我的下划线模板不会在我的Backbone App中呈现我的集合

时间:2015-04-19 06:41:23

标签: javascript backbone.js requirejs underscore.js underscore.js-templating




// Define our object that will contain our modals, collections, and views
    var SimpleVendor = {
        Models : {},
        Collections : {},
        Views : {}

    // Define our Modal
    SimpleVendor.Models.Vendor = Backbone.Model.extend({
        defaults : {
            firstName : '',
            lastName : '',
            address : '',
            city : '',
            state : '',
            zip : '',
            venue : '',
            website : '',
            eventDate : '',
            summary : ''
        urlRoot : '/vendor'

    SimpleVendor.Collections.Vendors = Backbone.Collection.extend({
        model : SimpleVendor.Models.Vendor,
        url : '/vendor'

    SimpleVendor.Views.VendorsList = Backbone.View.extend({

        tagName : '<li>',

        template : _.template(vendorDetail),

        className : 'vendorDir',

        initialize: function() {

        render : function () {

            var vendors = this.collection.toJSON();

            this.$el.html( _.template(this.template, vendors) );

            return this;


 <% _.each(vendors, function(vendor) { %>
    <li><% vendor %></li>
    <li class="first-name">
        <h1><%= vendor.get('firstName') %></h1>
    <li class="last-name">
        <h2><%= vendor.get('lastName') %></h2>
    <li class="address">
        <span><%= vendor.get('address') %></span>
    <li class="city">
        <span><%= vendor.get('city') %></span>
    <li class="state">
        <span><%= vendor.get('state') %></span>
    <li class="zip">
        <span><%= vendor.get('zip') %></span>
    <li class="venue">
        <strong style="font-weight:bold">
            <%= vendor.get('venue') %>
    <li class="event-date">
            <%= vendor.get('eventDate') %>
    <li class="summary">
        <p><%= vendor.get('summary') %></p>
<% }); %>


// Some Vendors
var someVendors = [ 
    firstName : 'Mister', 
    lastName : 'Jones', 
    address : '48 Allston Street', 
    city : 'Boston', 
    state : 'MA', 
    zip : '02125', 
    venue : 'Royale', 
    eventDate : '07/21/2015', 
    summary : 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloribus sunt eligendi consectetur ab natus iusto obcaecati temporibus nisi explicabo adipisci quia amet ullam maiores culpa cumque ipsum consequuntur nulla neque.'
    firstName : 'Rick',
    lastName : 'James', 
    address : '48 Orchard Street', 
    city : 'New York', 
    state : 'NY', 
    zip : '02125', 
    venue : 'House of Blues', 
    eventDate : '06/11/2015', 
    summary : 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloribus sunt eligendi consectetur ab natus iusto obcaecati temporibus nisi explicabo adipisci quia amet ullam maiores culpa cumque ipsum consequuntur nulla neque.'



    // Define Model
    var vendor = new SimpleVendor.Models.Vendor({});

    // Data
    var vendors = new SimpleVendor.Collections.Vendors(); // End Data


    var vendorList = new SimpleVendor.Views.VendorsList({
        el : 'section ul',
        collection : vendors, 
        model : vendor

    $('section ul').append(vendorList.render().el);



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

  1. _.template(this.template, vendors)中,您正在重新编译已编译的模板。 Undescore期望一个字符串作为它的第一个参数,但是它接收一个函数和扼流圈。 1 由于您将模板作为视图的属性,因此请使用

    var html = this.template(...);
  2. 您正在将数组传递给模板(this.collection.toJSON()),但它需要一个具有vendors键的对象。使用

    var html = this.template({
        vendors: vendors
  3. 通过使用this.collection.toJSON(),您可以将Backbone模型集合转换为普通对象数组。这意味着您的模板无法使用模型的方法,但必须使用点符号:vendor.firstName而不是vendor.get('firstName')vendor.lastName而不是vendor.get('lastName')等等< / p>

  4. 最后,您已经将DOM节点传递给视图,您不需要渲染/追加/等。使用

    var vendorList = new SimpleVendor.Views.VendorsList({
        el : $('.section ul'),
        collection : vendors, 
        model : vendor
  5. 请参阅http://jsfiddle.net/vrqfeLa5/了解演示

    1 请注意,不建议立即将数据传递给_.template。您必须首先编译模板,然后使用它:_.template(source as string)(data)