
时间:2015-04-21 13:22:12

标签: python pandas

我基本上按如下方式运行一些代码。基本上我只是从CSV文件中检索成对的股票(排列为第1行 - 股票1,2,第2行 - 股票1,2等,其中股票1和2在每行中不同)。然后我从雅虎那里获取与这些" Pairs"相关的数据。股票。我计算股票的回报,并基本检查一对股票之间的距离(回报差异)是否超过某个阈值,如果是,我返回1.但是,我得到以下错误,我无法解决:

     27     for ticker in tickers:
     28         #print ticker
---> 29         x = pd.read_csv('http://chart.yahoo.com/table.csv?s=ttt'.replace('ttt',ticker),usecols=[0,6],index_col=0)
     30         x.columns=[ticker]
     31         final=pd.merge(final,x,left_index=True,right_index=True)

TypeError: expected a character buffer object 


from datetime import datetime
import pytz
import csv
import pandas as pd
import pandas.io.data as web
import numpy as np

#Retrieves pairs of stocks (laid out as Row 1-Stock 1,2, Row 2-Stock 1,2 and   so on, where Stock 1 and 2 are different in each row) from CSV File
def Dataretriever():
        Pairs = []
        f1=open('C:\Users\Pythoncode\Pairs.csv') #Enter the location of the file
        csvdata= csv.reader(f1)
        for row in csvdata:          #reading tickers from the csv file
        return Pairs

tickers = Dataretriever() #Obtaining the data

#Taking in data from Yahoo associated with these "Pairs" of Stocks
def PricePort(tickers):
        Returns historical adjusted prices of a portfolio of stocks.
    for ticker in tickers:
        #print ticker
        x = pd.read_csv('http://chart.yahoo.com/table.csv?s=ttt'.replace('ttt',ticker),usecols=[0,6],index_col=0)
    return final   

#Calculating returns of the stocks
def Returns(tickers):
    l = []
    p = PricePort(tickers)
    ret = (p.close[1:] - p.close[:-1])/p.close[1:]
    return l

#Basically a class to see if the distance (difference in returns) between a 
#pair of stocks breaches some threshold
class ThresholdClass():    
    def __init__(self, Pairs):
        self.Pairs = Pairs

    #Calculating the distance (difference in returns) between a pair of stocks
    def Distancefunc(self, tickers):
        k = 0
        l = Returns(tickers)
        summation=[[0 for x in range (k)]for x in range (k)]      #2d matrix for the squared distance
        for i in range (k):
            for j in range (i+1,k):     # it will be a upper triangular matrix
                for p in range (len(self.PricePort(tickers))-1):
                    summation[i][j]= summation[i][j] + (l[i][p] - l[j][p])**2       #calculating distance

        for i in range (k):     #setting the lower half of the matrix 1 (if we see 1 in the answer we will set a higher limit but typically the distance squared is less than 1)
            for j in range (i+1):
            return sum

    #This function is used in determining the threshold distance
    def MeanofPairs(self, tickers):
        sum = self.Distancefunc(tickers)
        mean = np.mean(sum)
        return mean

    #This function is used in determining the threshold distance
    def StandardDeviation(self, tickers):
        sum = self.Distancefunc(tickers)
        standard_dev = np.std(sum)
        return standard_dev 

    def ThresholdandnewsChecker(self, tickers):
        threshold = self.MeanofPairs(tickers) + 2*self.StandardDeviation(tickers)
        if (self.Distancefunc(tickers) > threshold):
            return 1 

Threshold_Class  = ThresholdClass(tickers)   

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



'http://chart.yahoo.com/table.csv?s=ttt'.replace('ttt', ticker)

后续行x.columns = [ticker]将导致类似问题。这里,ticker需要是一个可散列的对象(如字符串或整数),但列表不可散列。