我是PowerShell脚本的新手,有人请在脚本中进行少量编辑,帮助我。基本上我想安排一个脚本,它将自动备份超级v.windows 2012/2012 r2上的所有服务器。我有一个代码,它基本上要求用户提供参数,然后它需要备份。我解决的是我们可以做两件事 1)创建一个.txt文件,其中包含hyper v上的所有vm名称,但每当我们添加一个新的vm时,更新该文件将是忙乱的。所以我不会喜欢这样做。 2)我们可以删除用户输入的功能并添加" get-vm"命令某处?但我无法做到这一点:/有人可以帮助我这样做吗?下面是我想要使用的代码。
#requires -version 3.0
#requires -module Hyper-V
Export virtual machines
This utility will export virtual machines to a target destination. By default
it will create a folder using the format:
The script will delete the oldest folder once 4 subfolders have been created.
Use the -Monthly parameter to do the same thing but for folders that begin
with Monthly, i.e. Monthly_Year_Month_Day_HourSecond.
Because the export process can be time consuming, you can use the -AsJob parameter
which will be passed to Export-VM. You will then get PowerShell background jobs
which you can manage with the standard job cmdlets.
This script must be run as an administrator in an elevated session.
A comma separated list of virtual machines. You can also pipe Get-VM into
this command. This parameter has an alias of Name.
The path to the top level backup or export folder.
Run the script in Monthly mode
Export virtual machines using background jobs
PS C:\> get-vm chi-dc01,chi-dc02 | c:\scripts\ScheduledExport.ps1 -path e:\export
Get the virtual machines, CHI-DC01 and CHI-DC02 and pipe them to the script which will
export them to the given folder.
PS C:\> c:\scripts\ScheduledExport.ps1 "CHI-DC01","CHI-FP01" -path E:\Export -asjob
Export virtual machines CHI-DC01 and CHI-FP01 to a weekly folder under E:\Export.
PS C:\> get-content c:\work\vms.txt | c:\scripts\ScheduledExport.ps1 -asjob -monthly
Read the text file, vms.txt, and pass each virtual machine name to the script. This will
use the Monthly backup folders. Exports will be done as jobs.
HelpMessage="Enter the virtual machine name or names",
[string]$Path = "C:\work\export",
Begin {
#define some variables if we are doing weekly or monthly backups
if ($monthly) {
$type = "Monthly"
$retain = 2
else {
$type = "Weekly"
$retain = 4
Write-Verbose "Processing $type backups. Retaining last $retain."
#get backup directory list
Try {
Write-Verbose "Checking $path for subfolders"
#get only directories under the path that start with Weekly or Monthly
$subFolders = dir -Path $path\$type* -Directory -ErrorAction Stop
Catch {
Write-Warning "Failed to enumerate folders from $path"
#bail out of the script
#check if any backup folders
if ($subFolders) {
#if found, get count
Write-Verbose "Found $($subfolders.count) folder(s)"
#if more than the value of $retain, delete oldest one
if ($subFolders.count -ge $retain ) {
#get oldest folder based on its CreationTime property
$oldest = $subFolders | sort CreationTime | Select -first 1
Write-Verbose "Deleting oldest folder $($oldest.fullname)"
#delete it
$oldest | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force
} #if $subfolders
else {
#if none found, create first one
Write-Verbose "No matching folders found. Creating the first folder"
#create the folder
#get the current date
$now = Get-Date
#name format is Type_Year_Month_Day_HourMinute
$childPath = "{0}_{1}_{2:D2}_{3:D2}_{4:D2}{5:D2}" -f $type,$now.year,$now.month,$now.day,$now.hour,$now.minute
#create a variable that represents the new folder path
$new = Join-Path -Path $path -ChildPath $childPath
Try {
Write-Verbose "Creating $new"
#Create the new backup folder
$BackupFolder = New-Item -Path $new -ItemType directory -ErrorAction Stop
Catch {
Write-Warning "Failed to create folder $new. $($_.exception.message)"
#failed to create folder so bail out of the script
} #end begin
Process {
#only process if a backup folder was created
if ($BackupFolder) {
#export VMs
#define a hashtable of parameters to splat to Export-VM
$exportParam = @{
Path = $new
if ($asjob) {
Write-Verbose "Exporting as background job"
Write-Verbose "Exporting virtual machines"
Go through each virtual machine name, and export it using Export-VM
foreach ($name in $VM) {
#if the user did not include -WhatIf then the machine will be exported
#otherwise they will get a WhatIf message
if ($PSCmdlet.shouldProcess($name)) {
Try {
Export-VM @exportParam
Catch {
Write-Warning "Failed to export virtual machine(s). $($_.Exception.Message)"
} #whatif
} #close foreach
} #if backup folder exists
} #Process
End {
Write-Host "Export script finished." -ForegroundColor Green
答案 0 :(得分:1)
get-vm chi-dc01,chi-dc02 | c:\scripts\ScheduledExport.ps1 -path e:\export
get-vm | c:\scripts\ScheduledExport.ps1 -path e:\export
答案 1 :(得分:0)
这些操作似乎很容易出现人为错误。为什么不能使用第三方解决方案而不是脚本进行Hyper-V备份? (就个人而言,我推荐Handy Backup,但这是因为这个解决方案是我工作的解决方案,也许,其他公司的备份软件也可能包含Hyper-V备份功能?)