn = data->conn;
    free (data);


    // finish handling request




int main (int argc, char **argv) {
    // initial setup


    // setup aio for optimal performance
    struct aioinit ainit = { 0 };
    // online background threads
    ainit.aio_threads = sysconf (_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN) * 4;
    // use defaults if using few core system
    ainit.aio_threads = (ainit.aio_threads > 20 ? ainit.aio_threads : 20)
    // set num to the maximum number of likely simultaneous requests
    ainit.aio_num = 4096;
    ainit.aio_idle_time = 5;

    aio_init (&ainit);


    // handle incoming requests
    int exit = 0;
    while (!exit) {


        // the [asynchronous] fun begins
        struct aiocb *cb = calloc (1, sizeof (struct aiocb));
        if (!cb)
            // handle OOM error
        cb->aio_fildes = file_fd;
        cb->aio_offset = 0; // assuming you want to send the entire file
        cb->aio_buf = malloc (file_len);
        if (!cb->aio_buf)
            // handle OOM error
        cb->aio_nbytes = file_len;
        // execute the callback in a separate thread
        cb->aio_sigevent.sigev_notify = SIGEV_THREAD;

        cb_data *data = malloc (sizeof (cb_data));
        if (!data)
            // handle OOM error
        data->aio = cb; // so we can free() later
        // whatever you need to finish handling the request
        data->conn = connection_data;
        cb->aio_sigevent.sigev_value.sival_ptr = data;  // passed to callback
        cb->aio_sigevent.sigev_notify_function = callback;

        if ((err = aio_read (cb)))  // and you're done!
            // handle aio error

        // move on to next connection


    return 0;
