
时间:2015-04-11 08:02:44

标签: cassandra cassandra-2.0 datastax-java-driver

如何使用datastax Java对象映射将the example given here映射到下面的类?

public class User {
    private int user;
    private int balance;

    private List<Bill> bills;

public class Bill {
    private String description;
    private int amount;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


为了方便并仍然使用Mapper,您可以使用Accessor-annotated interface来定义查询并将它们映射回您的对象。然后,您可以使用mapper对象和其他一些方法创建一个数据访问对象,以便与Cassandra连接。

这需要一些工作,但我认为它为您提供了一个很好的清洁方法,可以将您的解决方案从Cassandra中抽象出来,同时仍然以惯用的方式使用它。另一个选择是查看Achilles,它是Cassandra的一个更高级的对象持久性管理器。 KunderaSpring Data是其他可能的选择。


  CREATE TABLE bills (
     user text,
     balance int static,
     expense_id int,
     amount int,
     description text,
     paid boolean,
     PRIMARY KEY (user, expense_id)



public class Bill {

    private String user;

    private int balance;

    private int expenseId;

    private int amount;

    private String description;

    private boolean paid;

    public String getUser() {
        return user;

    public void setUser(String user) {
        this.user = user;

    public int getBalance() {
        return balance;

    public void setBalance(int balance) {
        this.balance = balance;

    public int getExpenseId() {
        return expenseId;

    public void setExpenseId(int expenseId) {
        this.expenseId = expenseId;

    public int getAmount() {
        return amount;

    public void setAmount(int amount) {
        this.amount = amount;

    public String getDescription() {
        return description;

    public void setDescription(String description) {
        this.description = description;

    public boolean isPaid() {
        return paid;

    public void setPaid(boolean paid) {
        this.paid = paid;


public interface BillAccessor {

    @Query("INSERT INTO bills (user, balance) VALUES (?, ?) IF NOT EXISTS")
    BoundStatement addUser(String user, int balance);

    @Query("UPDATE bills SET balance = :newBalance WHERE user = :user IF balance = :currentBalance")
    BoundStatement updateBalance(@Param("user") String user, @Param("currentBalance") int currentBalance,
                            @Param("newBalance") int newBalance);

    @Query("SELECT balance from bills where user=?")
    ResultSet getBalance(String user);

    @Query("INSERT INTO bills (user, expense_id, amount, description, paid) values (?, ?, ?, ?, false) IF NOT EXISTS")
    BoundStatement addBill(String user, int expenseId, int amount, String description);

    @Query("UPDATE bills set paid=true where user=? and expense_id=? IF paid=false")
    BoundStatement markBillPaid(String user, int expenseId);

    @Query("SELECT * from bills where user=?")
    Result<Bill> getBills(String user);


public class BillDao {

    private final Session session;

    private final Mapper<Bill> mapper;

    private final BillAccessor accessor;

    public BillDao(Session session) {
        this.session = session;
        MappingManager manager = new MappingManager(session);
        this.mapper = manager.mapper(Bill.class);
        this.accessor = manager.createAccessor(BillAccessor.class);

    public Integer getBalance(String user) {
        ResultSet result = accessor.getBalance(user);
        Row row = result.one();
        if(row == null) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return row.getInt(0);

    public Iterable<Bill> getBills(String user) {
        return accessor.getBills(user);

    public Bill getBill(String user, int expenseId) {
        return mapper.get(user, expenseId);

    public int addBill(String user, int expenseId, int amount, String description) throws UpdateException {
        BatchStatement batch = new BatchStatement();

        Integer balance = getBalance(user);
        if (balance == null) {
            balance = 0;
            // we need to create the user.
            batch.add(accessor.addUser(user, balance - amount));
        } else {
            // we need to update the users balance.
            batch.add(accessor.updateBalance(user, balance, balance - amount));
        batch.add(accessor.addBill(user, expenseId, amount, description));
        ResultSet result = session.execute(batch);

        if (result.wasApplied()) {
            return balance - amount;
        } else {
            throw new UpdateException("Failed applying bill, conditional update failed.");

    public int payForBill(Bill bill) throws UpdateException {
        Integer balance = getBalance(bill.getUser());
        if(balance == null) {
            throw new UpdateException("Failed paying for bill, user doesn't exist!");
        BatchStatement batch = new BatchStatement();
        batch.add(accessor.updateBalance(bill.getUser(), balance, bill.getAmount() + balance));
        batch.add(accessor.markBillPaid(bill.getUser(), bill.getExpenseId()));

        ResultSet result = session.execute(batch);

        if(result.wasApplied()) {
            return bill.getAmount() + balance;
        } else {
            throw new UpdateException("Failed paying for bill, conditional update failed.");

    public class UpdateException extends Exception {
        public UpdateException(String msg) {



Cluster cluster = Cluster.builder().addContactPoint("").build();
try {
    Session session = cluster.connect("readtest");
    BillDao billDao = new BillDao(session);

    String user = "chandru";

    // Create a bill, should exercise user create logic.
    int balance = billDao.addBill(user, 1, 10, "Sandwich");
    System.out.format("Bill %s/%d created, current balance is %d.%n", user, 1, balance);

    // Create another bill, should exercise balance update logic.
    balance = billDao.addBill(user, 2, 6, "Salad");
    System.out.format("Bill %s/%d created, current balance is %d.%n", user, 2, balance);

    // Pay for all the bills!
    for(Bill bill : billDao.getBills(user)) {
        balance = billDao.payForBill(bill);
        System.out.format("Paid for %s/%d, current balance is %d.%n", user, bill.getExpenseId(), balance);

        // Ensure bill was paid.
        Bill newBill = billDao.getBill(user, bill.getExpenseId());
        System.out.format("Is %s/%d paid for?: %b.%n", user, newBill.getExpenseId(), newBill.isPaid());

    // Try to add another bill with an already used expense id.
    try {
        billDao.addBill(user, 1, 1, "Diet Coke");
    } catch(BillDao.UpdateException ex) {
        System.err.format("Could not add bill %s/%d: %s", user, 1, ex.getMessage());

} finally {


Bill chandru/1 created, current balance is -10.
Bill chandru/2 created, current balance is -16.
Paid for chandru/1, current balance is -6.
Is chandru/1 paid for?: true.
Paid for chandru/2, current balance is 0.
Is chandru/2 paid for?: true.
Could not add bill chandru/1: Failed applying bill, conditional update failed.


cqlsh:readtest> select * from bills;

 user    | expense_id | balance | amount | description | paid
 chandru |          1 |       0 |     10 |    Sandwich | True
 chandru |          2 |       0 |      6 |       Salad | True