
时间:2015-04-21 11:22:57

标签: highcharts

我是javascript的新手,所以对于highcharts。我被困在一项任务中很长一段时间。 我使用highchart API创建了一个highstock图表。我正在使用ajax调用获取数据并将其显示在highstock图表中。所有工作都很好,直到这里。我的页面可以选择重新创建图表,并以每周,每月和每季度的形式显示数据。为此,我在我的区域图表上使用数据分组,这里问题出现了。现在我想要的是如果用户选择,比如每周时段,那么所有备用的每周时段区域应该具有相反的颜色,例如,如果1st是深灰色那么第二个应该是浅灰色,然后第三个应该是深灰色,依此类推。 第二件事我想要每组数据之间的差距。 请注意,我在图表中有多个系列。 有没有办法做到这一点。谁能帮帮我吗。


  function line_chart() {
            $.getJSON('http://<?php echo $location; ?>/js/highcharts/server_processing/issuer/tbldailyprice2.php?' + ticker, function (data) {
                // Create the chatu b ajanrt
                mychart = $('#container2').highcharts('StockChart', {
                    chart: {
                        events: {
                            load: function () {
                                chart = this;
                                if (period_name == 'default') {
                                        dataGrouping: {forced: false,
                                            enabled: false,
                                            approximation: '',
                                            units: [['day', [1]]],
                                } else if (period_name == 'Quarterly') {
//                                        stacking: 'percent',
                                        enableMouseTracking: true,
                                        tooltip: {
                                            enabled: true
                                        name: 'Periods',
                                        type: 'area' ,
                                        dataGrouping: {forced: true,
                                            approximation: 'sum',
                                            enabled: true,
                                            units: [['month', [3]]],
                                } else
                                if (period_name == 'Monthly') {
//                                        stacking: 'percent',
                                        enableMouseTracking: true,
                                        tooltip: {
                                            enabled: true
                                        name: 'Periods',
                                        type: 'area' ,
                                        dataGrouping: {
                                            approximation: 'sum',
                                            forced: true,
                                            enabled: true,
                                            units: [['month', [1]]],
                                } else
                                if (period_name == 'Weekly') {
//                                        stacking: 'percent',
                                        enableMouseTracking: true,
                                        tooltip: {
                                            enabled: true
                                        name: 'Periods',
                                        type: 'area' ,
                                        approximation: 'sum',
                                        dataGrouping: {forced: true,
                                            enabled: true,
                                            approximation: 'sum',
                                            units: [['week', [1]]],

                                $.getJSON('http://' + closeperiodsurl, function (newdata) {
                                    // series.setData(data);
                                $.getJSON('http://' + buys_sells_url + "&type=buy", function (newdata) {
                                    // series.setData(data);
                                $.getJSON('http://' + buys_sells_url + "&type=sell", function (newdata) {
                                    // series.setData(data);

                    rangeSelector: {
                        selected: 1
                    title: {
                        text: 'AAPL Stock Price'
                    }, tooltip: {
                        shared: false,
                        crosshairs: true,
                        formatter: function () {
                            var rV = null;
                            var symbol = '$';
                            var color;
                            var company = "?c=<?php echo $_REQUEST["c"] ?>";
                            var ticker_id = "&t=<?php echo $_REQUEST["t"] ?>";
                            if (this.series.name == 'Buy' || this.series.name == 'Sell' || this.series.name == 'Periods') {
                                var date = "&date=" + this.x;
                                if (this.series.name == 'Buy') {
                                    color = '#0000FF';
                                } else if (this.series.name == 'Sell') {
                                    color = '#FF0000';
                                    //dataType: "json",
                                    url: '../js/highcharts/server_processing/issuer/trade_summary.php' + company + ticker_id + date,
                                    async: false, // this will stall the tooltip
                                    success: function (ajax) {
                                        rV = ajax;
                                        // converting currency values to symbols
                                        var chek = rV.search("EUR");
                                        var chek1 = rV.search("GBP");
                                        var chek_minus = rV.search("-");
                                        if (chek != -1) {
                                            symbol = '\u00A3';
                                            rV = rV.replace("EUR", "\u00A3");
                                        } else if (chek1 != -1) {
                                            rV = rV.replace("GBP", "\u20AC");
                                            symbol = '\u20AC';
                                        var split_text = rV.split('<br/>');
                                        // changing the color of last row of tooltip for +ve and _ve values of net trades
                                        if (chek_minus == -1) {
                                            rV = split_text[0] + '<br/><span style="color:' + color + '">' + split_text[1] + '</span>';
                                        } else {
                                            rV = split_text[0] + '<br/><span style="color:#ff0000">' + split_text[1] + '</span>';

                            if (this.series.name == 'Periods') {
                                var date = "&date=" + this.x;
                                var transactions = '';
                                    //dataType: "json",
                                    url: 'http://' + closeperiodsurl + date + '&action=hover',
                                    async: false, // this will stall the tooltip
                                    success: function (ajax) {
                                        transactions = ajax;
                                var period_format = '';
                                if (period_name == 'Quarterly') {
                                    period_format = period_name;
                                    var s = '';
                                    if (Highcharts.dateFormat('%b', this.x) == 'Jan') {
                                        s = s + "1st Quarter"
                                    if (Highcharts.dateFormat('%b', this.x) == 'Apr') {
                                        s = s + "2nd Quarter"
                                    if (Highcharts.dateFormat('%b', this.x) == 'Jul') {
                                        s = s + "3rd Quarter"
                                    if (Highcharts.dateFormat('%b', this.x) == 'Oct') {
                                        s = s + "4th Quarter"
                                    period_format = s + " " + Highcharts.dateFormat('%Y', this.x);
                                } else if (period_name == 'Monthly') {
                                    period_format = Highcharts.dateFormat('%b %Y', new Date(this.x));
                                } else if (period_name = 'Weekly') {
                                    var s = '';
                                    if (Highcharts.dateFormat('%e', this.x) >= 1 && Highcharts.dateFormat('%e', this.x) <= 7) {
                                        s = s + "1st Week"
                                    if (Highcharts.dateFormat('%e', this.x) >= 8 && Highcharts.dateFormat('%e', this.x) <= 14) {
                                        s = s + "2nd Week"
                                    if (Highcharts.dateFormat('%e', this.x) >= 15 && Highcharts.dateFormat('%e', this.x) <= 21) {
                                        s = s + "3rd Week"
                                    if (Highcharts.dateFormat('%e', this.x) >= 22 && Highcharts.dateFormat('%e', this.x) <= 28) {
                                        s = s + "4th Week"
                                    if (Highcharts.dateFormat('%e', this.x) >= 29 && Highcharts.dateFormat('%e', this.x) <= 31) {
                                        s = s + "5th Week"
                                    period_format = s + " " + Highcharts.dateFormat('%b %Y', this.x);
                                return period_format + "<br/>" + transactions + "<br/>" + symbol + numberWithCommas(this.y) + " Repurchased";
                            } else
                                return (Highcharts.dateFormat('%e', new Date(this.x)) == '1') ? Highcharts.dateFormat('%est %b %Y', new Date(this.x)) : ((Highcharts.dateFormat('%e', new Date(this.x)) == '2') ? Highcharts.dateFormat('%end %b %Y', new Date(this.x)) : ((Highcharts.dateFormat('%e', new Date(this.x)) == '3') ? Highcharts.dateFormat('%erd %b %Y', new Date(this.x)) : Highcharts.dateFormat('%eth %b %Y', new Date(this.x)))) + '<br/>' +
                                        (this.series.name == 'Buy' || this.series.name == 'Sell' ? rV : '');
                        valueDecimals: 2
                    xAxis: {
                        lineColor: '#000',
                        lineWidth: 1,
                        type: 'datetime',
                        maxZoom: 3600000 * 24 * 30 * 2, // roughly 2 months
                        //maxZoom: 28 * 24 * 3600000, // fourteen days
                        maxPadding: 0.05
                    // Y AXIS - PRIMARY
                    yAxis: [{
                            //minorTickInterval: 'auto',
                            lineColor: '#000',
                            // max: 1000,
                            lineWidth: 1,
                            tickWidth: 1,
                            tickColor: '#000',
                            minPadding: 0.2,
                            maxPadding: 0.2,
                            title: {
                                text: ''
                        }, {// Secondary yAxis
                            title: {
                                text: 'Close Periods',
                                max: 0.4,
                                min: 0.3,
                                gridLineColor: '#FFFFFF',
                                gridLineWidth: 0,
                            opposite: true
                    navigator: {
                        // hides the plotted line at bottom of the chart
                        series: {
                            lineWidth: 0,
                            marker: {
                                enabled: false
                    plotOptions: {
    series:{  pointPadding:0,
                    series: [{
                            // CLOSE PERIOD
                            name: '',
                            maxPointWidth: 90,
                            color: '#c0c0c0',
                            yAxis: 1,
                            type: close_period_chart_type,
                            lineWidth: 1,
                            shadow: false,
                            fillOpacity: '0.85',
                            data: [],
                            dataGrouping: {
                                approximation: '',
                                enabled: false,
                                forced: false,
                                units: [['month', [1]]],

                        }, {
                            name: 'AAPL',
                            data: data,
                            tooltip: {
                                valueDecimals: 2,
                                enabled: true
                        }, {
                            name: 'Buy',
                            //unit: '%',
                            color: '#ffffff',
                            type: 'scatter',
                            enableMouseTracking: true,
                            marker: {
                                symbol: 'url(../img/highcharts/buy.png)'
                            data: [],
                            tooltip: {
                                enabled: true
                        }, {
                            // SELLS
                            name: 'Sell',
                            //unit: '%',
                            color: '#ffffff',
                            type: 'scatter',
                            // enableMouseTracking: true,
                            marker: {
                                symbol: 'url(../img/highcharts/sell.png)'
                            data: [],

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