我的代码运行正常。但是对于某些数据,我的代码会出错。有问题的数据是: 本月T变为10。为了纪念周年纪念日和即将到来的T @ 10期,本系列回顾了杂志第一个十年中最令人难忘的一些故事。
Traceback(最近一次调用最后一次):文件 " /Users/mas/Documents/workspace/DeepLearning/BagOfWords.py" ;,第41行, 在 clean_train_reviews.append("" .join(KaggleWord2VecUtility.review_to_wordlist(train [" Snippet"] [i], 真)))文件 " /Users/mas/Documents/workspace/DeepLearning/KaggleWord2VecUtility.py" ;, 第22行,在review_to_wordlist中 review_text = BeautifulSoup(review).get_text()File" /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/bs4/ init .py",第162行,in 的初始化 elif len(markup)< = 256:TypeError:类型为' float'的对象没有len()
def deprecated_argument(old_name, new_name):
if old_name in kwargs:
'The "%s" argument to the BeautifulSoup constructor '
'has been renamed to "%s."' % (old_name, new_name))
value = kwargs[old_name]
del kwargs[old_name]
return value
return None
parse_only = parse_only or deprecated_argument(
"parseOnlyThese", "parse_only")
from_encoding = from_encoding or deprecated_argument(
"fromEncoding", "from_encoding")
if len(kwargs) > 0:
arg = kwargs.keys().pop()
raise TypeError(
"__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'" % arg)
if builder is None:
if isinstance(features, basestring):
features = [features]
if features is None or len(features) == 0:
builder_class = builder_registry.lookup(*features)
if builder_class is None:
raise FeatureNotFound(
"Couldn't find a tree builder with the features you "
"requested: %s. Do you need to install a parser library?"
% ",".join(features))
builder = builder_class()
self.builder = builder
self.is_xml = builder.is_xml
self.builder.soup = self
self.parse_only = parse_only
if hasattr(markup, 'read'): # It's a file-type object.
markup = markup.read()
elif len(markup) <= 256:
# Print out warnings for a couple beginner problems
# involving passing non-markup to Beautiful Soup.
# Beautiful Soup will still parse the input as markup,
# just in case that's what the user really wants.
if (isinstance(markup, unicode)
and not os.path.supports_unicode_filenames):
possible_filename = markup.encode("utf8")
possible_filename = markup
is_file = False
is_file = os.path.exists(possible_filename)
except Exception, e:
# This is almost certainly a problem involving
# characters not valid in filenames on this
# system. Just let it go.
if is_file:
'"%s" looks like a filename, not markup. You should probably open this file and pass the filehandle into Beautiful Soup.' % markup)
if markup[:5] == "http:" or markup[:6] == "https:":
# TODO: This is ugly but I couldn't get it to work in
# Python 3 otherwise.
if ((isinstance(markup, bytes) and not b' ' in markup)
or (isinstance(markup, unicode) and not u' ' in markup)):
'"%s" looks like a URL. Beautiful Soup is not an HTTP client. You should probably use an HTTP client to get the document behind the URL, and feed that document to Beautiful Soup.' % markup)
for (self.markup, self.original_encoding, self.declared_html_encoding,
self.contains_replacement_characters) in (
self.builder.prepare_markup(markup, from_encoding)):
except ParserRejectedMarkup:
# Clear out the markup and remove the builder's circular
# reference to this object.
self.markup = None
self.builder.soup = None
import os
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from KaggleWord2VecUtility import KaggleWord2VecUtility
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
if __name__ == '__main__':
train = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'NYTimesBlogTrain.csv'), header=0)
test = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'NYTimesBlogTest.csv'), header=0)
print 'A sample Abstract is:'
print train["Abstract"][2838]
print 'A sample Snippet is:'
print train["Snippet"][2838]
#raw_input("Press Enter to continue...")
#print 'Download text data sets. If you already have NLTK datasets downloaded, just close the Python download window...'
#nltk.download() # Download text data sets, including stop words
# Initialize an empty list to hold the clean reviews
clean_train_reviews = []
# Loop over each review; create an index i that goes from 0 to the length
# of the movie review list
print len(train["Snippet"])
print "Cleaning and parsing the training set abstracts...\n"
for i in xrange( 0, 3000):
clean_train_reviews.append(" ".join(KaggleWord2VecUtility.review_to_wordlist(train["Snippet"][i], True)))
if not train["Snippet"][i]:
print i
答案 0 :(得分:2)
train = train.fillna(" ")
答案 1 :(得分:1)
的值),你的KaggleWord2VecUtility方法可能会分裂@符号和/或数字,这样就可以传递令牌浮点而不是字符串/ unicode对象?该异常表示当init期望字符串或unicode对象时,markup
def __init__(self, markup="", features=None, builder=None,
parse_only=None, from_encoding=None, **kwargs):