While (r = min(supply, demand)) {
oa = Pul;
ob = Pll;
While {true} {
nondetermistic choice;
If (a buyer submits a bid:) {
If (bid = ob or out of [Pll, Pul]) {
bid is an invalid bid;
} else {
bid updates ob and becomes a new ob;
If (ob = oa) {
Pt = oa;
The round is ended;
} ElseIf (a seller submits an ask:) {
If (ask = oa or out of [Pll, Pul]) {
ask is an invalid ask;
} else {
ask updates oa and becomes a new oa;
If (ob = oa) {
Pt = ob;
The round is ended;
} Else (time out:) {
If (no new oa or ob in a pre-specified time period) {
The round is ended with no transaction;
end nondetermistic choice ;
r = r + 1;