Meteor wrapAsync可以工作,但在完成后重新启动服务器

时间:2015-04-18 21:40:34

标签: asynchronous meteor synchronous


代码位于我的MeteorPad demo以下。

var doAsyncIO = function (num, callback) {
  setTimeout( function () {
    // wrapAsync will use the following callback as the basis of returning results synchronously
    callback(null, 'This is delayed result #' + num );  // nodeJS form: cb(error,result)
  }, 2500);  // wait 2.5 seconds before returning result

// Now create a synchronous version of doAsyncIO that sleeps, not blocks
// so that the CPU can do other tasks while waiting for the result

var doSyncIO = Meteor.wrapAsync(doAsyncIO);

// Now call doSyncIO twice sequentially (not simultaneously)

console.log('\n*** Starting first call to doSyncIO');
var result1 = doSyncIO(1);
console.log('result1:', result1); 

// The following block runs after result1 is set (which is what I want)

console.log('\n*** Starting second call to doSyncIO');
var result2 = doSyncIO(2);
console.log('result2:', result2);

在代码更改后 后,控制台日志出现在终端上,终端说服务器没有提供任何理由重新启动,这让我想知道我的代码中是否有错误!


请随意发表评论或分叉MeteorPad demo,看看是否还有其他内容。

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