Sorting Average Score in a file. Columns and descending

时间:2015-04-23 05:22:29

标签: python file sorting text-files average

I have a file with 3 scores for each person. I want to use these scores, and get the average of all 3 of them. There scores are separated by tabs and in descending order. For example:

jack    10    6   11
claire  3    7    3
conrad  5    4    6

these people would come out with an average of:

jack   9
conrad 5
claire 4

I want these to be able to print to the python shell, however not be saved to the file.

with open("file.txt") as file1:
    d = {}
    for line in file1:
        column = line.split("/t")
        names = column[0]
        scores = int(column[1].strip())

I have made a start, but I have found myself stuck and I do not know how to continue with the coding. Does anyone have a solution?

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

Use the concept of a set, or a dictionary. Both are similar: they can only contain a certain "key" once.

So if you created a dictionary that stored the contents of each score, using the 'name' as a key, you could create a data structure that looked something like this:

student_scores = {'dave': [9, 8, 11], 'john': [12, 7, 10], ... }

That data structure would be something you could analyze in a second step, easily enough, to calculate averages.

Then write a loop that goes through your student_scores, and averages each one. You can loop through a dictionary like this:

for name, list_of_scores in student_scores.items():
    # do something with name & list...

Hope that gives you some ideas, without just coding it for you!

Also: Remember of course that "average" is defined as the sum of a list of numbers, divided by the len of a list of numbers. Lucky for you, both of these built-in functions exist in Python, and operate on lists!

答案 1 :(得分:0)

You could use a dictionary.

scores = {}
with open("class6Afile.txt") as file1:
    for line in file1:
        column = line.split("/t")
        names[column[0]] = column[1:]

Post this, you can iterate over key,value pairs as shown here and find the average over each set of value against the corresponding name.

Also , you can't store names in an array the way you have done it. I'm assuming names is an array, so the correct way to do it is.


答案 2 :(得分:0)

with open("class6Afile.txt") as file1:
d = {}
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, average): = name
        self.average = average
for line in file1:
    column = line.split("/t")
    name = column[0]
    average = (int(column[1].strip()) + int(column[2].strip()) + int(column[3].strip()))/3
d.sort(key=lambda x: x.average, reverse=True)
