我正在尝试将此代码转换为while循环或do while循环。我不太了解对这个问题的最佳理解。有人可以帮忙吗?
Barking Lot是一个狗寄宿设施。它提供任何天数和登机 其他服务,如梳理和散步。 Barking Lot目前有三个 员工,40名狗客户名单,以及任何时候登上八只狗的空间。一个要求 程序必须能够估算一天的利润。该设施一次可以登上八只狗;它 对于体重超过50磅的狗每天收费25美元,对于小型犬每天收费20美元。该 设施的费用包括每只狗每天2美元的食物(无论狗的大小)和30美元 公用事业每天。为程序开发逻辑,并实现允许程序的程序 用户输入登上大型犬的数量;假设其余的都是小型犬而且那个 设施已满。产出是当天收取的总收入,总支出和 区别。允许用户一次请求无限数量的利润估算
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Bark {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner Scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
int x = 20;
int y = 25;
int Small = 0;
int Large = 0;
System.out.println("Enter number of small dogs: ");
Small = Scanner.nextInt();
System.out.println("Enter number of large dogs: ");
Large = Scanner.nextInt();
int Revenue = ((Small * x) + (Large * y));
int Food = ((Small + Large) * (2));
int Facility = 30;
int Expenses = (Food + Facility);
int Difference = (Revenue - Expenses);
if ((Small + Large) <= 8) {
System.out.println("Revenue is " + ((Small * x) + (Large * y)));
System.out.println("Expenses = " + (Food + Facility));
System.out.println("Difference = " + (Revenue - Expenses));
} else
System.out.println("The number of dogs has exceeded the facility limit.");
答案 0 :(得分:1)
不知道你想要循环的代码的确切部分(我的意思是你想要实现的结果)。所以我会留下一个编码风格的建议,这可能会在不久的将来帮助你! ; - )
// Comment your code. You are going to need it and avoid some people
// swearing at your code. :-)
// Always use first letter lowercase and other words in upper when
// programming in Java (variables, methods). Upper for classes.
int variableName = 0;
public class Bark { ... }
int final MY_CONSTANT = 0;
public void myMethod() { ... }
// Not good to use variables like "x". You will easily loose track of
// what they mean.
int valueOfSomething = 20;
public class Bark {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Declare variables
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
int valueSmall = 20;
int valueLarge = 25;
int small = 0;
int large = 0;
int quit = 0;
while (quit == 0) {
// Ask for user input
System.out.println("Enter number of small dogs: ");
small = scanner.nextInt();
System.out.println("Enter number of large dogs: ");
large = scanner.nextInt();
// Perform accountability
int revenue = ((small * valueSmall) + (large * valueLarge));
int food = ((small + large) * (2));
int facility = 30;
int expenses = (food + facility);
int difference = (revenue - expenses);
if ((small + large) <= 8) {
System.out.println("Revenue is " + revenue);
System.out.println("Expenses = " + expenses);
System.out.println("Difference = " + difference);
} else {
System.out.println("The number of dogs has exceeded the facility limit.");
// Ask if user wants to quit (No input validation!)
System.out.println("Quit? Enter 0 for NO or 1 for YES:");
quit = scanner.nextInt();
public class Bark {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Declare variables
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
int valueSmall = 20;
int valueLarge = 25;
int small = 0;
int large = 0;
while (small + large <= 8) {
// Ask for user input, notice I am accumulating using +=
System.out.println("Enter number of small dogs: ");
small += scanner.nextInt();
System.out.println("Enter number of large dogs: ");
large += scanner.nextInt();
// Perform accountability
int revenue = ((small * valueSmall) + (large * valueLarge));
int food = ((small + large) * (2));
int facility = 30;
int expenses = (food + facility);
int difference = (revenue - expenses);
// Print the report
System.out.println("Revenue is " + revenue);
System.out.println("Expenses = " + expenses);
System.out.println("Difference = " + difference);
// If number exceeds the limit, your loop breaks and you print the message.
System.out.println("The number of dogs has exceeded the facility limit.");
答案 1 :(得分:0)
看起来你想退出一次小+大&gt; 8,这应该是你的循环条件:
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Bark {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner Scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
int x = 20;
int y = 25;
int Small = 0;
int Large = 0;
while (Small + Large <= 8) {
System.out.println("Enter number of small dogs: ");
Small = Scanner.nextInt();
System.out.println("Enter number of large dogs: ");
Large = Scanner.nextInt();
int Revenue = ((Small * x) + (Large * y));
int Food = ((Small + Large) * (2));
int Facility = 30;
int Expenses = (Food + Facility);
int Difference = (Revenue - Expenses);
if ((Small + Large) <= 8) {
System.out.println("Revenue is " + ((Small * x) + (Large * y)));
System.out.println("Expenses = " + (Food + Facility));
System.out.println("Difference = " + (Revenue - Expenses));
System.out.println("The number of dogs has exceeded the facility limit.");
> javac Bark.java > java Bark Enter number of small dogs: 1 Enter number of large dogs: 2 Revenue is 70 Expenses = 36 Difference = 34 Enter number of small dogs: 4 Enter number of large dogs: 4 Revenue is 180 Expenses = 46 Difference = 134 Enter number of small dogs: 4 Enter number of large dogs: 5 The number of dogs has exceeded the facility limit.
答案 2 :(得分:0)
在我看来,你真正使用循环的唯一地方就是如上所述,当没有更多的空间登上狗时,或者因为问题说明了#34;允许用户请求无限制一次的利润估计数&#34; 对于那个,你只需指定一个关闭程序的变量。但是,如果您希望程序始终至少运行一次,那么在该情况下使用do-while循环可能会更好。对于以前的家伙回答,while循环就足够了,因为如果你已经有40只狗在登机时你不想运行它。
<强> ::::: EDIT ::::: 强> 阅读你的问题,很清楚你错过了原始答案中的一些内容。 它接近结束时首先关闭它只能进入大型犬,所以 SmallDogsBoarded = 8 - numberOfLargeDogsBoarded (但是我可能会将8变成一个变量,因此公司可以获得8只以上的狗未来),所以声明一个变量&#39; maxBoardedDogs = 8 &#39;因此 smallDogsBoarded = maxBoardedDogs - numberOfLargeDogsBoarded
print line to user 'enter number of large dogs boarded or '-1' to quit'
get numberOfLargeDogsBoarded
*/* say they enter something like a '-1' for quit, or a 47, in this case numberOfLargeDogsBoarded --MUST-- be somewhere between 0 and maxBoardedDogs (0-8 here) */*
if(numberofLargeDogsBoarded is valid){
calculate smallDogsBoarded(*explained above*)
calculate profits using a formula
prompt user to re-enter the numberOfLargeDogsBoarded as it wasnt -1 and it WASNT between 0-8
get user answer, calculate the profits.
}(while numberOfLargeDogsBoarded not equal to -1[our escape sequence])