
时间:2015-04-18 20:50:51

标签: python pandas data-analysis


1283    2015-04-01 08:07:44.131768
1284    2015-04-01 08:08:02.752611
1285    2015-04-01 08:08:02.793380
1286    2015-04-01 08:07:53.910469
1287    2015-04-01 08:08:03.305893
1288    2015-04-01 08:07:44.843050
1289    2015-04-01 08:07:54.767203
1290    2015-04-01 08:08:03.965367
1291    2015-04-01 08:07:45.924854
1292    2015-04-01 08:07:55.408593
1293    2015-04-01 08:07:46.365128

class User(object):

    Properties and function related to each object.


        datetime: a list of hit timestamp for each user object
        deviceid: unique deviceid

    def __init__(self, User, device_id):
        self.datetime = pd.to_datetime(list(User['datetime']))
        self.deviceid = device_id
        self.avrgtime = 0.0
        avgtime.setdefault(self.deviceid, 1)

    def avg_duration(self):

        average duration b/w hits for each user.

        for i,time in enumerate(self.datetime[:-1]):
            self.avrgtime += abs(self.datetime[i+1] - time).total_seconds()
        avgtime[self.deviceid] = self.avrgtime/len(self.datetime)
            #avgtime[] = datetime.strptime(time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')


def eachdevice(gstore):
    count = 0
    for did in list(gstore['data'].drop_duplicates('device_id')['device_id']):

     auser = gstore.select('data', where="device_id == did")
     gamer = User(auser, did) 
     print count

#main workshore
if __name__ == '__main__':

        path = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])
        with pd.HDFStore('Gamer.h5') as gstore:

    except IndexError:
        print('\nPass path of the HDF5 file to be analyized...EXITING\n') 

到目前为止我正在做的是循环遍历每个unique_id并使用pandas dataframe为每个唯一ID选择查询日期时间。这将返回datetime对象的数据帧。我将其转换为list然后循环以计算两个时间戳之间的平均差异。 这种方法需要很多时间。有没有办法在使用熊猫时这样做?


编辑:在评论完所有计算部分后,我运行代码。我认为这个 auser = gstore.select('data',where =“device_id == did”)正在花时间。如何提高?任何替代或更好的方式? %timeit结果:1次循环,最佳3:13.3秒每循环1000次迭代。

编辑: 样本数据:

                           device_id                    datetime
0   c4be7e55d98914647c51329edc2ab734  2015-03-30 22:00:05.922317
1   05fed9f8e07c3cac457723286d36f621  2015-03-30 22:00:07.895672
2   783faeed9fe35a3f45b521b3a6667a2d  2015-03-30 22:00:05.529631
3   c2022ad838cec35bdb12fc3a6e2cf452  2015-03-30 21:59:59.043905
4   a8a04268ee0c22b26af59e053390cf6f  2015-03-30 22:00:14.248542
5   4e5ed16b44b9cd38c408859d1d241e2d  2015-03-30 22:00:02.391719
6   c0bfd3f9046855ffaaec4d99c367fd8c  2015-03-30 22:00:18.649193
7   95f1182c6e4d601ba0b20f5204168ecb  2015-03-30 22:00:13.629728
8   a85caa7e0a4a7d57e6330c083daff326  2015-03-30 22:00:08.340469
9   46cdbee963814cdb4e6a0ac0049b8fc6  2015-03-30 22:00:23.152820
10  3c8bf70679cd9c6f18aa52d06e0e181d  2015-03-30 22:00:17.619251
11  52bc4e3d9dc373d89ec31effe10e6f30  2015-03-30 22:00:11.591954
12  3477eb25e26b6bff0bfc6c3ee59a5f40  2015-03-30 22:00:25.745083
13  e7bf8ae864f2148831628a6f2e8e406e  2015-03-30 22:00:20.911568
14  a15af8faffd655a3e80f85840bbf3c2a  2015-03-30 22:00:19.017887
15  9d9f71f080c0cf478ec4117e78ff89ee  2015-03-30 22:00:28.435585
16  1633d88738316e3602890499b1f778b1  2015-03-30 22:00:24.108234
17  3362daf99f11541acbf45e70fdaf5f49  2015-03-30 22:00:24.512366
18  96c3c005eaaaa8d6af3f2443ca8f73df  2015-03-30 22:00:29.713550
19  002642b9ed495f84318fcb42557f53e1  2015-03-30 22:00:37.936647

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


>>> import pandas as pd
>>> data = pd.DataFrame({
...     'device_id': pd.np.random.randint(0, 100, 150000),
...     'datetime': pd.Series(pd.np.random.randint(1429449000, 1429649000, 150000) * 1E9).astype('datetime64[ns]')
... }).sort('datetime')
>>> data.head()
                  datetime  device_id
113719 2015-04-19 13:10:00         34
120323 2015-04-19 13:10:01         22
91342  2015-04-19 13:10:04          9
61170  2015-04-19 13:10:08         27
103748 2015-04-19 13:10:11         65


>>> groups = data.groupby('device_id')
>>> data.ix[groups.groups.get(34)].head()   # Get the data for device_id = 34
                  datetime  device_id
113719 2015-04-19 13:10:00         34
105761 2015-04-19 13:11:30         34
85903  2015-04-19 13:18:40         34
36395  2015-04-19 13:19:55         34
108850 2015-04-19 13:20:06         34


>>> def mean_diff(device_id):
...     return data['datetime'][groups.groups.get(device_id)].diff().mean()
>>> mean_diff(34)
Timedelta('0 days 00:02:14.470746')


In [68]: %timeit mean_diff(34)
100 loops, best of 3: 2.03 ms per loop


>>> time_diff = groups.apply(lambda df: df.datetime.diff().mean())
>>> time_diff.head()
0   00:02:12.871504
1   00:02:10.464099
2   00:02:09.550000
3   00:02:15.845003
4   00:02:14.642375
dtype: timedelta64[ns]


In [79]: %timeit groups.apply(lambda df: df.datetime.diff().mean())
10 loops, best of 3: 46.6 ms per loop

答案 1 :(得分:1)


device_ids = df.device_id.unique()
device_tdelta = {device: df.loc[df.device_id == device, 'datetime'].diff().mean() 
                         for device in df.device_id.unique()}


from pandas.tslib import NaT

device_seconds = {device: ts.total_seconds() 
                          if not isinstance(ts, pd.tslib.NaTType) 
                          else NaT 
                          for device, ts in device_tdelta.iteritems()}

如果datetime列是字符串形式,则第一个需要转换为Pandas Timestamps。

df.datetime = [pd.Timestamp(ts) for ts in df.datetime]