Term EnrollmentTotal Retained
Fall 2011 X X
Fall 2012 X X
Fall 2013 X X
@Version int = 2
,@TermSourceKey varchar(40)= '1109,1119,1129'
,@NextTerm varchar(40) = '1119,1129,1139'
/* ******** TERMSOURCKEY PARAMETER ********** */
if OBJECT_ID('Tempdb..#TermSourceKeyTable','U') is not null
drop table #TermSourceKeyTable
CREATE TABLE #TermSourceKeyTable
(Terms varchar(5) )
INSERT INTO #TermSourceKeyTable
SELECT value from HEA.ParseList(@TermSourceKey,',')
if OBJECT_ID('Tempdb..#NextTermParam','U') is not null
drop table #NextTermParam
(ID INT Identity(1,1)
,val varchar(20)
,NTerm varchar(5) )
INSERT INTO #NextTermParam
,value from HEA.ParseList(@NextTerm,',')
/* ******** NEXT TERM PARAMETER ********** */
if OBJECT_ID('Tempdb..#EnrollmentTypes','U') is not null
drop table #EnrollmentTypes
Create Table #EnrollmentTypes
EmployeeID Varchar(12)
,PlanOwnerKey int
,Term varchar(25)
,NumberEnrolled int
--,BaseID varchar(12)
,RetainedInDept int)
Insert Into #EnrollmentTypes
Distinct fst.EmployeeID
,0 --Count(et.NumberEnrolled) as 'Total Enrolled'
,0 --RetainedInDept
FROM Final.FactStudentTerm fst
JOIN CustomFinal.FactStudentPlanSimple fsps
on fst.EmployeeID = fsps.EmployeeID
and fst.AcademicCareer = fsps.AcademicCareer
and fst.TermSourceKey = fsps.TermSourceKey
and fst.VersionKey = fsps.VersionKey
and fst.Institution = fsps.Institution
and fsps.AcademicCareer = 'UGRD'
Join CustomFinal.FactPlanOwnership fpo
on fsps.AcademicPlan = fpo.AcademicPlan
and fsps.PlanKey = fpo.PlanKey
and fsps.Institution = fpo.Institution
JOIN CustomFinal.DimPlanOwner dpo
on fpo.PlanOwnerKey = dpo.PlanOwnerKey
and dpo.CollegeOrgCode = @CollegeOrgCode
and dpo.PlanOwnerKey = @PlanOwnerKey /* Biological Sciences */
JOIN CustomFinal.DimProgramStatusForPlan dpsp
on dpsp.ProgramStatusForPlanKey = fsps.ProgramStatusForPlanKey /* This table returns: only students active in their program*/
and dpsp.ProgramStatusSourceKey = 'AC'
JOIN Final.DimProgram dprog
on fst.ProgramKey = dprog.ProgramKey /* Check to see if these should be included: Associate Degree Program (ASSOC), Undergraduate Second Degree (UG2D), Undergraduate Degree Seeking (UGDEG) */
and dprog.SourceKey in ('UGDEG','UG2D')
JOIN Final.DimPlan dp
on fsps.PlanKey = dp.PlanKey
and dp.PlanType in ('MAJ','CRT')
JOIN Final.DimTerm dt
on fst.TermKey = dt.TermKey
JOIN Final.DimStudent ds
on fst.EmployeeID =ds.SourceKey
Join #TermSourceKeyTable tskt
on tskt.Terms = fst.TermSourceKey
WHERE 1 = 1
AND fst.VersionKey = @Version
AND fst.EnrolledIndicatorKey in ('11','12')
GROUP BY dpo.PlanOwnerKey , fst.EmployeeID, dt.Description
/* END OF INSERT INTO SQL: Returns NumberEnrolled */
/* ************* ENROLLED, BUT SWITCHED DEPARTMENT ************ */
UPDATE #EnrollmentTypes
SET EnrollButSwitchedDept = EnrollButSwitchedDept.EnrollButSwitchedDept
FROM #EnrollmentTypes et
outer apply (SELECT CASE WHEN et.PlanOwnerKey != dpo1.PlanOwnerKey then 1 else 0 end as EnrollButSwitchedDept
FROM Final.FactStudentTerm fst1
JOIN CustomFinal.FactStudentPlanSimple fsps
on fst1.EmployeeID = fsps.EmployeeID
and fst1.AcademicCareer = fsps.AcademicCareer
and fst1.TermSourceKey = fsps.TermSourceKey
and fst1.VersionKey = fsps.VersionKey
and fst1.Institution = fsps.Institution
and fsps.AcademicCareer = 'UGRD'
JOIN CustomFinal.FactPlanOwnership fpo
on fsps.AcademicPlan = fpo.AcademicPlan
and fsps.PlanKey = fpo.PlanKey
and fsps.Institution = fpo.Institution
JOIN CustomFinal.DimPlanOwner dpo1
on fpo.PlanOwnerKey = dpo1.PlanOwnerKey
JOIN CustomFinal.DimProgramStatusForPlan dpsp
on dpsp.ProgramStatusForPlanKey = fsps.ProgramStatusForPlanKey
and dpsp.ProgramStatusSourceKey = 'AC'
JOIN Final.DimProgram dprog
on fst1.ProgramKey = dprog.ProgramKey
and dprog.SourceKey in ('UGDEG','UG2D')
JOIN Final.DimPlan dp
on fsps.PlanCount = dp.PlanKey
and dp.PlanType in ('MAJ','CRT')
JOIN Final.DimTerm dt
on fst1.TermKey = dt.TermKey
JOIN #NextTermParam NTP
on fst1.TermSourceKey = NTP.NTerm /*comparing 2010 to 11, 12, & 13*/
and NTP.ID = 1 --+1
--JOIN Final.DimTerm dtEnrolled
-- on dtEnrolled.NextYearTermSourceKey = fst1.TermSourceKey
-- and dtEnrolled.NextYearTermSourceKey = dt.NextYearTermSourceKey
--JOIN #TermSourceKeyTable tsk
-- on tsk.Terms = fst1.termsourcekey
WHERE 1 = 1
AND fst1.EmployeeID = et.EmployeeID
AND fst1.VersionKey = @Version
--AND fst1.TermSourceKey = @NextTerm
AND fst1.EnrolledIndicatorKey in ('11','12')
/* Main Query */
,COUNT(et.EmployeeID) as 'Enrollment Total'
,SUM(et.EnrollButSwitchedDept) as 'EnrollButSwitched'
FROM #EnrollmentTypes et
WHERE 1 = 1
--AND et.EnrollButSwitchedDept is not null
ORDER BY et.Term
答案 0 :(得分:2)
你永远不想在SQL中做循环。 SQL使用集合上的集合和操作。因此,例如,您想要使用名为COUNT()的函数计算给定术语的行数。您的查询可能如下所示:
Select .... subselect.cnt as Next_Term_Enrollment
from ....
join (
select term, count(*) as cnt
from tmptable
group by term
) as subselect on (subselect.term-1) = term