ID Game Type Score
1 a 12
1 a 12
1 a 1
1 a 15
1 a 15
1 b 12
1 b 5
1 b 10
1 b 12
1 b 5
1 b 10
2 a 6
2 a 9
2 a 1
2 a 3
2 a 2
2 b 8
2 b 10
2 b 15
2 b 3
2 b 12
我要做的是,为每个用户选择游戏类型A的前3个分数,并为每个用户从游戏类型B中选择前2个分数。 我需要选择产生什么,以便我可以总结每个球员的得分:
ID Game Type Score
1 a 12
1 a 15
1 a 15
1 b 12
1 b 12
2 a 6
2 a 9
2 a 3
2 b 15
2 b 12
我在Select highest 3 scores in each day for every user找到了来自bonCodigo的类似问题和解决方案。我把他的sql改成了这个:
-- for top 2 sum by user by each day
SELECT userid, sum(score), type
FROM scores t1
where 3 >=
(SELECT count(*)
from scores t2
where t1.score <= t2.score
and t1.userid = t2.userid
and t1.type = t2.type
order by t2.score desc)
group by userid, type
-- for all two days top 2 sum by user
SELECT userid, sum(score)
FROM scores t1
where 3 >=
(SELECT count(*)
from scores t2
where t1.score <= t2.score
and t1.userid = t2.userid
and t1.type = t2.type
order by t2.score desc)
group by userid
答案 0 :(得分:0)
create procedure leaderboard()
declare uid int;
declare done int default 0;
declare cur1 cursor for select distinct userid from score;
declare continue handler for not found set done = 1;
drop table if exists score_temp;
create temporary table score_temp(userid int, score int, type int);
open cur1;
read_loop: LOOP
fetch cur1 into uid;
if done then
close cur1;
leave read_loop;
end if;
declare done2 int default 0;
declare i_userid int;
declare i_type int;
declare i_score int;
declare cur2 cursor for select * from score where userid = uid and type = 1 order by score desc limit 3;
declare continue handler for not found set done2 = 1;
open cur2;
inner_loop: LOOP
fetch cur2 into i_userid, i_score, i_type;
if done2 then
close cur2;
leave inner_loop;
end if;
insert into score_temp values (i_userid, i_score, i_type);
end loop inner_loop;
declare done2 int default 0;
declare i_userid int;
declare i_type int;
declare i_score int;
declare cur2 cursor for select * from score where userid = uid and type = 2 order by score desc limit 2;
declare continue handler for not found set done2 = 1;
open cur2;
inner_loop: LOOP
fetch cur2 into i_userid, i_score, i_type;
if done2 then
close cur2;
leave inner_loop;
end if;
insert into score_temp values (i_userid, i_score, i_type);
end loop inner_loop;
end loop read_loop;
select * from score_temp;
call leaderboard();