如何从字符串向量c ++而不是新向量中过滤

时间:2015-04-20 16:37:24

标签: c++ vector

在C ++中,我从一个vectorFirstAndLast开始,它填充了符合某些条件的单词(基于userInput)。平均而言,它非常大,所以我在其上应用过滤器并创建一个向量来存储过滤的内容。我觉得那不优雅;我想过滤(比如F#列表)而不是制作新的矢量。


My code's data flow :: matchingFirstAndLast |> sequenced |> appropriateLength |> finalSuggestions`


vector<finalwords> compute      (string userInput,
  //matchingFirstAndLast will hold words with the same first and last letter as the input string
  int inputLength = userInput.length();

  //for every word in the big dictionary vector, look for first and last letter similarites
  for (string &x : dictionary)
    if (userInput[0] == x.front() && userInput[inputLength - 1] == x.back())
      matchingFirstAndLast.push_back (x);

  //sequenced will hold words whose letters are found in sequence in the userInput string

  for (string &x : matchingFirstAndLast)
    if (FoundInSequence (userInput, x))
      sequenced.push_back (x);

  //determine the minimum word length based on the number of times the string changes
  //rows on the keyboard.
  int minLength = GetMinWordLength (userInput, keyboard_layout);

  //appropriateLength will hold all words longer than the minLength

  for (auto &x : sequenced)
    if (x.length() > minLength || minLength < 0)
      appropriateLength.push_back (x);

  vector<finalwords> finalSuggestions;

  for (string &x : appropriateLength)
    if (find (popular.begin(), popular.end(), x) != popular.end()) //word found in popular.txt
      finalSuggestions.push_back (finalwords (x, true, true, edit_distance (userInput, x)));
      finalSuggestions.push_back (finalwords (x, false, true, edit_distance (userInput, x)));

  //sort the returned vector by most popular first
  sortResults (finalSuggestions);

  return finalSuggestions;
}//end compute(...)


suggestions = filter(lambda x: x[0] == path[0] and x[-1] == path[-1], WORDS)
suggestions = filter(lambda x: match(path, x), suggestions)
suggestions = filter(lambda x: len(x) > min_length, suggestions)


与python示例^一样,我想在C ++中使用某种方法

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


如果是这种情况,那么我建议使用虚构的Std Lib算法for_each_if。我说是虚构的,因为没有这样的算法,但我过去实现了它,并不难。


template <typename InIt, typename Predicate, typename UnaryFunction>
UnaryFunction for_each_if (InIt first, InIt last, UnaryFunction fn, Predicate pr)
  for (; first != last; ++first)
    if (pr (*first))
      fn (*first);
  return fn;

使用此功能类似于使用std::for_each,但您还可以像使用copy_if一样指定谓词。假设使用C ++ 11,您可以使用lambdas完成所有这些操作。

答案 1 :(得分:1)

考虑实现自己的迭代器类型,它将返回与某些谓词集相对应的字符串。 示例伪代码:

struct iter {
    std::vector<Predicate> predicates;
    std::vector<string>&   values;
    int currentValue = 0;

    string nextValue() {
        return values[currentValue++];

    bool hasValue() {
        while (currentValue < values.count() {
            bool found = true;
            for (auto& pred : predicates)
                if (!pred(values[currentValue])) {
                    ++currentValue; found = false; break;
            if (found) return true;
        return false;

另一方面,您可以搜索LINQ for C ++的一些实现。 我自己一个人: github这不是生产用途,但你可能会发现一些有趣的想法。