我试图在将响应 envelope.bodyIn 转换为我的扩展类对象" BiometricConfigurationResponse&#34时,试图弄清楚如何投射网络服务消费的响应;我收到此错误:
该服务响应良好,如果我不投,我得到转储权。 有什么想法吗?
BiometricConfigurationResponse response= null;
SoapObject obj = new SoapObject (wsNameSpace, methodName);
SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope = new SoapSerializationEnvelope(SoapEnvelope.VER11);
envelope.implicitTypes = true;
envelope.dotNet = true;
envelope.addMapping(wsNameSpace, "BiometricConfigurationResponse", new BiometricConfigurationResponse().getClass());
HttpTransportSE androidHttpTransport = new HttpTransportSE(wsURL);
androidHttpTransport.debug = true;
try {
String soapAction=wsNameSpace + methodName;
androidHttpTransport.call(soapAction, envelope);
response = (BiometricConfigurationResponse)envelope.bodyIn;
catch (Exception e) {
package org.tempuri;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import org.ksoap2.serialization.PropertyInfo;
import org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapObject;
public final class BiometricConfigurationResponse extends SoapObject {
private int coderAlgorithm;
private int templateFormat;
private boolean juvenileMode;
private int qualityThreshold;
private boolean retryAcquisition;
private boolean acceptBadQualityEnrollment;
private boolean showQualityBar;
private boolean showQualityThreshold;
private int timeout;
private int timeoutQualityCoder;
private int enrollSecurityLevel;
private boolean securityLevelCompatibility;
private boolean liveImage;
private java.lang.String setCulture;
private int authenticationScore;
public BiometricConfigurationResponse() {
super("", "");
public void setCoderAlgorithm(int coderAlgorithm) {
this.coderAlgorithm = coderAlgorithm;
public int getCoderAlgorithm(int coderAlgorithm) {
return this.coderAlgorithm;
public void setTemplateFormat(int templateFormat) {
this.templateFormat = templateFormat;
public int getTemplateFormat(int templateFormat) {
return this.templateFormat;
public void setJuvenileMode(boolean juvenileMode) {
this.juvenileMode = juvenileMode;
public boolean getJuvenileMode(boolean juvenileMode) {
return this.juvenileMode;
public void setQualityThreshold(int qualityThreshold) {
this.qualityThreshold = qualityThreshold;
public int getQualityThreshold(int qualityThreshold) {
return this.qualityThreshold;
public void setRetryAcquisition(boolean retryAcquisition) {
this.retryAcquisition = retryAcquisition;
public boolean getRetryAcquisition(boolean retryAcquisition) {
return this.retryAcquisition;
public void setAcceptBadQualityEnrollment(boolean acceptBadQualityEnrollment) {
this.acceptBadQualityEnrollment = acceptBadQualityEnrollment;
public boolean getAcceptBadQualityEnrollment(boolean acceptBadQualityEnrollment) {
return this.acceptBadQualityEnrollment;
public void setShowQualityBar(boolean showQualityBar) {
this.showQualityBar = showQualityBar;
public boolean getShowQualityBar(boolean showQualityBar) {
return this.showQualityBar;
public void setShowQualityThreshold(boolean showQualityThreshold) {
this.showQualityThreshold = showQualityThreshold;
public boolean getShowQualityThreshold(boolean showQualityThreshold) {
return this.showQualityThreshold;
public void setTimeout(int timeout) {
this.timeout = timeout;
public int getTimeout(int timeout) {
return this.timeout;
public void setTimeoutQualityCoder(int timeoutQualityCoder) {
this.timeoutQualityCoder = timeoutQualityCoder;
public int getTimeoutQualityCoder(int timeoutQualityCoder) {
return this.timeoutQualityCoder;
public void setEnrollSecurityLevel(int enrollSecurityLevel) {
this.enrollSecurityLevel = enrollSecurityLevel;
public int getEnrollSecurityLevel(int enrollSecurityLevel) {
return this.enrollSecurityLevel;
public void setSecurityLevelCompatibility(boolean securityLevelCompatibility) {
this.securityLevelCompatibility = securityLevelCompatibility;
public boolean getSecurityLevelCompatibility(boolean securityLevelCompatibility) {
return this.securityLevelCompatibility;
public void setLiveImage(boolean liveImage) {
this.liveImage = liveImage;
public boolean getLiveImage(boolean liveImage) {
return this.liveImage;
public void setSetCulture(java.lang.String setCulture) {
this.setCulture = setCulture;
public java.lang.String getSetCulture(java.lang.String setCulture) {
return this.setCulture;
public void setAuthenticationScore(int authenticationScore) {
this.authenticationScore = authenticationScore;
public int getAuthenticationScore(int authenticationScore) {
return this.authenticationScore;
public int getPropertyCount() {
return 15;
public Object getProperty(int __index) {
switch(__index) {
case 0: return new Integer(coderAlgorithm);
case 1: return new Integer(templateFormat);
case 2: return new Boolean(juvenileMode);
case 3: return new Integer(qualityThreshold);
case 4: return new Boolean(retryAcquisition);
case 5: return new Boolean(acceptBadQualityEnrollment);
case 6: return new Boolean(showQualityBar);
case 7: return new Boolean(showQualityThreshold);
case 8: return new Integer(timeout);
case 9: return new Integer(timeoutQualityCoder);
case 10: return new Integer(enrollSecurityLevel);
case 11: return new Boolean(securityLevelCompatibility);
case 12: return new Boolean(liveImage);
case 13: return setCulture;
case 14: return new Integer(authenticationScore);
return null;
public void setProperty(int __index, Object __obj) {
switch(__index) {
case 0: coderAlgorithm = Integer.parseInt(__obj.toString()); break;
case 1: templateFormat = Integer.parseInt(__obj.toString()); break;
case 2: juvenileMode = "true".equals(__obj.toString()); break;
case 3: qualityThreshold = Integer.parseInt(__obj.toString()); break;
case 4: retryAcquisition = "true".equals(__obj.toString()); break;
case 5: acceptBadQualityEnrollment = "true".equals(__obj.toString()); break;
case 6: showQualityBar = "true".equals(__obj.toString()); break;
case 7: showQualityThreshold = "true".equals(__obj.toString()); break;
case 8: timeout = Integer.parseInt(__obj.toString()); break;
case 9: timeoutQualityCoder = Integer.parseInt(__obj.toString()); break;
case 10: enrollSecurityLevel = Integer.parseInt(__obj.toString()); break;
case 11: securityLevelCompatibility = "true".equals(__obj.toString()); break;
case 12: liveImage = "true".equals(__obj.toString()); break;
case 13: setCulture = (java.lang.String) __obj; break;
case 14: authenticationScore = Integer.parseInt(__obj.toString()); break;
public void getPropertyInfo(int __index, Hashtable __table, PropertyInfo __info) {
switch(__index) {
case 0:
__info.name = "coderAlgorithm";
__info.type = Integer.class; break;
case 1:
__info.name = "templateFormat";
__info.type = Integer.class; break;
case 2:
__info.name = "juvenileMode";
__info.type = Boolean.class; break;
case 3:
__info.name = "qualityThreshold";
__info.type = Integer.class; break;
case 4:
__info.name = "retryAcquisition";
__info.type = Boolean.class; break;
case 5:
__info.name = "acceptBadQualityEnrollment";
__info.type = Boolean.class; break;
case 6:
__info.name = "showQualityBar";
__info.type = Boolean.class; break;
case 7:
__info.name = "showQualityThreshold";
__info.type = Boolean.class; break;
case 8:
__info.name = "timeout";
__info.type = Integer.class; break;
case 9:
__info.name = "timeoutQualityCoder";
__info.type = Integer.class; break;
case 10:
__info.name = "enrollSecurityLevel";
__info.type = Integer.class; break;
case 11:
__info.name = "securityLevelCompatibility";
__info.type = Boolean.class; break;
case 12:
__info.name = "liveImage";
__info.type = Boolean.class; break;
case 13:
__info.name = "setCulture";
__info.type = java.lang.String.class; break;
case 14:
__info.name = "authenticationScore";
__info.type = Integer.class; break;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
我的网络服务名称是" 营养素"儿子,当你在MainActivity中调用它时,你必须这样做:
while(true) {
System.out.println("(1) Bubble Sort (2) Selection Sort (3) Insertion Sort");
System.out.print("From the choices above, which selection sort would you like to choose: ");
selectionSort = input.readLine();
try {
sortRunner = Integer.parseInt(selectionSort);
if(sortRunner == 1) {
// run bubble sort
// print order
else if (sortRunner == 2) {
// run Selection sort
//print order
else if(sortRunner == 3) {
// run selection sort
// print order
catch (NumberFormatExecption ex) {
System.err.println("You need to enter a valid input when selection your selection sort. Try again.");
但它在所有情况下都会响应0,因为WDSL存根文件正在解析 PROPERTIES NOT ATRIBUTES ,所以当你打开序列化生成的文件时,你会得到类似的结果:
nutriment nws= new nutriment();
BiometricConfigurationResponse respuesta = nws.GetBiometricConfiguration();
Log.i(TAG, String.valueOf(respuesta.coderAlgorithm));
Log.i(TAG, String.valueOf(respuesta.templateFormat));
import org.ksoap2.serialization.KvmSerializable;
import org.ksoap2.serialization.PropertyInfo;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapObject;
import org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapPrimitive;
public class BiometricConfigurationResponse implements KvmSerializable {
public int coderAlgorithm;
public int templateFormat;
public BiometricConfigurationResponse(){}
public BiometricConfigurationResponse(SoapObject soapObject)
if (soapObject == null)
if (soapObject.hasProperty("coderAlgorithm"))
Object obj = soapObject.getProperty("coderAlgorithm");
if (obj != null && obj.getClass().equals(SoapObject.class)){
SoapPrimitive j =(SoapPrimitive) obj;
coderAlgorithm = Integer.parseInt(j.toString());
else if (obj!= null && obj instanceof Number){
coderAlgorithm = (Integer) obj;
if (soapObject.hasProperty("templateFormat"))
Object obj = soapObject.getProperty("templateFormat");
if (obj != null && obj.getClass().equals(SoapPrimitive.class)){
SoapPrimitive j =(SoapPrimitive) obj;
templateFormat = Integer.parseInt(j.toString());
}else if (obj!= null && obj instanceof Number){
templateFormat = (Integer) obj;
public Object getProperty(int arg0) {
case 0:
return coderAlgorithm;
case 1:
return templateFormat;
return null;
public int getPropertyCount() {
return 15;
public void getPropertyInfo(int index, @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Hashtable arg1, PropertyInfo info) {
case 0:
info.type = PropertyInfo.INTEGER_CLASS;
info.name = "coderAlgorithm";
case 1:
info.type = PropertyInfo.INTEGER_CLASS;
info.name = "templateFormat";
public void setProperty(int arg0, Object arg1) {
public String getInnerText() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public void setInnerText(String arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
if (soapObject.hasProperty("coderAlgorithm")){
Object obj = soapObject.getProperty("coderAlgorithm");
if (obj != null && obj.getClass().equals(SoapObject.class)){
SoapPrimitive j =(SoapPrimitive) obj;
coderAlgorithm = Integer.parseInt(j.toString());
else if (obj!= null && obj instanceof Number){
coderAlgorithm = (Integer) obj;