如何限制弹出窗口中的项目。 “Sar”数组包含很多单词,就选择而言。如果我的第一个弹出窗口包含15个项目并进行了更改。当进入下一个弹出窗口时,如果它包含10个项目,则第一个中的剩余5个项目也会添加到第二个弹出选项中。 如何在弹出菜单项中杀死该缓冲区?我使用这段代码
global jar,myjar,sam,mySam,Dic,Sar
on mouseUp pMouseButton
put the selectedText of field "MytextField" into Ftext
if pMouseButton = 3 then
put the number of lines of (the keys of sam) into mySam
repeat with i = 1 to mySam
if sam[i] contains Ftext then
put sam[i] into Sar
split Sar by comma
end if
end repeat
put the text of button "M" into tText
put the number of words of (the keys of Sar) into mylength
repeat with x = 1 to mylength
put Sar[x] into line x of tText
end repeat
put mylength into kk---now iam using this code for delete the buffer
----repeat with j = kk to 100
---put "" into line j of tText
---end repeat
set the text of button "M" to tText
popup button "M" at the clickLoc
--popup button "M" at the clickLoc
-- do other stuff here
end if
end mouseUp
是否有限制弹出窗口中的项目的选项。示例: - 如果弹出窗口包含15个项目,我只想看到10个项目,其余5个项目只能看到弹出窗口中的底部按钮
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尝试在添加一些新值之前使用put empty into Sar