$ccc = $_POST['comp'];
$cat =$_POST['category'];
global $wpdb;
$compp = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT competition FROM competition ORDER BY cid DESC LIMIT 1");
$userid = $_POST['id'];
$myvote = 1;
'zvotes' => $myvote,
'zcompetition' => $compp,
'aid' => $userid
) == false) wp_die('Database Insertion failed'); else echo 'your vote was successfully recorded';
//show the updated results
//get current competition value
$sqll = "SELECT articles.aid, articles.username, articles.competition, articles.path, articles.category, articles.title, Sum(zvotes.zvotes) AS votessum FROM articles LEFT JOIN zvotes on articles.aid=zvotes.aid WHERE articles.category = '$cat' && articles.competition = '$ccc' GROUP BY articles.aid, articles.username, articles.competition, articles.path, articles.category, articles.title ORDER BY votessum";
$results = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($sqll)) or die(mysql_error());
foreach( $results as $result ) {
echo '<form action="" method="post">';
echo "<input name='category' type='hidden' value='$result->category'>";
echo $result->title.'<br>';
echo "<img src='$result->path' width='150' height='150' >" . '<br><br>';
echo $result->body.'<br>';
echo "<input name='comp' type='hidden' value='$result->competition'>";
echo $result->username.'<br>';
echo $result->votessum.'<br>';
echo "<input style='margin-bottom:30px;' value='vote' name='submit' type='submit'/></form>";
}//end of foreach
// drop down
echo '<form action="" method="post">';
echo '<select name="category" id="category" style="width:250px; background-color:lightgrey;">';
echo '<option value="" disabled="disabled" selected="selected" ">Select category</option>';
echo '<option value="My Testimony">My Testimony</option>';
echo '<option value="Love & Relationships">Love & Relationships</option>';
echo '<option value="Miscellaneous">Miscellaneous</option>';
echo '</select>';
echo '<input type="submit" name="a" value="Search" style="margin-left:15px; margin-bottom:15px;">';
echo '</form>';
//show after drop down value is selected
//echo "zeeshanaslamdurrani". "<br>";
echo do_shortcode('[ujicountdown id="Photos Contest" expire="2015/04/30 00:00" hide="true" url="" subscr="sdf" recurring="" rectype="second" repeats=""]');
global $wpdb;
//get current competition value
$cat =$_POST['category'];
$comp = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT competition FROM competition ORDER BY cid DESC LIMIT 1");
//echo $comp;
$comp = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT competition FROM competition ORDER BY cid DESC LIMIT 1");
echo "current competition is ". $comp;
$sqll = "SELECT articles.aid, articles.username, articles.competition, articles.path, articles.category, articles.title, Sum(zvotes.zvotes) AS votessum FROM articles LEFT JOIN zvotes on articles.aid=zvotes.aid WHERE articles.category = '$cat' && articles.competition = '$comp' GROUP BY articles.aid, articles.username, articles.competition, articles.path, articles.category, articles.title ORDER BY votessum";
$results = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($sqll)) or die(mysql_error());
foreach( $results as $result ) {
echo '<form action="" method="post">';
echo "<input name='category' type='hidden' value='$result->category'>";
echo "<input name='id' type='hidden' value='$result->aid'>";
echo $result->title.'<br>';
echo "<img src='$result->path' width='150' height='150' >" . '<br><br>';
echo $result->body.'<br>';
echo "<input name='comp' type='hidden' value='$result->competition'>";
echo $result->username.'<br>';
echo $result->votessum.'<br>';
echo "<input style='margin-bottom:30px;' value='vote' name='submit' type='submit'/></form>";
}//end of foreach
}//end of isset