section .data
num: dw 0x1,0x2, 0x4, 0xFF, 0xFE, 0xFA, 0x7, 0x9, 0x8, 0xFD
.length: equ $-num
max: dw 0
section .text
global _start
mov rbx, num.length ; size in bytes of numbers
shr rbx, 1 ; divided by two (2 bytes in one word) gives number of integers
mov rsi, num ; start of integer list
cld ; D flag should be zero, make zero just to be sure
mov rcx, rbx ; move number of integers in RCX (= loop counter)
lodsw ; load word in ax
cmp rcx, rbx ; is it first number in list?
je firstMax ; yes, min and max are both the same at this point
cmp ax, word[max] ; not the first number in the list compare with maximum
jg newMax ; if greater than current max then ax has new maximum (use jg for signed integers else use ja)
cmp ax, word[min] ; not greater, lower perhaps?
jl newMin ; yes, ax has new minimum (use jl for signed integers else use jb)
loop repeat ; if RCX isn't zero then there are more integers in the list, so repeat loop
jmp Exit ; otherwise we exit the program, WORD[min] has minimum from list, WORD[max] has the maximum from the list
firstMinMax: ;
mov word[max], ax ; store first max
mov word[max], ax ; store (new or first) maximum
jmp next ; check for next integer
mov word[min], ax ; store new minimum
jmp next ; check for next integer