
时间:2015-04-24 07:55:14

标签: symfony testing service phpunit



  • 返回json数据的Data API(这是一个单独的库 我已经实现了一项服务并且自带了单元测试。)
  • The Doctrine Entity Manager。



我如何为此服务编写单元测试? 特别是模拟我通常会从api中提取的数据。 然后检查是否需要更新或创建条目?




namespace FantasyPro\DataBundle\DataManager;

use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use FantasyDataAPI\Client;
use FantasyPro\DataBundle\Entity\Stadium;

class StadiumParser {
     * @var EntityManager $em
    private  $em;
     * @var Client $client
    private $client;

    public function __construct( EntityManager $em, Client $client) {
        $this->em = $em;
        $this->client = $client;

     * @return array
    public Function parseData(){

        $stadiumData = $this->client->Stadiums();
        //get the Repo
        $repo = $this->em->getRepository('DataBundle:Stadium');

        $log = array();

        foreach ($stadiumData as $stadium) {
            // Get the current stadium in the list from the database
            $criteria = array( 'stadiumID' => $stadium['StadiumID'] );
            $currentStadium = $repo->FindOneBy( $criteria );

            if ( ! $currentStadium) {
                $currentStadium = new Stadium(); //no stadium with the StadiumID exists so create a new stadium

                $logData = [
                    'action'   => 'Added Stadium',
                    'itemID'   => $stadium['StadiumID'],
                    'itemName' => $stadium['Name']
                $log[] = $logData;
            } else {
                $logData = [
                    'action'   => 'Updated Stadium',
                    'itemID'   => $stadium['StadiumID'],
                    'itemName' => $stadium['Name']
                $log[] = $logData;
            $currentStadium->setStadiumID( $stadium['StadiumID'] );
            $currentStadium->setName( $stadium['Name'] );
            $currentStadium->setCity( $stadium['City'] );
            $currentStadium->setState( $stadium['State'] );
            $currentStadium->setCountry( $stadium['Country'] );
            $currentStadium->setCapacity( $stadium['Capacity'] );
            $currentStadium->setPlayingSurface( $stadium['PlayingSurface'] );
            $this->em->persist( $currentStadium );
        return $log;

******更新******* 看完ilpaijin的回答后。


我现在正在我的构造中设置实体,因为我无法确定如何将实体作为注入依赖项传递。 现在使用createNewStadium()方法获取新实体。


namespace FantasyPro\DataBundle\DataManager;

use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use FantasyDataAPI\Client;
use FantasyPro\DataBundle\Entity\Stadium;

class StadiumParser {
     * @var EntityManager $em
    private  $em;
     * @var Client $client
    private $client;
     * @var Stadium Stadium
    private $stadium;

    public function __construct( EntityManager $em, Client $client) {
        $this->em = $em;
        $this->client = $client;

     * Gets a list of stadiums using $this->client->Stadiums.
     * loops through returned stadiums and persists them
     * when loop has finished flush them to the db
    public Function parseData(){
        $data = $this->client->Stadiums();
        //get the Repo
        $repo = $this->em->getRepository('DataBundle:Stadium');

        foreach ($data as $item) {
            // Get the current stadium in the list
            $criteria = array( 'stadiumID' => $item['StadiumID'] );
            $currentStadium = $repo->FindOneBy( $criteria );

            if ( ! $currentStadium) {
                $currentStadium = $this->createNewStadium; //no stadium with the StadiumID use the new stadium entity
            $currentStadium->setStadiumID( $item['StadiumID'] );
            $currentStadium->setName( $item['Name'] );
            $currentStadium->setCity( $item['City'] );
            $currentStadium->setState( $item['State'] );
            $currentStadium->setCountry( $item['Country'] );
            $currentStadium->setCapacity( $item['Capacity'] );
            $currentStadium->setPlayingSurface( $item['PlayingSurface'] );
            $this->em->persist( $currentStadium );

    // Adding this new method gives you the ability to mock this dependency  when testing  
    private function createNewStadium()
        return new Stadium();

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

您基本上需要的是使用所谓的&#34; Test doubles&#34;单元测试服务。


基于您的实际实现的真实示例是不可能的,因为您有紧密耦合的代数为$currentStadium = new Stadium();。您应该在构造函数中或通过getter / setter传递这些deps,以便能够在单元测试时模拟它。


// class StadiumParser revisited and simplified
class StadiumParser 
    private $client;

    public function __construct(Client $client) 
        $this->client = $client;

    public function parseData()
        $stadiumData = $this->client->Stadiums();

        // do something with the repo

        $log = array();

        foreach ($stadiumData as $stadium) {
            $logData = [
                'action'   => 'Added Stadium',
                'itemID'   => $stadium['StadiumID'],
                'itemName' => $stadium['Name']
            $log[] = $logData;

        // do something else with Doctrine

        return $log;


// StadiumParser Unit Test
class StadiumParserTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase 
    public function testItParseDataAndReturnTheLog()
        $client = $this->getMock('FantasyDataAPI\Client');

        // since you class is returning a log array, we mock it here
        $expectedLog = array(
                'action'   => 'Added Stadium',
                'itemID'   => $stadium['StadiumID'],
                'itemName' => $stadium['Name']

        // this is the mocked or test double part. 
        // We only need this method return something without really calling it
        // So we mock it and we hardcode the expected return value
        $stadiumData = array(
                "StadiumID" => 1,
                "Name" => "aStadiumName"


        $stadiumParser = new StadiumParser($client);

        $this->assertEquals($expectedLog, $stadiumParser->parseData());

我自愿省略了EntityManager部分,因为我猜您应该查看相对于how to unit test code interacting with the database的Symfony Doc

----- ----- EDIT2


// class StadiumParser
public Function parseData()

    foreach ($stadiumData as $stadium) {

        if ( ! $currentStadium) {
            $currentStadium = $this->createNewStadium();

// Adding this new method gives you the ability to mock this dependency when testing  
private function createNewStadium()
    return new Stadium();

----- ----- EDIT3

我想建议你另一种方法。如果Stadium实体在不同服务或不同服务的不同部分中需要,那么这应该是更好的选择。我提议的内容称为Builder模式,但Factory也可以作为选项。浏览一下他们的差异。 正如您所看到的那样,从方法中提取了一些代码,更好地分配了类之间的责任,让您和您的团队成员更清晰,更容易阅读。你已经知道在测试时如何模拟它。

class StadiumParser 
    private  $stadiumBuilder;

    public function __construct( StadiumBuilder $builder, ...) {
        $this->stadiumBuilder = $stadiumBuilder;

    public Function parseData()

        foreach ($stadiumData as $stadium) {
            $currentStadium = $repo->FindOneBy( $criteria );

            if ( ! $currentStadium) {
                $currentStadium = $this->stadiumBuilder->build($currentStadium, $stadium);



// StadiumBuilder class

namespace ???

use FantasyPro\DataBundle\Entity\Stadium;

class StadiumBuilder 
    // depending on the needs but this should also has a different name
    // like buildBasic or buildFull or buildBlaBlaBla or buildTest 
    public function build($currentStadium = null, $stadium)
        if (!$currentStadium) {
            $currentStadium = new Stadium();

        $currentStadium->setStadiumID( $stadium['StadiumID'] );
        $currentStadium->setName( $stadium['Name'] );
        $currentStadium->setCity( $stadium['City'] );
        $currentStadium->setState( $stadium['State'] );
        $currentStadium->setCountry( $stadium['Country'] );
        $currentStadium->setCapacity( $stadium['Capacity'] );
        $currentStadium->setPlayingSurface( $stadium['PlayingSurface'] );

        return $currentStadium; 