eventid mnbr
20 1
26 1
12 2
14 2
15 3
14 3
10 3
的邻接矩阵 mnbr 1 2 3
1 1 0 0
2 0 1 1
3 0 1 1
每当有两名成员参加同一活动时,会有1。我成功地将csv文件的列读入2个独立的1D numpy数组。然而,在这里,我不确定如何继续。如何使用第2列创建矩阵,以及如何使用第1列填充值?我知道我没有发布任何代码,并且不期望在这方面有任何解决方案,但会非常感谢如何以有效的方式解决问题。我有大约300万个观测值,因此创建太多外部变量会有问题。提前致谢。我收到一条通知,说我的问题可能是重复的,但我的问题是解析数据而不是创建邻接矩阵。
答案 0 :(得分:4)
#assume you stored every line of your input as a tuples (eventid, mnbr).
observations = [(20, 1), (26, 1), (12, 2), (14, 2), (15,3 ), (14, 3), (10, 3)]
#then creates an event link dictionary. i.e something that link every event to all its mnbrs
eventLinks = {}
for (eventid, mnbr) in observations :
#If this event have never been encoutered then create a new entry in links
if not eventid in eventLinks.keys():
eventLinks[eventid] = []
#collect the mnbrs
mnbrs = set([mnbr for (eventid, mnbr) in observations])
#create a member link dictionary. This one link a mnbr to other mnbr linked to it.
mnbrLinks = { mnbr : set() for mnbr in mnbrs }
for mnbrList in eventLinks.values() :
#add for each mnbr all the mnbr implied in the same event.
for mnbr in mnbrList:
mnbrLinks[mnbr] = mnbrLinks[mnbr].union(set(mnbrList))
{1: {1}, 2: {2, 3}, 3: {2, 3}}
希望有所帮助。 亚瑟。
编辑2:添加一个代码将adjacencyList转换为一个小的smart adjacencyMatrix
adjacencyList = {1: {1}, 2: {2, 3}, 3: {2, 3}}
class AdjacencyMatrix():
def __init__(self, adjacencyList, label = ""):
Instanciation method of the class.
Create an adjacency matrix from an adjacencyList.
It is supposed that graph vertices are labeled with numbers from 1 to n.
self.matrix = []
self.label = label
#create an empty matrix
for i in range(len(adjacencyList.keys())):
self.matrix.append( [0]*(len(adjacencyList.keys())) )
for key in adjacencyList.keys():
for value in adjacencyList[key]:
self[key-1][value-1] = 1
def __str__(self):
# return self.__repr__() is another possibility that just print the list of list
# see python doc about difference between __str__ and __repr__
#label first line
string = self.label + "\t"
for i in range(len(self.matrix)):
string += str(i+1) + "\t"
string += "\n"
#for each matrix line :
for row in range(len(self.matrix)):
string += str(row+1) + "\t"
for column in range(len(self.matrix)):
string += str(self[row][column]) + "\t"
string += "\n"
return string
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.matrix)
def __getitem__(self, index):
""" Allow to access matrix element using matrix[index][index] syntax """
return self.matrix.__getitem__(index)
def __setitem__(self, index, item):
""" Allow to set matrix element using matrix[index][index] = value syntax """
return self.matrix.__setitem__(index, item)
def areAdjacent(self, i, j):
return self[i-1][j-1] == 1
m = AdjacencyMatrix(adjacencyList, label="mbr")
print("m.areAdjacent(1,2) :",m.areAdjacent(1,2))
print("m.areAdjacent(2,3) :",m.areAdjacent(2,3))
mbr 1 2 3
1 1 0 0
2 0 1 1
3 0 1 1
m.areAdjacent(1,2) : False
m.areAdjacent(2,3) : True