
时间:2015-04-20 05:42:54

标签: printf ocaml


let rotate ll =
    let cons x y = x :: y in
    let init = List.map (fun _ -> []) (List.hd ll) in
    let rres = List.fold_right (List.map2 cons) ll init in
    List.rev rres;;

let rec spiral_print matrix acc =
    match matrix with
    | [] -> acc
    | head :: tail -> spiral_print (rotate tail)  (acc @ head);;


utop # spiral_print [[1; 2; 3]; [8; 9; 4]; [7; 6; 5]] [];;
Exception: (Failure hd).


#trace spiral_print;;
spiral_print [[1; 2; 3]; [8; 9; 4]; [7; 6; 5]] [];;
spiral_print <-- [[<poly>; <poly>; <poly>]; [<poly>; <poly>; <poly>]; [<poly>; <poly>; <poly>]]
spiral_print --> <fun>
spiral_print* <-- []
spiral_print <-- [[<poly>; <poly>]; [<poly>; <poly>]; [<poly>; <poly>]]
spiral_print --> <fun>
spiral_print* <-- [<poly>; <poly>; <poly>]
spiral_print <-- [[<poly>; <poly>]; [<poly>; <poly>]]
spiral_print --> <fun>
spiral_print* <-- [<poly>; <poly>; <poly>; <poly>; <poly>]
spiral_print <-- [[<poly>]; [<poly>]]
spiral_print --> <fun>
spiral_print* <-- [<poly>; <poly>; <poly>; <poly>; <poly>; <poly>; <poly>]
spiral_print <-- [[<poly>]]
spiral_print --> <fun>
spiral_print* <-- [<poly>; <poly>; <poly>; <poly>; <poly>; <poly>; <poly>; <poly>]
spiral_print* raises (Failure hd)
spiral_print* raises (Failure hd)
spiral_print* raises (Failure hd)
spiral_print* raises (Failure hd)
spiral_print* raises (Failure hd)
Exception: (Failure hd).



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


let int_spiral_print : int list list -> int list -> int list = spiral_print;;
val int_spiral_print : int list list -> int list -> int list = <fun>
# #trace int_spiral_print;;
int_spiral_print is now traced.
# int_spiral_print [[1; 2; 3]; [8; 9; 4]; [7; 6; 5]] [];;
int_spiral_print <-- [[1; 2; 3]; [8; 9; 4]; [7; 6; 5]]
int_spiral_print --> <fun>


$ cat spiral_print.ml

let rotate ll =
  let cons x y = x :: y in
  let init = List.map (fun _ -> []) (List.hd ll) in
  let rres = List.fold_right (List.map2 cons) ll init in
  List.rev rres

let rec spiral_print matrix acc =
  match matrix with
  | [] -> acc
  | head :: tail -> spiral_print (rotate tail)  (acc @ head)

let _ =
  Printexc.record_backtrace true;
  spiral_print [[1; 2; 3]; [8; 9; 4]; [7; 6; 5]] []

请注意,我添加了Printexc.record_backtrace true以启用通常禁用的回溯录制。您也可以使用环境变量OCAMLRUNPARAM=b启用它。然后你可以编译并运行你的程序,以获得一个很好的回溯:

ocamlbuild spiral_print.d.byte --
Fatal error: exception Failure("hd")
Raised at file "pervasives.ml", line 30, characters 22-33
Called from file "spiral_print.ml", line 3, characters 36-48
Called from file "spiral_print.ml", line 10, characters 33-46
Called from file "spiral_print.ml", line 14, characters 2-51

正确的文本编辑器(即emacs)甚至会为您突出显示异常来源为(List.hd ll)

答案 1 :(得分:1)

我写了旋转代码: - )


let rotate ll =
    if ll = [] then
        let cons x y = x :: y in
        let init = List.map (fun _ -> []) (List.hd ll) in
        let rres = List.fold_right (List.map2 cons) ll init in
        List.rev rres


let rotate = function
    | [] -> []
    | hd :: _ as ll -> 
        let cons x y = x :: y in
        let init = List.map (fun _ -> []) hd in
        let rres = List.fold_right (List.map2 cons) ll init in
        List.rev rres
