Java Config SecurityBuilder的顺序

时间:2015-04-14 15:53:07

标签: java spring-security

我正在开发一个没有Spring Security 4.0.0的Java Config而不是xml配置的Web应用程序。我使用ObjectPostProcessor来自定义一些Spring Security的bean,特别是会话并发的bean(一旦用户再次登录就立即使会话失效,而不是Spring在下次请求时失效的标准行为)。





public class SecurityConfig extends AbstractCASWebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

    public SecurityConfig() {
        super(true, false, true);

    private Environment env;

    // we need a custom SessionRegistry as there's no way to get ahold of the one created by the configurer.
    public SessionRegistry sessionRegistry() {
        return new SessionRegistryImpl();

    // we need a custom HttpSessionCsrfTokenRepository as there's no way to get ahold of the one created by the configurer.
    public CsrfTokenRepository csrfTokenRepository() {
        return new HttpSessionCsrfTokenRepository();

    // our custom ConcurrentSessionControlAuthenticationStrategy that invalidates session immediately
    public SessionInvalidatingConcurrentSessionControlAuthenticationStrategy myConcurrentSessionControlAuthenticationListener()
        // we have to recreate the LogoutHandlers because we need to call them
        // before invalidating the session

        final LogoutHandler [] logoutHandlers = new LogoutHandler [] { 
                new CookieClearingLogoutHandler("JSESSIONID"),
                new CsrfLogoutHandler(csrfTokenRepository())
                //, new SecurityContextLogoutHandler() // seems to create problems with redirecting to the same page that caused the login request

        SessionInvalidatingConcurrentSessionControlAuthenticationStrategy mine = new SessionInvalidatingConcurrentSessionControlAuthenticationStrategy(sessionRegistry(), logoutHandlers);
        return mine;

    public void configure(WebSecurity web) throws Exception {

        boolean devMode = this.env.acceptsProfiles("development");

        final String [] ignoredPaths = devMode
            ? new String [] {"/webjars/**", "/static/**", "/bower_components/**" } 
            : new String [] {"/webjars/**", "/static/**" };


    protected void configure(final HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

                .maximumSessions(73467436)  // this is just to trigger the ConcurrencyControlConfigurer
                .withObjectPostProcessor(new ObjectPostProcessor<ConcurrentSessionControlAuthenticationStrategy>() {
                    public <O extends ConcurrentSessionControlAuthenticationStrategy> O postProcess(O concurrentSessionControlAS) {
                        // substitute the ConcurrentSessionControlAuthenticationStrategy created by 
                        // ConcurrencyControlConfigurer with our own

                        return (O) myConcurrentSessionControlAuthenticationListener();
            // we need to ignore the stomp endpoint to allow SockJS javascript client to issue POST requests
            // to /push/../../.. when using trasports which are not WebSocket;
            // at that time, protection is given by Stomp CSRF headers
            // allow same origin to frame our site to support iframe SockJS
                .antMatchers("/help/**").permitAll() // help redirects do not require authentication
                .antMatchers("/push/info").permitAll() // do not require being authenticated for the /info request by SockJS
            // remove the session cookie when logging out
                .deleteCookies("JSESSIONID") // see:




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